Influence of Selected Organic Manures on Soil Health and Yield Sustainability of Western Himalaya Vegetable Production Systems (original) (raw)

Effect of Organic Manures and Biofertilizers on the Productivity of Tomato and Bell Pepper under Mid-Hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh

Article History Correspondence to Keywords Manuscript No. IJEP5 A field study on the effect of organic manures and biofertilizers was conducted on the farmer field during the years (2009-10) and (2010-11). Heem Sohna, Rakshita, Naveen+2000 and Sun Seed 7711 varieties of tomato and K. Sel, California Wonder, Indra and Dollar varieties of capsicum were taken for the present studies. Farm Yard Manure (FYM) at the rate of 30 tones per hectare and vermicompost (VC) at the rate of 6 tones per hectares treated with Tichoderma viridi at the rate of 500 gm/2 tones of manures were made at the time of field preparation and during different stages of growth. In conventional treatment recommended doses of fertilizers and FYM were applied. In chemical treatments only recommended fertilizer dosages were used. The spacing adopted in tomato was 60×30 cm and 45×30 cm in capsicum. The highest yield of 134.4 tones/hectare in case of tomato variety Rakshita and 65.0 tones/ hectare in capsicum variety Dollar were recorded in conventional system whereas the corresponding figures were slightly less in organic system of cultivation. However, the yields in both the crops were drastically reduced under chemical cultivation. The fruit quality attributes were marginally higher in organic system of cultivation and the crop longevity was also noted to be prolonged to the considerable extent. *

Studies on impact of organic manures on soil secondary and micro nutrients following two year vegetable cropping pattern (Okra-Dhaincha-Broccoli)

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020

A study was conducted at Organic Farming Research Centre of SKUAST -Jammu to find out the impact of organic manures on soil secondary and micro nutrients following two-year vegetable cropping pattern. Significant results were obtained in Iron with highest value 32.69 kg ha-1 observed in T8 in okra and 33.68 kg ha-1 in broccoli. No significant changes were observed in Exchangeable calcium and Magnesium, Total Nitrogen and in DTPA Copper, Zinc and Manganese in this two-year experiment, however it is possible that after a certain period of time change can be noticed in certain secondary and micro-nutrient availability.

Influence of Organic Manures on Soil Physical Properties, Organic Carbon and Crop Yield in Okra-Dhaincha-broccoli Cropping Sequence

International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry

A study was conducted at Organic Farming Research Centre of SKUAST -Jammu during 2016 to 2017 to find out the impact of organic manures on soil organic carbon, physical and crop growth parameters Okra-Dhaincha-Broccoli cropping sequence. The Soil Organic Carbon was analyzed by Chromic acid wet digestion method. However, in soil physical properties Bulk density was analyzed by Core method, water holding capacity by Keen Rackzowski Method and Infiltration rate by Double Ring Method. In the experiment, soil organic carbon was found non-significant in experiment. Bulk density was found to be significant in year 2016 and 2017 as very captivating change was observed as compared to control; T8 as the lowest value treatment with value 1.26 g cm-3 was recorded. Water holding capacity was found to be significant in year 2016 and 2017 as very positive change was observed as compared to control as WHC with highest value 43.68% was noted in T8 in 2017. Infiltration rate was also found to be sign...

Decreased Organic Manure Application in Kathmandu Valley Vegetable Fields Threatens the Soil Productivity

Kathmandu valley is one of the fertile lands in Nepal with higher productivity. Organic manure application was the main soil fertility management method among ancestors. However, in the past few decades, availability of organic manure has dropped off and has become a commercial commodity. Therefore, a study was conducted to document current nutrient management practices among peri-urban vegetable farmers and to determine the soil fertility status in Kathmandu valley vegetable fields. Questionnaire survey and soil analysis was performed to gather the information. Results showed that organic manure application practice was fallen (only 60 percent respondents) and rate of application was very less (890 kg ha-1 ). Despite this fact, soil fertility status was maintained except available potassium content. Reduction in organic manure application has resulted into decline in the soil available potassium content. For environment friendly sustainable agriculture, Kathmandu valley farmer shou...

Long-term effects of organic manure and inorganic fertilization on sustainability and chemical soil quality indicators of soybean-wheat cropping system in the Indian mid-Himalayas

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018

A field experiment was accompanied to scrutinize the effect of long-term (21-year) mineral and organic manure fertilizer treatments on carbon mineralization, glomalin related soil protein and some microbial characteristics of arable soils in Indian mid-Himalaya. The experiment was initiated in 1995 includes six treatments: Control, N 120, NPK, FYM, N + FYM and NPK + FYM. Long-term chemical fertilization has been reported to negative effects on soil biological properties, however, the impact of combined use of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil biological properties and its relationship remains poorly understood. Results showed that integrated use of organic and inorganic (NPK + FYM) for 21 years significantly increased in carbon mineralization, easily extractable glomalin related soil protein (EEGRSP) and total glomalin related soil protein (TGRSP). Soil microbial indices (microbial quotient: qMIC, microbial metabolic quotient: qCO 2 and metabolic potential: MP) were enhanced in the NPK + FYM treatment as compared to rest of the treatments. The activities of seven enzymes, viz. dehydrogenase (DHA), β-glucosidase (β-GA), invertase (IA), acid phosphatase (Acid-PA), alkaline phosphatase (Alkaline-PA), arylsulphatase (ASA) and urease activity (UA) were significantly influenced by the application of NPK + FYM as compared rest of treatments. Soil fertilization with NPK and FYM was significantly higher fluorescein diacetate assay (FDA) activity as compared to other treatments. Soil microbial properties had strong positive correlation with qMIC, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil organic carbon (SOC), while qCO 2 had negative correlation under both soil layers. Results showed that the 21-year fertilization experiment clearly indicated that NPK + FYM embodied the best management practice (BMPs) for soil biological sustainability and for sustainable food production.

Effect of different organic manure on soil biological properties in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2022

A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2016-2017 to find out effect of different organic manure on soil biological activity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) at Instructional Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan). Results indicated that addition of different organic manure significantly increase the microbial population in chickpea. Vermicompost 2 t ha-1 recorded significantly higher bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes population in the soil at harvest compared to other organic manure treatments. Among liquid organic manures, application of panchagavya 3 per cent had recorded significantly higher bacterial, fungi and actinomycetes count in soil as compared to other treatments. Interaction effect between organic manure and liquid organic manures, application of vermicompost 2 t ha-1 with panchagavya 3 per cent had recorded significantly higher fungi count as compared to other treatments.

Response of organic manures on post harvest and soil nutrient restoration on cauliflower production

Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 2018

This study was conducted at Ilam Municipality-2, Nepal to determine the response of organic manures on post harvest and nutrient restorative effect of cauliflower. Five manures, viz., bansoon, mustard oil cake, poultry manure, farmyard manure, and vermi-compost were evaluated. The postharvest losses, vitamin C content and soil nutrient restorative behavior were significantly highest with vermi-compost as compared to other manures. The maximum vitamin C content of 10.92 mg/100 gm was found with vermi-compost whereas the lowest of 9.66 mg/100 gm was found at farmyard manure. Moreover, the physiological losses were found to be least with vermi compost and the most with bansoon manure. Moreover, the restorative properties i.e. pH, N,P,K and organic %age were found to be significantly highest with vermi-compost as compared to other organic manures. This study concludes that vermi compost increases vitamin C content, postharvest longevity and improvement of physical and chemical propertie...

Sustainability of Popcorn-Potato Cropping System Improves Due to Organic Manure Application and Its Effect on Soil Health

Potato Research, 2019

For nutrient management in a cropping system, one needs to know the residual effect of organics on the succeeding crops. The work was carried out for better understanding the impact of different organic manures on the popcorn-potato cropping system which is common in many regions of India. To assess the effect of recommended N rates applied as inorganic fertilizers (IF), farmyard manure (FYM), leaf compost (LC) and vermicompost (VC) on soil health and productivity in popcorn-potato cropping system, field experiments were conducted for two consecutive years. Application of IF significantly improved crop growth and yield in popcorn but had a detrimental effect on soil health. Whole N (120 kg N ha −1) applied through FYM boosted growth and yield leading to 48.3% and 15.6% higher system productivity over control and inorganic N application, respectively. FYM equivalent to 120 kg N ha −1 also significantly improved the soil fertility in terms of residual available soil N, P and K, soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil carbon stocks in popcorn-potato system. Further, the application of organic manures, particularly FYM (equivalent to 120 kg N ha −1) increased SOC over initial values by 23.8% and 35.8% during 2008-09 and 2009-10, respectively. A multiple correlation analysis (R SY.NPKSOC = 0.87; p < 0.001) showed that SOC and available forms of N, P and K significantly influenced the system yield. Regression analysis clearly indicated that system productivity was positively correlated with available soil nutrients. The application of organic manure also improved microbial populations (bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes), soil microbial carbon biomass (SMCB), dehydrogenase activity and soil bulk density (BD). The latter effect was not observed when inorganic fertilizers were applied. A FYM application rate equivalent to 120 kg N ha −1 to popcorn and 60 kg N ha −1 to potato resulted in maximum system productivity and profitability in terms of highest gross and net returns and cost:benefit ratio. The beneficial effect of applying organic manures in the cropping system was due to the improvement of soil health by addition of organic manure and easy supply of other plant nutrients.

Impact of farm yard manure on cropping cycle in a rainfed agroecosystem of Central Himalaya

Crops, livestock and forests are interlinked components of Central Himalayan agro-ecosystems. Traditionally, farm yard manure is produced from forest leaf litter and excreta of livestock obtaining > 50% feed from forests. Chemical fertilizers are not used in rainfed farms on slopes. Experiments were conducted to test whether increase in FYM input rates results improvement in economic and environmental functions of agro-ecosystems. Increase in FYM input rate from 30 t/ha/crop-season currently practiced by farmers to 60 t/ha/crop-season showed substantial increase in crop yield and soil quality. Rice and wheat were more responsive to FYM input than the legume black gram. Harvest index is maximum for 60 t/ha/crop-season FYM treatment for rice and wheat. In blackgram maximum harvest index was obtained when no FYM was provided. During the 3 years of study, soil pH decreased (becoming more acidic) as compared to that recorded at the start of the study. Soil organic carbon generally dec...

Effect of organic manures on soil and quality parameters of cowpea[Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] under middle Gujarat conditions

Agricultural Science Digest - A Research Journal, 2016

An experiment was carried out on loamy sand soil to evaluate the effect of organic manures (farmyard manure, vermicompost, poultry manure, neem cake and castor cake) on soil and quality parameters of cowpea during summer season of 2014. Nine treatments were tried out in randomized block design with four replications. Recommended Dose Fertilizer (RDF) i.e. 20-40-0 NPK kg ha-1 recorded significantly higher chlorophyll content of leaves at 60 DAS and crude protein content in green seed over rest of the treatments except, vermicompost 2 t ha-1 and poultry manure 2 t ha-1. Soil chemical parameters viz., Organic Carbon (OC), EC, available N, P2O5 and K2O were found to be affected significantly due to different treatments. Higher OC content after harvest of the crop was reported under treatment Poultry manure 2 t ha-1. Whereas, treatment vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1 recorded significantly reduction in EC over control, however, different treatments failed to exert their significant influence on ...