Intra-urban social-occupational structure and unequal housing conditions in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Region (original) (raw)
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Changes in the urban geography are able to affect social relations in a myriad of ways. A given segregation pattern can contribute to marginalizing ethical minority populations, or foster integration and assimilation, for example. Cities designed with excessive emphasis on automobile transportation can isolate those without access to cars, and even affect the health of the residents. This thesis focus on the socio-economic effects of urban development specifically because they have been the main urban contradiction in the empirical case of Fortaleza. Urban spatial development has denied economically vulnerable families access to job opportunities brought by local economic growth. Based on this discussion, the central question of this research is the following: How can urban spatial development influence the socio-economic life-chances of the residents? The case of Fortaleza will demonstrate that a new pattern of infrastructure investments in specific strategic sites within the city has profoundly changed the local spatial structure, making access to the city more difficult for the urban poor. The close connection of changes in the local economy with politico-economic developments happening at the global scale often leads popular wisdom to refer to “globalization” as the main factor of heightened socio-spatial inequalities that Fortaleza has been experiencing. The current analysis will demonstrate how increased inequality is not the result of abstract and unavoidable globalization forces, and how they are, instead, contingent upon the attitudes of local actors in placing investments in the intra-urban space.
Informal settlements in Fortaleza: a brief overview of the quality of life of the excluded
V. 13, n. 02, 2021
The objective of this research is to verify the situation of precarious settlements in the city of Fortaleza and to investigate the most appropriate measures to reduce the levels of poverty identified in these places. For the investigation, bibliographic research and the quantitative analysis of secondary data that represent the reality of these settlements were used. The thematic relevance of the work is due to the identification, especially after the year 2000, of the increase in the poverty rate, a fact that led to the social and economic exclusion of part of society. As a consequence, there was a gradual increase in the number and size of regions in the urban area where basic rights for the survival of individuals are not guaranteed. It was concluded that, given the complexity found in the settlements, the solution proposals, hitherto applied in Fortaleza (the repressive intervention in the State to reduce the violence in the events of January 2019, as well as the proposal presented in the “Fortaleza 2040 Plan”) ), are not sustainable in the long term. In this sense, joint action between the State and civil society in the planning and execution of more inclusive public policies is pointed out as a viable path.
This work focuses on the type-morphological study of District: Floresta, in the 4th District of Porto Alegre, territory linked to the industrialization and expansion of the urban fabric in the beginning of the 20th century. It seeks to investigate the socio-spatial dynamics between housing and work and identify the patterns of change in residential and industrial architecture over the years, allowing the establishment of an overview of the urban phenomena involved with the transformation of cities and their future urban scenarios, especially in this fragment of the capital. gaúcha currently permeated by great speculative interest. The research is justified by diagnosing a recurrent panorama in the production of contemporary cities in the Southern Cone: the conflict between the discourse of capital, cultural heritage and material memory. Therefore, this work aims to infer future scenarios and alternatives for urban intervention, through the temporal investigation of past typological states, to support urban planning in the present, confronting the vocational dynamics of the neighborhood with possible urban solutions. Urban space is understood as a complex and adaptive system, where past, present and future do not completely disappear and are always constituted in a condensed state of the history of cities. Based on this premise, this study is divided into time series, evolutionary stages of the system that mark the beginning of urbanization, the period of growth and the period of major changes in the primary structure. The typological cut (residences and industrial warehouses) is justified by the urban evolution of the neighborhood, economically characterized by the provision of services and industrialization, housing for workers and ethnic-cultural diversity. The investigation of urban dynamics through time series is capable of describing and predicting the macro-spatial process of transformation, within pre-defined time intervals. In this way, it instrumentalizes urban interventions on historical bases as a tool capable of strengthening the housing-work vocation of the neighborhood, respecting social diversity and economically encouraging the location
Housing Typologies and Appropriation of the Urban Form in Alvalade’s Neighborhood, Lisbon
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
The Alvalade's neighborhood (Lisbon, Portugal), 1945, as a paradigm of Portuguese urbanism, can be distinguished by different housing cells that define it, as well as the different urban models, which relied on. It is possible to identify distinct occupational stains within the neighborhood, specifically in the cell one in this article, as a pioneer construction, due to housing dimension that corresponds to different housing typologies, residents and daily use areas, equipment. The objective is therefore, to understand how these three factors are reflected inside the cell, managing occupational stains which differ in space appropriation. How those different occupational stains that derive from the housing and urban morphology, may result in the occupation and experience of its inhabitants, not invalidating a cohesive structure of the neighborhood?
Observing cities' social inequalities: a cartographic case study of Aveiro, Portugal
Cities, 2003
The aim of the study is to present a methodology and an instrument to study cities through a case study undertaken in the county of Aveiro, in Portugal. More specifically, it is to establish a typology of social areas, via the concerns that define quality of life. The data are from 1991 (the last published census), collected by INE (National Agency of Statistic), and desegregated for sub-sections (each subsection has about 300 inhabitants). Seven indicators were chosen, submitted to principal component analysis, and 4 factors were extracted: socio-professional status, ageing of population and buildings, accommodation capacity and precarious housing conditions. The cluster analysis permitted the identification, within each factor group, of subsections with different quality of life: high-medium, medium, low-medium and low. 241 vices, adequate shelter and an environment in which they can flourish.
Housing provision in Fortaleza during the 2000s: progress and setbacks
A b s t r a c t : Historically, the persistence of informal settlements in Brazilian cities has been described as a by-product of concentration of private real estate market production on high end market, and insufficient public provision of social housing. However, since the mid-2000s, the country witnessed a significant rise in investments targeting low-income housing demands and an increase in private investments in the low/middle income markets. In an attempt to understand the socio-spatial effects of these recent developments, we question to what extent they were able to provide access to the city for the low-income population. We use both quantitative (GIS, and secondary databank) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) methods to reveal a detachment between housing investments and urban planning inclusionary guidelines. If, on the one hand, we identified measures that could help control the increase in housing informality, on the other hand, municipal government's refusal to curb land speculation practices obstructed the possibility of socio-spatial inclusion. These progresses and setbacks are described in detail through the discussion of the housing provision in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza during the 2000s.
La zona metropolitana de estudio es un territorio inmerso en un proceso de urbanización intensa, y como todo proceso de este tipo trae consigo en lo general, mayor disponibilidad y acceso a servicios básicos, pero al mismo tiempo, no resuelve rezagos en varios rubros, lo que afecta negativamente la calidad de vida. El objetivo planteado en este trabajo, consiste en analizar las condiciones de vida de la población de los municipios que conforman la franja metropolitana de Apizaco, denominada para estos fines, como Sub-Zona Metropolitana-Apizaco y que forma parte de la Zona Metropolitana Tlaxcala-Apizaco. El abordaje metodológico se hizo tomando algunos indicadores sociales para construir Cocientes de Localización o Índices de Concentración Relativa, lo cual arrojó como resultados una marcada diferenciación en la población en cuanto a sus condiciones de vida. De ello, se puede concluir que los procesos de urbanización están distantes de lograr equidad y equilibrio en los territorios, situación que se puede explicar desde diversas concepciones y apreciaciones desde el ámbito público, aunque no únicamente, sino también desde el análisis de la dinámica de los mercados en lo general.
Relationship between the Urban Form and Socio-Spatial Segregation: The Case of Famagusta
Considering the urban form of cities in North Cyprus, urban segregation can be considered as one of the major problems after 1974. The city of Famagusta which is located on the east of the island, is no exception with regard to this general problem; though in this case the problem of urban segregation have been intensified due to different geographical limitations, effects of division of the city after the war in 1974, and political decisions. Thus, segregated urban form of Famagusta affects the social structure of city in a negative way. This thesis explore the urban form in relation with sociospatial segregation, because physical separation of different social groups in the city has a distinct direct relationship to the way cities are shaped and structured. Understanding and investigating this relationship quantitatively is the major focus of this study. This thesis suggest that the more a spatial structure of a city become fragmented, the more it become socially segregated as well. In order to explore the statement, and study this relationship two methodologies of 'Space Syntax' and 'Social Area Analysis' are utilized in this study. Methodology of space syntax will analysis the urban form of Famagusta neighborhood by neighborhood based on how much they are accessible, integrated, and intelligible, then in the second part, the methodology of social area analysis will explore the social structure of each neighborhood through census data based on socioeconomic variables of education, income, and occupation. Then results of physical and social structure of neighborhoods will put together to show how much they are matched and affect each other.
This paper presents some results from scientific research on the urban illegality conditions in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Area (FMA). This metropolis has been experiencing an intense growth of the informal, illegal and spontaneous city, a growth which shows itself in many ways and through distinct processes. This expansion is especially associated with the formation of shanty towns, turning areas of disorderly occupation made up of precarious housing units into a part of the metropolitan landscape. Although the expansion of poverty is mostly concentrated in Fortaleza, it is already occurring in other FMA cities. The problem is getting worse due to the fact that there is not a minimal institutional apparatus to put into practice the rules which might have controlled this situation. To better understand these phenomena, the following methodological procedures were used - a survey and analysis of census databases (IBGE) regarding their quantitative and spatial aspects, as well as anal...