The effects of estuarine wetlands on flood losses associated with storm surge (original) (raw)
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The impact of tidal flooding on a coastal community in Semarang, Indonesia
The Environmentalist, 2008
The article presents household vulnerability, local community adaptive capacity, and government’s response to tidal flood hazard in the Semarang coastal area, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Using data gathered from a survey of households, the study revealed a number of important factors about the interaction between people and flood. The coastal community has been experiencing problems related to tidal floods. They have adapted to tidal flooding with structural measures, such as increasing the floor level, making small dams in front of houses, increasing yard and street levels in the neighborhood area, and creating dykes around residential areas. Tidal flood mitigation in the Semarang coastal area should incorporate governmental action and local community capacities for proper protection of the population.
Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Banjir di Kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Maros
Urban and Regional Studies Journal, 2021
Kawasan perkotaan di Kabupaten Maros dilalui oleh Sungai Maros. Aliran Sungai Maros mengalir menuju Selat Makassar dan merupakan muara bagi sungai-sungai lain di bagian hulu. Sungai Maros yang melalui kawasan perkotaan memiliki daerah aliran sungai yang sangat rentan untuk dialihfungsikan. Pertumbuhan alih fungsi lahan non terbangun menjadi terbangun secara fakta marak terjadi pada kawasan daerah aliran sungai Maros. Kawasan daerah aliran sungai yang terbanguni berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan ekologis dan hidrologis yang berdampak pada terjadinya banjir karena berkurangnya lahan resapan air serta berubahnya morfologi daerah aliran sungai. Tujuan pertama penelitan ini adalah mengetahui kondisi penggunaan lahan terbangun serta perubahannya dalam kurung waktu 5 tahun terakhir di kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Maros menggunakan metode analisi tumpang tindih peta. Tujuan kedua adalah mengkaji pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan terbangun terhadap banjir di kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Maro...
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Peranan Penggunaan Lahandi Area Tangkapan Sungai Sungean Terhadap Eutrofikasi Danau Tondano
Cocos, 2013
Eutrofication is one of the water pollution that caused by the increase of the consentrate of nutrient. This research studied conducted in catchment area of Sungean river sub DAS Noongan, Kab. Minahasa. The objective of this study were to quantify the eutrofication's rapid, in this case the value of Nitrogen and Fosfor that caused by any land uses in catchment area of Sungean river sub DAS Noongan. This research studied was done by taking the sample of water and quantifying water discharge in some point which had been chosen along catchment area of Sungean river that represent various land use. Then the concentrate of N and P in water sample was analyzed in BARISTAND laboratory. Then the data of N and P That transported from each land uses, was analyzed in statistic with using Randomized Block Design (RBD) and spatial analisis (arcview). The result of research study showed that, each land uses gave effect to the increase of lake eutrofication.
Flood prediction with the WetSpa model on catchment scale
Meningkatnya urbanisasi, industrialisasi, dan populasi berlebih adalah salah satu penyebab utama degradasi lingkungan dan polusi. Logam berat seperti Pb, Zn, Cd, As dan lainnya adalah salah satu polutan paling beracun yang menunjukkan efek berbahaya pada semua makhluk hidup. Timbal adalah salah satu polutan yang mengganggu rantai makanan dan mematikan bahkan pada konsentrasi rendah. Teknologi pemurnian yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan kontaminan dari air limbah tidak hanya sangat mahal tetapi juga menyebabkan dampak negatif pada ekosistem. Fitoremediasi, teknologi ramah lingkungan yang baik secara ekologis dan ekonomis merupakan alternatif yang menarik untuk metode pembersihan saat ini yang sangat mahal. Fitoremediasi merupakan teknologi remediasi in-situ yang memanfaatkan kemampuan yang melekat pada tumbuhan hidup. Fitoremediasi menggunakan tumbuhan untuk membersihkan pencemaran di lingkungan. Tanaman dapat membantu membersihkan berbagai jenis polusi termasuk logam, pestisida, bahan peledak, dan minyak. Ada Tiga mekanisme di mana tanaman dapat mempengaruhi massa kontaminan di tanah, sedimen, dan air. Yang pertamana adalah fitoekstraksi juga disebut fitoakumulas, yang mengacu pada serapan dan translokasi kontaminan logam di dalam tanah oleh akar tanaman ke bagian tanaman di atas tanah. Yang kedua rizofiltrasi terutama digunakan untuk memulihkan air tanah yang diekstraksi, air permukaan, dan air limbah dengan konsentrasi kontaminan rendah. Dan yang ketiga fitovolatilisasi yang melibatkan penggunaan tanaman untuk mengambil kontaminan dari tanah, mengubahnya menjadi bentuk yang mudah menguap dan memindahkannya ke atmosfer.
Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Terhadap Kondisi Hidrologis Kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Talau
The Partner, 2009
The affect of landcover changes on regional hydrological conditions of Talau Watershed. Deforestation and landcover changes are influenced factors on global climate changes. NTT is one province in Indonesia which has dry climate conditions and susceptible to that changes. Talau watershed is one of some watershed in NTT which has a dry area with only three wet months in a year. A hydrological model (Gen River) is used to study and estimate water balance in the watershed. Land use, rainfall, soil, DEM and drainage characteristics are the main input components of the model. Some plausible scenarios were simulated using this model. Landcover changes in this area were studied using spatial analysis. Satellite imageries were analyzed using object based techniques to produce landcover maps of 1989 to 1999. Land classification scheme categorized forest, agroforest, plantation, agriculture, grass, rice field, settlement, clear land and water body. To analyzed vegetation index, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used as one of the variables to separate forest, tree based systems, non tree based systems and non vegetation. Besides tasseled-cap transformation was used to interpret more detailed vegetation type differences. The landcover changes pattern showed that during the ten years period forest conversion to tree based system was about 24 km 2 (3%) and there was 15% increase of non-agricultural landcover, such as grass and bare land. As an input to GenRiver, the landcover classes were reclassified as forest, tree based systems, agriculture and non-agricultural systems. Conversion of 105 km 2 non agricultural systems to tree-based resulted in the decrease of runoff from 43% to 64% and decreasing runoff from 78% to 90% as forest. Decrease of tree landcover can increase soil flow from 1% to 7% from totally rainfall. The land cover changes did not affect for soil quick flow, but it can decrease erosion and flood in wet season.
Studi Pengaruh Sudut Belokan Sungai Terhadap Volume Gerusan
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian, 2017
Scouring occurs along the streams and generally increases in their bend areas. This occurence threaten the stability of buildings and facilities built around those areas. This study was conducted by experimental model tests in a laboratory using an artificial channel made of sand with diameter of 0,47 mm and the sand layer density of 1,47 gr/cm3. To assess the effect of river bends on the extent of scours, the water flow was simulated on the artificial channel in 9 times i.e.; 3 variations in the angle of river bends (α) and 3 variations in the flow discharge (Q) for each river bend variation. This study revealed that the volume of scours positively correlated to the angle of river bends. The volume of scours decreased more 20% when the angle of river bends decresed from 60º to 30º. The increase of the flow discharge also enlarged the volume of scours more than 100% at the river bends with small angles
Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim terhadap Potensi Penutupan Muara Sungai
Permasalahan Sumber Daya Air (SDA) seperti bencana alam, alih fungsi lahan dan konflik kepentingan antar daerah merupakan permasalahan yang ditimbulkan dari perubahan iklim (climate change). Selain itu kita juga menghadapi tantangan global yang mengakibatkan kita masuk pada krisis diantaranya adalah energy crisis, food crisis dan water crisis, yang kesemuanya membutuhkan solusi bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan umat manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Pengelolaan SDA merupakan tangung jawab kita bersama dan tidak secara parsial oleh instansi pemerintah saja, karena saat ini banyak permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi, seperti kekurangan air karena musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan, terjadinya konflik kepentingan SDA antar kabupaten/kota dan provinsi, masalah bencana banjir dan tanah longsor dan bencana alam gelombang pasang seperti terjadi beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Permasalahan tersebut harus segera dicarikan solusi dan antisipasi yang terbaik, jangan sampai terjadi krisis air dan lingkungan.
Reclamation and sedimentation impacts around the Wairuhu River estuary, Poka-Galala threshold
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal
Wairuhu River is disembogued on the sill of Poka-Galala, Ambon Bay. The estuary is affected by the coastal reclamation which led to the fester sedimentation. It triggers the problem of altering the shoreline and the dynamics of water movement, as well as the surrounding ecosystem. The modeling approach was applied to reconstruct the alterations around the estuary. The study aimed to estimate the changes on the shoreline, current patterns, and sediment transport patterns (suspended sediment), and to describe marine resources around the estuary of Wairuhu. MIKE 3 FM was utilized to reconstruct the pattern of flow and sediment transport changes, and coordinates plottings from satellite data were used to measure the coastline. The model was validated by using the data of tide and surface flow. The results showed the alteration pattern of the shoreline around the Wairuhu estuary occurred as a result of coastal reclamation. The flow validation (mooring and model) using RMSE was 0.38 which...