中性子の産業利用と大強度陽子加速器J-PARC(2) (original) (raw)
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生体用準安定 β 型 Ti-5Fe-3Nb-3Zr 合金の機械的強度と生体親和性
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, 2012
Ti 29Nb 13Ta 4.6Zr (TNTZ) is a very attractive material for biomedical applications because of its low Young's modulus. However, this alloy contains a certain amount of rare metals elements. In this study, Ti Fe Nb Zr system alloys were developed by substituting Fe for Ta as the low cost b stabilizer, and the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of these alloys were investigated forˆve diŠerent compositions through thermo mechanical treatments. The micro Vickers hardness of the Ti Fe Nb Zr system alloy decreases with Fe addition up to 7 mol because of the suppression of the v phase precipitate. Subsequently, it increases by further Fe addition due to solid solution strengthening. Ti 5Fe 3Nb 3Zr (Ti 5 3 3) subjected to solution treatment (ST) shows the lowest Young's modulus among the other composition. In addition, the tensile strength of Ti 5 3 3 subjected to ST is higher than those of the annealed Ti 6Al 4V ELI and TNTZ subjected to ST. The specimens of the alloy implanted in the femoral epicondyle of rabbit are surrounded by new bone tissue formed with direct contact after 24 and 48 weeks from the implantation. It is considered that Ti 5 3 3 has relatively good biocompatibility with contact osteo genesis as compared with those of Ti 6Al 4V ELI and SUS316L stainless steel.
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