The Motivation for Video Viewing in Blended Learning (original) (raw)
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Video-based Blended Learning Practice in Master Studies
Artificial Intelligence and Applications / 794: Modelling, Identification and Control / 795: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks / 796: Software Engineering / 792: Web-based Education, 2013
Challenges for an organizer of modern education can be met with the help of blended learning. There can be many different starting points and motivations for it. One way to arrange blended learning is to realize it using lecture videos alongside with face-to-face teaching. In Master Studies in Mathematical Information Technology at the Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, the flexibility to participate in education has been increased with the help of lecture videos produced of face-to-face teaching for many years. For each lecture, the students of the degree program can select the best possible way to participate in the education and in a manner that suits to their current life situation. This paper describes a strong video-based practice that has taken root in the masters' program. The paper examines the importance of videos for study participation and considers, from the viewpoint of participation, the changes that videos have brought with them.
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in the world of education innovation is needed to improve the quality of education. Especially in increasingly rapid technological developments. The use of technology in the education sector makes the quality of education increasingly developed. In this study the authors made an online analytical medium that was used to test students' understanding of the lessons taught. By applying an online test at the end of the meeting. This application proves the level of ability of students in real and real time. This multimedia application also provides results directly to the participants. So that they can find out the results of their competency test directly
From face-to-face to blended learning using ICT
This study examines the development of the education model created in connection with the Master Studies in Mathematical Information Technology. The model has developed from the first stage, where there was only face-to-face teaching supported with Learning Management System, to a stage where studying is possible also fully in online and students may choose themselves how much to take advantage of technology in their studies. The examination of the development of the education model is made from the viewpoints of accessibility, increased role of technology and interaction. In earlier studies, the education model has been evaluated for example from the viewpoints of changes in the participation rate and learning results, and the results have been positive. These viewpoints, in addition to describing the development path, will be highlighted in this study.
The use of blended learning in higher education settings has been increasing over the years. It is acknowledged by Williams and Williams (2009) that the application for bachelor's and master's education has been on a rise. Blended learning itself is defined as the incorporation between technology and pedagogical practice. According to O'Connor, Mortimer and Bond (2011), blended learning is a mix between the traditional and new educational approaches in which course materials are supplemented through computer and online-based learning. Garrison and Kanuka (2004) simply state that blended learning is a combination of face-to-face teaching and online learning experience. The use of the approach varies in higher education and provides diverse benefits. It could be illustrated by the utility of video communication technology (Smyth, 2011), cutting-mobile systems (Shen, Wang and Pan, 2008) to web delivery course materials (Macedo-Rouet, Ney, Charles & Lallich-Boidin, 2009). Studies present convincing evidence of the benefits of blended learning. It offers flexibility as stated by Chung and Davis (1995 as cited in Lim & Moris, 2009) that students have a preference in choosing course resources and instructional process and time flexibility. The combination of time and cost-effectiveness reflects in the approach as well. Lothridge, Fox and Fynan (2013) note that as there are a funding limitation and advanced technology, it is vital to ensure learning material is reacmore hable faster and affordable. Moreover, students do attain an advantage of blended learning application in university. Smyth (2011) presents a new model of blended learning on the use of video communication technology encouraging constructive and transformative learning. In the perspective of university students, blended learning appears to be supportive. Drawing from the view of 1431 students, López-Pérez, Pérez-López and Rodríguez-Ariza (2011) affirm that the application of blended learning has encouraging benefits in the dropout number decrease and improving students' grade. Through content reception utilities, students are able to take part in the broadcast, asking questions, make a recommendation and receive direct interaction from tutors by Using cutting-mobile system (Shen et al., 2008). Despite the presented benefits and positive impacts, however, blended learning draws few drawbacks in its application in higher education. Minimum interaction between students and
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Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up
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[PDF]A Blended Learning Experience
Blended (hybrid) learning is one of the approaches that is utilized to help students for meaningful learning via information and communication technologies in educational settings. In this study, Computer II Course which is taught in faculties of education was planned and implemented in the form of a blended learning environment. The data were collected from freshman students of departments of mathematics and primary school education via a semi-structured survey which included open and closed-ended questions at the end of the implementation. The students were taking the course for the first time, and they were introduced with a blended learning environment for the first time with this course. The survey was conducted online and 67 students completed the survey voluntarily, and the data were subjected to content analysis. According to the results, implementing the course especially with electronic activities had positive effects on students from a learning and evaluation perspective. Students stated that the blended learning environment supported their active participation to the course activities and indicated that following the content of the course, homework and projects online was interesting and useful.
L'ús del vídeo en la formació de mestres s'ha fet servir a les classes de llengua per proporcionar als alumnes textos genuïns que constituïssin estímul comunicatius reals, en les tutories de pràctiques s'ha emprat com a eina per facilitar als alumnes l'oportunitat de reflexionar sobre la seva actuació a l'aula, i en les classes de didàctica ha estat un mitjà per relacionar la teoria i la pràctica. Amb l'evolució de les noves tecnologies, els usos del vídeo no canvien (veure Masats, Sormunen & Hacklin (2007) per conèixer quin és l'estat de la qüestió entorn l'ús del vídeo en la formació de mestres), però sí que ho fa la manera en què es visualitzen i es reflexiona sobre allò que es mostra en el vídeo, ja que ambdós processos deixen d'estar vinculats a docència exclusivament presencial. L'objectiu d'aquesta comunicació és el de presentar una experiència d'aula en la que es fa servir la metodologia de l'estudi de casos documentats en vídeo (en format CD o online) combinada amb l'ús de les noves tecnologies per tal de presentar als alumnes exemples reals d'aula que els permetin adquirir coneixements teorico-pràctics vinculats a l'ensenyament d'una llengua estrangera a l'aula. Defensarem una metodologia basada en el blended-learning, ja que la nostra experiència ens demostra que la comunicació asincrònica (a través de la participació en fòrums creats dins d'una plataforma educativa virtual) i la visualització online de fragments de classes contribueix positivament a l'adquisició de nous coneixements per parts dels alumnes, però que al mateix temps, cap dels dos processos es poden deixar de banda en les sessions presencials si veritablement volem formar mestres reflexius. ABSTRACT The use of videos in teacher training programmes has served various purposes: in language courses, videos have provided trainees with authentic texts which serve as stimuli to enhance real communication in a formal setting; in the tutorial sessions linked to the school placement practices, videos have been used as tools to help student-teachers reflect upon their performance in class and in Language Methodology courses, videos establish links between theory and practice. However, with the evolution of the so-called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) videos have not served new purposes (see Masats, Sormunen
Blended (hybrid) learning is one of the approaches that is utilized to help students for meaningful learning via information and communication technologies in educational settings. In this study, Computer II Course which is taught in faculties of education was planned and implemented in the form of a blended learning environment. The data were collected from freshman students of departments of mathematics and primary school education via a semi-structured survey which included open and closed-ended questions at the end of the implementation. The students were taking the course for the first time, and they were introduced with a blended learning environment for the first time with this course. The survey was conducted online and 67 students completed the survey voluntarily, and the data were subjected to content analysis. According to the results, implementing the course especially with electronic activities had positive effects on students from a learning and evaluation perspective. Students stated that the blended learning environment supported their active participation to the course activities and indicated that following the content of the course, homework and projects online was interesting and useful.
Temporal Differences in Participation Modes in Video-Based Blended Learning Practice
In traditionally organized education, the education provider also determines the teaching schedules. Education in accordance with the blended model and based on videos can be realized, when so wished, in such a way that the student will be free to decide about his/her time use. In this kind of environment students can still study in accordance with the proposed pedagogical model at a pace determined by lecture sessions so that the previous lecture is always seen before the next face-to-face teaching session. Study can also completely adapted to one's own pace. In this case, the student watches the lecture videos before an exam, not worrying about the pace of face-to-face teaching. This research examines, with the help of temporal classification of participation modes, students' participation and the effects of the participation mode on learning outcomes in an environment based on videos and in line with the blended model. The learning outcomes are examined from the viewpoint...