Education in Learning Religious Education in College Education in Palopo City (original) (raw)

The Value Orientation of Multicultural Islamic Education in the Sipakatau Culture

International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion, 2018

The purpose of this study was to interpret and describe the values ​​of the culture of Sipakatau in the Bugis community to become the foundation for the development of Multicultural Islamic education. The research approach used is qualitative-ethnographic research developed by Gay, Mills, Aurasian & Creswell. Data collection techniques used are in the form of observations, interviews, and documents. Then the data analysis used is a model developed by Miles & Hubermen. After conducting research, it was shown that the cultural values ​​of Sipakatau in Bugis communities in Barang village could be the basis for the development of Multicultural Islamic Education, namely with the concept of "humanizing humans" with the main values, namely; mutual respect and respect, advise each other, support each other and protect, love and love each other, help each other and receive (help and help), and have the same rights before God Almighty.

Education of Student Character Value on Religious and Cultural Diversity Students' Multicultural Class Program Darma Bakti Karya Pangandaran Foundation


The existence of the Multicultural class is an attraction, because not all schools dare to carry out the Multicultural class program in overcoming social inequalities that often occur. Cultural conflicts and violence in Papua, the assessment of the term dividing individuals through religion, riots, and intolerance are not new discourses that appear in the highlights of the mass media. The multicultural class bridges teaching related to these issues to the nation's children so as not to repeat the same case, realizes the value of Pancasila that we are one, and also interprets the country's motto, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Religion is not necessarily taught to individuals for free, various media and methods are carried out for this teaching collaboration. It is not a taboo subject, Islam teaches the diversity of multicultural education implicitly in the Qur'anic text. So it is not impossible, religion and multicultural education become a harmonious blend in learning. In ...



This study aims to describe and analyze about: 1) Implementation of planting multicultural values in i learning Islamic i religious education; 2) Methods of planting multicultural values in learning Islamic religion; 3) Supporting factors and inhibiting multicultural values in learning Islamic education. This type of research is qualitative research. The research subjects were Islamic Education i teachers, principals, and VII grade students of Islamic Middle School Ma'arif 02 Janti Malang. The technique used in determining the research subject was purposive sampling technique. The technique of collecting data is by interview, observation, and documentation. Research findings that the implementation of the planting of multicultural values in the learning of Islamic education includes religious values, honesty values, tolerance values, democratic values, unity values, and values of justice. The method used is the exemplary method and habituation method. the encouragement of teache...

Cultural Values of Education at the Sumatra Thawalib Islamic Boarding School Parabek, Bukittinggi


This study aims to find the meaning and describe the management of organizational culture change in the educational environment at the Sumatra Thawalib Islamic Boarding School, Parabek. The research method used in this research is qualitative with the type of phenomenological study. The instrument in this research is the researcher himself. Data collection techniques are used in the form of in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The guarantee of the validity of the data is carried out by triangulation of sources and increasing the persistence of researchers in understanding each data obtained. The results showed that the management of organizational culture change in the educational environment at the Sumatra Thawalib Islamic Boarding School, Parabek Evidencettinggi is contained in the acronym "THAWALIB" which consists of (1) Taqwa; (2) himmah; (3) Ahl al-'ilmi wa al-'worship; (4) Wara'; (5) Trust; (6) Layin; (7) Istiqomah; (8) Birrul....

Character Education In Cultural Sipakatau (Philosophy-Sociological Study In Bugis Communities)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion, 2019

This paper will analyze, interpret and describe character education found in Sipakata culture or become the basis or basis in the development of character education. Character education in society is very important to be developed based on or based on local culture. The method used in this study is a qualitative type with field-based philosophical-sociological approach, with a Bugis community research locus in Barang village Soppeng district, South Sulawesi Province, Inodonesia. This study reveals that character education found in the Sipakatau Culture, including; mutual respect and respect, advise each other, love and love each other, support each other and protect, help / help each other, and have the same human rights before the Almighty God. These values ​​become the foundation in the development of character education which can be applied in society with three stages of planting, namely; the first stage; moral knowling (understanding the meaning contained in the cultural values...

Implementation of Pancasila Student Profiles in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Learning

WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman

This study aims to explain how the Pancasila Student Profile is implemented in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum at Salatiga State Vocational School and the methods used to strengthen character according to the Pancasila Student Profile. This research uses a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The methods used are observation, documentation, and interviews to collect data. Before data analysis, the steps followed were data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification. The study results show that: (1) The Pancasila Student Profile is applied in PAI learning by applying habits according to the indicators of the Pancasila Student Profile. (2) The methods used to strengthen the character according to the Pancasila Student Profile in PAI learning include incorporating the Pancasila Student Profile into the subject matter, fostering student discipline, giving good advice and examples from the teacher, explaining ethics to student...

Infusing Local Tradition Values into School Culture: How Indonesian Islamic School Set Up Character Education?

Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 2018

The purpose of this study is to reveal the internalization of the maja labo dahu values in character education. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. The determination of the research subject is carried out by purposive technique consisting of students and people in MTs Negeri 1 Bima. The sources of data are oral sources, artifacts, documents, and written records. Data are collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validity test is carried out by using triangulation. Data are analyzed by using qualitative analysis techniques of interaction model with steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the values of the maja labo dahu are in accordance with the values in character education, namely religious values, honesty, discipline, independence, patriotism, and environmental awareness. Besides, these values have effectively provided moral knowledge to students. The constraints experienced by schools in internalizing these values in character education are the lack of consistency of students parents or the surrounding environment in supporting and developing the cultural values of the maja labo dahu.

Islamic Education Contribution in Social Interactions of the Bugis Society: The Study of Social Change in the Bugis Soppeng Society


This research aimed at finding out the implication of social change to social interactions in Bugis Soppeng society, with three focuses problems: the type of social interaction, the system of value in social interaction, and the implication of value transformation to social interaction. The method of this research is qualitative with historical, sociological, and philosophical approach. The source of data consist of informants from several components of Bugis Soppeng society such as: tradition personage, religion personage, historian, cultural observer, and government. The result of research earned that the social interaction of Bugis Soppeng society has three types: helping each other (selfless), cooperation (work/business relation), and competition. The value system in social interaction refers to three value sources: culture value, religion value, and modern value. The transformation of value impacts on: value system about social stratification, the caring pattern of children, so...