Penggunaan Mol Bonggol Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca) sebagai Dekomposer untuk Pengomposan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (original) (raw)
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Analisis Efektifitas Penggunaan Mol Bonggol Pisang Dan Mol Sisa Nasi Pada Pembuatan Kompos
Ruwa Jurai: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2021
Indonesia salah satu negara berkembang dengan besarnya populasi penduduk dan perkembangan aktifitas yang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Sehingga sampah yang dihasilkan tidak sebanding dengan pengolahan yang ada. Pengelolaan sampah yang tidak baik selain mengganggu pemandangan dan lingkungan juga dapat berimbas pada kesehatan. Penelitian ini menganalisis efektifitas MOL bonggol pisang dan MOL sisa nasi pada pembuatan kompos.Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen dengan membuat kompos dari sampah organik rumah tangga dengan menggunakan MOL bonggol pisang dan MOL sisa nasi sebagai starter. Kualitas kompos dinilai dari suhu, pH, kadar air, dan C/N Ratio. Sedangkan efektifitas dinilai dari lama waktu pematangan kompos. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji T dan ANOVA pada alpha=0,05.Pada perlakuan dengan MOL bonggol pisang, diperoleh rata-rata suhu=26,6oC, pH=7,3, dan kadar air=42,9%. Menggunakan MOL sisa nasi, rata-rata suhu=26,6, pH=6,9, dan kadar air=49,5. Nilai C/N Ratio pada MOL ...
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2019
One of the main problem in palm plantations during the rejuvenations is the utilization of palm oil waste especially the palm trunks that reaching 220 m3/hectare. Based on that reason, we need a method of utilizing it that can increase the value from palm oil waste, not just for the benefits of oil palm farmers but also for the environment. Palm oil waste has the potential to become the raw material for making organic fertilizer (compost), it has a high nutrient content and can improve the quality of the fertilizer produced. The objective of this research was to produce a bio-fertilizer with a high quality based on the proper standards. This research was conducted in two stages including the produce of local microorganism (MOL) from banana stem and the composting stage. The composition of local microorganism materials was banana stem: cattle urine: coconut water: brown sugar with the raio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The composting stage was started after all materials were chopped and stirred ...
Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dengan penambahan Kotoran Sapi dan Berbagai Bioaktivator
Palm oil processing in addition to producing the main products of Curve Palm Oil (CPO) and core oil will also produce 46.5% of which will produce solid waste, in the form of empty bunches, curved, palm mud and fiber. One solution to overcome this waste is by making empty fruit bunches into organic fertilizer. Oil palm empty fruit bunches are difficult to decompose, because OPEFB consists mainly of 45.9% cellulose and 22.8% lignin, which is difficult to decompose. Various ways to accelerate decomposition by adding organic material (cow dung) and Bioctivator. This research was conducted to obtain the optimal composition between empty bunches and cow dung as compost material with various bioactivators. This research was conducted with a completely randomized design factorial with 3 repetitions, treatment of a combination of the ratio of OPEFB and Cow Dung. 100%OPEFB + 0% Cattle Dung, 90%OPEFB + 10% Cattle Dung, 70 % OPEFB + 30% Cattle Dung, 60% OPEFB + 40% Cattle Dung, with facto...
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, 2021
The present study was to evaluate nutrition of tempeh made from banana tuber as soybean substituted. The soy beans and banana tuber were soak in 2% of chitosan as preservative before being mixed. Three formulations of soybean and banana tuber mixture: 70%+30% (TB1); 60%+40% (TB2) and 50%+50% (TB3), were established. For each formulations the parameter were evaluated: water content, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber and pH. The result of three formulas analysis will compare with the control (100% soybeans). The water content from three formulas were under Indonesia’s National Standard for tempeh (3144:2015), it was more than 65%. The substitution soybean with banana tuber was not influence of ash content compared with the control. Otherwise the protein were decrease in the three formulas. The lowest percentage of fat is showed in TB3. The best carbohydrate result was obtained in TB3. The highest percentage of fiber was obtained in TB3. The pH was decreased in three formulas. In ...
Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Tandan Buah Kosong Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Pulp
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman
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Journal Health Applied Science and Technology
Composting is a method of organic waste management that aims to reduce and change the composition of waste into useful products. Composting naturally takes 2-6 months so it is necessary to use a bioactivator to speed up the decomposition process. This study used a banana weevil bioactivator as a source of local microorganisms because the nutritional content in banana weevil is a food source so that microbes develop well. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the banana weevil bioactivator in the composting process of rice husk waste at the rice mill in Pelabuhan Dalam Village, Pemulutan Ogan Ilir District. This research was conducted from April to June 2023. The research design used a descriptive method, by observing the changes in the rice husk waste compost until it was ripe including several concentrations of the banana weevil bioactivator used, namely 50 ml, 60 ml, 70 ml, 80 ml, 90 ml and 100 ml. as well as temperature, humidity, and color control. The resul...