The method of extracorporeal resection of the kidney in conditions of pharmaco-cold ischemia in kidney cancer with orthotopic renal replantation (original) (raw)

Renal Replantation at Extended and Combined Resection of Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma (Case Report)

Бюллетень Восточно-Сибирского научного центра Сибирского отделения Российской академии медицинских наук

1 Иркутская государственная медицинская академия последипломного образования-филиал ФГБОУ «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, Иркутск, Россия 2 ГБУЗ «Областной онкологический диспансер», Иркутск, Россия Клинический случай посвящён изучению проблемы возможности использования «нефросохранных» технологий в лечении местно-распространённых неорганных забрюшинных опухолей. На клиническом примере продемонстрирована методика выполнения экстракорпорального удаления гигантской липосаркомы с вовлечённой в опухолевый процесс почкой с последующей временной консервацией удалённой почки, прецизионной диссекцией из опухоли и реплантацией на подвздошные сосуды с учётом экспресс-морфологического контроля.

Pharmacotherapy Approach in Kidney Cancer Therapy


Kidney cancer is a common cause of death for many patients worldwide.The exact cause of kidney cancer is unknown. Factors that increase the risk of developing kidney cancer are: old age, chronic kidney failure, dialysis, polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, etc. It’s targeting and elimination is still a problem in modern medicine. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and immunotherapy ас standard treatments for this type of cancer do not give satisfactory results. One of the newer approaches in the treatment of kidney cancer is the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (sunitinib or pazopanib) that inhibit angiogenesis by preventing the growth, development and metastasis of cancer. Both medicines have inhibitory effects against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and inhibit its biological activities (blood vessel formation, cancer progression). More specifically, these drugs are tyrosine kinase inhibitors and inhibit the biochemical pathways that take place inside the cell when...

Recommendations of the Ukrainian Renal Disaster Relief Committee of the Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists and Kidney Transplant Specialists regarding medical care to kidney disease patients during the war

Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and Dialysis

The occurrence of an emergency situation (ES) forced international (ISN, EDTA/ ERA) and national (Turkey) nephrological associations to establish the Renal Disaster Relief Task Force, which is primarily concerned with the treatment of patients with acute kidney injury and end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis. The war started by the RF is putting the Ukrainian state, Ukrainian society, and the healthcare system in the catastrophic ES. Under these circumstances, all nephrological patients became one of the most vulnerable categories of patients. To provide immediate support in solving problems within the Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists and Kidney Transplant Specialists (UAN&KTS), the Ukrainian Renal Disaster Relief Committee (URDRC) has been established. One of the most important tasks was to form a group of experts to develop recommendations for specialized medical care for kidney patients in wartime. According to the experts, the key person for this type of medical care is the leading nephrologist in the region or city. He/she establishes a local Renal Disaster Relief Committee (LRDRC) and decides through horizontal (with other LRDRC) or vertical (with UAN &KTS) collaboration, using available communication tools, on the problems that arise; the most appropriate tool is the Viber platform "Nephrology. Dialysis. Transplantation". In this way, a network without administrative subordination and a non-hierarchical functional system was created, which, on the one hand, functions according to similar working principles, but, on the other hand, may differ in terms of LRDRC composition, communication methods, and more. The LRDRC divides all patients into three groups and provides work preparation measures before, during and after the cancellation of ES.

Extracorporeal ultrafiltration in refractory heart failure

Heart - Lung (Varna)

Първа кардиологична клиника с ИКО, УМБАЛ "Св. Марина"-Варна РЕЗЮМЕ Сърдечната недостатъчност (СН) е значим здравен и социален проблем и, въпреки напредъка на медицината, продължава да бъде водеща причина за хоспитализациите в развитите страни. Основна изява на декомпенсация е хиперволемията, която при рефрактерна СН трудно може да бъде повлияна с познатите досега средства. В настоящия обзор е разгледана подробно ултрафилтрацията (УФ) като надежден, безопасен и ефективен метод за лечение на застойна рефрактерна СН. Описани са методиката, известните клинични проучвания в тази област, както и основните индикации и контраиндикации за нейното приложение. Ключови думи: сърдечна недостатъчност (СН), хиперволемия, ултрафилтрация (УФ).

Historical facts about first in the world clinical postmortem explantation and consequent allogenic heterotopic transplantation of donor kidney: legendary life pages of prominent surgeon Y. Voronoy

Novosti Khirurgii, 2014

Институт общей патологии и патологической анатомии, Клиника "rechts der Isar" Технического Университета Мюнхена 3 , г. Мюнхен, Институт судебной медицины Людвиг-Максимиллиана и Технического Университета Мюнхена 4 , г. Мюнхен, Клиника Св. Марии, Академическая учебная клиника университета Ганновера, г. Фехта 5 , Федеративная Республика Германия Пересадка почки является рутинным вмешательством в современной трансплантологии, спасающим десятки тысяч жизней по всему миру ежегодно. Эта методика прошла долгий путь развития, прежде чем достичь современного состояния. У истоков трансплантации почки стояли такие всемирно известные ученые-хирурги как Carrel, Landsteiner, Hufnagel и Murray. Почетное место среди них принадлежит украинскому хирургу Юрию Вороному, впервые в мире выполнившему эксплантацию почки у трупного донора, а также ее аллотрансплантацию у пациента в клинике. Наиболее удивительным при этом является то, что данный факт еще до недавнего времени был недостаточно известен широкой мировой медицинской общественности. В настоящей статье мы поставили перед собой цель провести обзор архивной литературы о Юрии Вороном и предоставить новый, незаангажированный взгляд на биографию этого выдающегося хирурга и ученого. Мы также попытались описать и проанализировать выполненную Ю. Вороным в 1933 году первую клиническую эксплантацию и аллотрансплантацию почки у человека. Кроме того, целью работы был ретроспективный анализ результатов выполненных им клинических трансплантаций почек и их современная оценка с точки зрения ценности для развития транспланталогии. Мы также попытались провести обзор научных исследований ученого в других областях хирургии. Юрий Вороной был неординарной личностью, хирургом и ученым, который, несмотря на все неблагоприятные политические и социальные обстоятельства, волею судьбы и силой собственного характера стал пионером мировой трансплантации почки. Результаты выполненных им клинических трансплантаций были важным источником первичных знаний, позволивших развивать данную методику хирургам западных стран. Каждый пациент с пересаженной почкой, по сути, в какой-то мере обязан своей жизнью Юрию Вороному. Ключевые слова: история медицины, история трансплантологии, трансплантация почки, Ю.Ю. Вороной Kidney transplants are one of the most common transplant operations in the modern transplantology saving annually tens of thousands of lives worldwide. This technique has come a long way of development before reaching the current state. Such world famous scientists and surgeons as Carrel, Landsteiner, Hufnagel and Murray were pioneers of the kidney transplantation. The honorable place among them belongs also to the Ukrainian surgeon Yury Voronoy who performed the first human-to-human renal transplant using cadaver organ. Astonishing is that until recently this fact hasn't been known to the world medical community. In the present paper we aim to review the archival literature about Yury Voronoy and present a new independent view at the biography of this prominent surgeon and scientist. We have also tried to describe and analyze the first in the world clinical kidney explantation and allotransplatation to human carried out in 1933 by Voronoy. In addition we had the goal to perform a retrospective analysis of the results of all the kidney transplantations that he performed and evaluate them in respect on their importance for the development of the transplantology. We have also tried to review the researches of this scientist in the other branches of surgery. Yury Voronoy was not an ordinary person, surgeon and scientist who, despite all the unfavorable political and social circumstances of his time by fate and thanks to the force of his own character, became a pioneer of the world kidney transplantation. The results of the clinical transplantations performed by Yury Voronoy were an important source of the primary knowledge that allowed developing this method for the surgeons of the western countries. Every patient with the transplanted kidney, as a matter of fact, to a certain extent is obliged by his life to Yury Voronoy.

Conversion to everolimus to preserve kidney function in a heart transplant recipient, a personalized approach of immunos uppressive therapy

Russian Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, 2018

Heart transplantation is the «gold standard» of treatment severe heart failure. Patient survival after heart transplantation has improved dramatically since the availability of calcineurin inhibitor (CNIs). However, nephrotoxicity of CNIs has been largely responsible for the progressive development of renal dysfunction and reduces long-term patient survival. Use mTOR inhibitor in immunosuppressive therapy may improve renal function when everolimus is administered associated with a progressive reduction of CNIs. The purpose of our report is to demonstrate the successful case of conversion of the recipient after heart transplantation to everolimus and to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug during the observation year after heart transplantation.

The Use of Extracorporeal Liver Support Systems In Acute Decompensated Liver Failure

General Reanimatology

The aim of the study: to evaluate the efficacy of extracorporeal liver support systems in patients with acute liver failure of various etiologies.Material and methods. The study included 117 patients with acute liver failure of various etiologies. The main group consisted of 71 patients who received complex intensive therapy, including MARS-therapy and hemodiafiltration. The comparison group included 46 patients who received albumin dialysis (24 patients) and hemodiafiltration (22 patients) alone. The mean age of the patients was 34±5.6 years, the majority (56.4%) were men. Dynamic assessment of patients' severity was performed using Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) scales.Results. A more significant reduction of SOFA and MELD scores was noted as early as by day 10 of intensive therapy in the main group with sequential use of extracorporeal liver detoxification methods — to 2.7±0.2 vs. 8.3±0.5 points (P=0.021) on SOFA and to 16.7±...