The policy of the separatist regime of Chechnya in relation to the war in Dagestan in August-September 1999 (original) (raw)
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History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
In the twentieth century, Bukovyna experienced a fourfold change of government and came under the rule of totalitarian regimes – first Romanian, then Soviet. The policy of the Soviet regime in the ethnic sphere – forced Russification, mass repression, which was one of the means of Sovietization of Bukovyna which deprived the region of its uniqueness and special spirit.A study shows the national policy of the Soviet government in the first year of the formation of Soviet power. The initial theoretical and methodological foundations of research include consideration concepts of «national policy». The author reveals the reaction of ethnic minorities to the entry of the Red Army on the territory of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region on June 28, 1940.It is pointed out that in the initial period of the formation of Soviet power, the Soviet government carried out significant agitation and propaganda, as well as work with ideological education, especially in the initial period, which was r...
Bylye Gody, 2015
The work is devoted to the Azerbaijan's position in relation to the events of the Civil War in the North Caucasus on the basis of the diplomatic correspondence of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic with a young British command, the Armed Forces of South Russia, the Mountain Republic in 1919-1920. We used the material of the central and regional archives of the Russian Federation, articles and monographs Soviet and modern Russian and Azerbaijani authors. The article deals with the attempts of the Azerbaijani leadership to strengthen its position as much as possible and if possible expand the boundaries of the territories at the expense of the Terek-Dagestan region, occupied at the time the troops of General Denikin, the relationship management of the newly formed Republic of Azerbaijan, the British military command and the High Command of the Armed Forces of the South Russia in the region of the western Caspian region.
Dagestan Region Between the Two Revolutions of 1917 (Balance of Socio-Political Powers)
Istoriâ, arheologiâ i ètnografiâ Kavkaza, 2020
Аннотация. В статье представлена проблема расстановки общественно-политических сил в Дагестанской области в период между двумя революциями 1917 г. (Февральской и Октябрьской). Цель исследования-изучить процесс формирования общественно-политических групп, рассмотреть их противостояние. Февральские события 1917 г. в Петрограде привели к победе революции. В связи с этим непростая ситуация сложилась и в Дагестанской области, победа Февральской революции привела к ухудшению политической обстановки в области, к размежеванию противоборствующих политических сил. В работе обращено внимание на формирование различных политических групп и органов власти, пришедших на смену ца-953
History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the historiography of the topic of relations between Soviet authorities and local population, the instruction of Sovietization processes in the territory of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region during 1940-1947.The study of relationship between Soviet authorities and local population is quite unexplored and requires further scientific study. There was no comprehensive study. In the scientific literature, this issue is highlighted in the form of a diverse thematic spectrum and concerns current political, economic, household and educational and cultural issues. During the last decades, depending on socio-political conditions and the available base of historical sources, the approach to the coverage of the mentioned issues has changed.The conclusion emphasizes that modern Ukrainian historiography, relying on a much wider source base, examines in more depth certain aspects the life of population in the territory of Chernivtsi region.Soviet...
Activities of the Provisional Government Bodies of the Dagestan Oblast
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2019
Показана деятельность исполнительных комитетов и комиссаров Дагестанской области в период их существования. Анализируется работа, проводимая местными органами власти по стабилизации положения в области в различных направлениях. Отмечено ухудшение положения в Дагестане после Октябрьской революции, еще более обострившегося с процессом эвакуации воинских частей, находившихся в крепостях. Это потребовало принятия дополнительных мер от Дагестанского областного исполнительного комитета для сохранения порядка и спокойствия среди населения области. Ключевые слова: Дагестанская область; органы Временного правительства; областной исполнительный комитет; комиссар; городские, окружные, сельские комитеты.
Law. Human. Environment, 2021
The article provides an analysis of the possibility of separatist formations in Ukraine to refer to the principle of self-determination of peoples as a justification for their activities. The minimum necessary criteria of legal bases for self-determination are considered, among which: the existence of effective connection of the subject of self-determination with a certain territory; the existence of the subject itself, i.e., the people (ethnic group), which claims self-determination; and the recognition by the international community of such a potential entity as the bearer of the right to self-determination. Regarding the connection with the territory, the doctrine of international law and practice recognizes the right to cultural and national self-determination in a particular territory for any ethnic group. This right is limited to the common interests of all the people of the state, which consists in the unconditional preservation of the inviolability and integrity of its terri...
The Political Situation in the Urals after the Departure of Kolchak’s Army in 1919
Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, 2017
Цель данной статьи-на основе известных и вновь введенных в научный оборот документальных данных охарактеризовать политическую ситуацию, сложившуюся на территории Тюменской (Тобольской губернии) после ухода Колчака в августе 1919 г. Документы свидетельствуют о том, что большинство населения по обе стороны фронта-и в городе, и в деревне-уставшее от тягот войты и непосильного труда, приняло стабилизацию положения, наступившую после прекращения военных действий и отхода белых, с большим воодушевлением. Призывные мероприятия осени 1919 г. демонстрировали исчерпание не только хозяйственных, но и людских резервов. В Уральском военном округе осенью 1919 г. власти планировали мобилизовать около 400 тыс. чел., но задание не было выполнено. Красную армию пополнили 232,4 тыс.
Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History, 2021
The aim of the article is to analyze the state policy towards the national minorities of Ukraine of the Ukrainian Soviet state formations of the period of formation of the Soviet goverment in Ukraine. The author explores the peculiarities of the formation and change of the national policy of the Bolsheviks on the eve of the October coup of 1917 and during the functioning of the Ukrainian People’s Republic of Soviets (UPR Soviets) and the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR). The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific and special-historical methods of scientific research. Using the method of content analysis, the main Bolshevik legal acts of the period of establishment of the Bolshevik regime are analyzed, which reflect the basic principles and provisions of the national policy of the first Ukrainian Soviet state formations on the territory of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the work is that the author focused on the evolution and functioning of...