Urban assemblages and dis-assemblages (original) (raw)

Implementation of the PBL Learning Model in Class V Mathematics at SD Negeri Sari 1

INOPENDAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan

This study aims to determine the implementation of the PBL learning model. This learning model aims to improve student learning outcomes in the material of distance, time, and speed in class V SD Negeri Sari 1, Gajah District, Demak Regency. In this study, an experimental method with a quantitative approach was used and research techniques through tests with the research site in class V SD Negeri Sari 1. In data collection, tests, documentation and interviews were used. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of research conducted, the application of the PBL learning model to improve student learning outcomes in the material of Distance, Time, and Speed in Class V Elementary Schools has stages in its learning activities. Conclusion In its implementation, it is known that students are more creative and enthusiastic in the learning process of Mathematics, the material for distance, time, and speed, and student learning outcomes have increased quite h...

Effectiveness of the PBL model on mathematics learning to cultivate mathematical literacy of elementary school students

Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning model on mathematics learning to instill mathematical literacy in elementary school students. Quasi Experiment was chosen as the type of this research. The research population was the 5th-grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 08 Cilacap, with the research sample consisting of two classes, namely 5A and 5B. The instruments used are test and non-test instruments. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test. The average score on the pretest before the treatment was 59.7 in class 5A and 55.95 in class 5B. The average pretest score in class 5A was 66.6, and 62.15 in class 5B. The post-test average score was 77.7 in class 5A and 91.8 in class 5B. The study results show that the PBL model influences the mathematical literacy of elementary school students and increases students’ learning outcomes.

The Influence of the PBL Model to Improve the Student’s Mathematical Ability of Reasoning and Proof


Effective learning is a learning that affects students' math skills, one of which is the ability of reasoning and proof. The ability of reasoning and proof consists of several stages: Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics; Make and investigate mathematical conjectures; Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs; Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. The purpose of this research is to know: (1) Is there any influence of PBL model in improving the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course?; (2) Is the PBL model better in improving the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course? This research is a quasi-experiment research. The data analysis technique is done from test stages of data description, prerequisite test is normality test, and hypothesis test using ANCOVA test. The results showed that: (1) There is an ...

The Influence of Brain Based Learning Approach to Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities in Class V Gugus IV Kecamatan Padang Utara Padang City

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2018 (ICM2E 2018), 2018

The purpose of this study was to determine whether mathematical problem solving abilities of students who get learning using the Brain Based Learning (BBL) approach are higher than students who get conventional learning. This type of research is Quasi experiment. The study population was students in class V SD gugus IV in Padang Utara sub-district. Sample selection is done by purposive sampling. The research sample was fifth grade students of Angkasa I Elementary School, consisting of two classes which were used as experimental class and control class. Research data is taken from test scores. The technique of analyzing research data through t-test. Students' mathematical abilities, especially mathematical problem solving, are still low. This happens because the implementation of learning is still teacher-centered. students tend to be passive and have not had the opportunity to express their opinions. One of the efforts made to improve students' mathematical problem solving ability is by applying the Brain Based Learning approach. An approach that optimizes brain understanding is naturally designed to learn so that learning can optimize diverse brain functions. Learning is carried out in small heterogeneous groups so that students share ideas and negotiate to unite opinions according to learning goals. The results showed that students' mathematical problem-solving abilities who learned using the Brain Based Learning approach were higher than students who learned with conventional approaches. This can be seen from the average value of the experimental class final test (54.99) higher than the average value of the control class (39.44). This is reinforced by the t-test that obtains the Sig. 0.001 < 0.05, is rejected, meaning that BBL has a significant effect on students' mathematical problem solving abilities.

The Difference of Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability by Using Instruction of Problem Based Learning and Direct Instructioin in Grade X


This research is quasi-experiment. The purpose of this research is to know whether students’ mathematical representation by using instruction of problem based learning classroom is higher than direct instruction classroom at SMA Swasta Panca Budi Medan.The population of this research is students of SMA Swasta Panca Budi Medan which consists of 14 classes, whereas the sample consists of 2 classes, namely, X-MS1 as experimental class consists of 32 students and X-MSA as control class consists of 30 students. Experimental class used Problem Based Learning and control class used Direct Instruction. Collecting data technique of this research is mathematical representation test given in the end of learning either in experimental class or control class. The type of this test is essay test. Before doing hypothesis test, the normality and the homogeneity test should be done. The result of those tests, sample was taken from normal distributed and homogeneous population. The data analysis of e...

The Effect of PBL Learning Model on the Fifth-Grade Students’ Math Arithmetical Skills at Mis Perdamean Sigambal

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This paper discusses the effect of the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) learning model on students' math arithmetical skills in integer material in class V of MIS Perdamean Sigambal, Rantauprapat, North Sumatra Province in the academic year 2020/2021. The research uses quantitative research (Quasi Experiment) with the research sample determined by total sampling technique. The population of the research was 30 students, which consists of 15 students in class V-A as the control class and 15 students in class V-B as the experimental class. The results indicate that students' arithmetic skills using the PBL learning model were in the very good category with an average score of 87.2. The hypothesis results that have been carried out indicate tcount 2.658 > ttable, 1.701 at a confidence level of 0.05. Thus, there is a significant effect of applying the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) learning model on students' arithmetical skills in class V of MIS Perdamean Sigambal Rantauprapat and it provides information to teachers in applying the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) learning model to improve students' thinking skills.

Analysis of Mathematical Representation Ability on Assemblage Material for Junior High School Students

Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA, 2022

This study aims to provide description of mathematical representation ability of Pekanbaru Junior High School students based on the answers to assemblage questions. The research method Decriptive method in the form of a survey was used in this research. The research subject are 25 students of class VII. The object of research is the ability of students' mathematical representation on the assemblage material. The data analysis technique uses deductive methods by collecting data, processing data, presenting data and also analyzing data with the help of experts and theories from a literature review. Data was collected by measuring written tests about mathematical representation abilities. Consists of 6 assemblage of essay questions with moderate criteria. Through the validity test, valid results were obtained with moderate and high criteria and had moderately correlated reliability with good criteria. The results of the data test and analysis concluded that students' mathematic...

Mathematical Understanding and Representation Ability of Public Junior High School in North Sumatra

Journal on Mathematics Education, 2016

This paper is the result of the first phase of the research about the development of students' mathematical understanding and representation ability through Joyful Problem-based Learning (JPBL) at Public Junior High School in North Sumatera, Indonesia. The population is all of the students of public junior high school (PJHS) in North Sumatera. Samples choose based on stratified random sampling. The samples are the students of PJHS 27 Medan, PJHS 1 Percut Sei Tuan, PJHS 1 Tebing Tinggi, and PJHS 2 Pematangsiantar. The techniques used for collecting data is observation, interview, and essay test. The research findings: (1) Based on interview and observation found that conventional approach still uses in all of the class of PJHS, the students engagement in learning activity is very low, and most of the students do not attain minimal mastery achievement. (2) Based on essay test found that performance of the students in mathematical understanding and representation test is categories small.

Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Verbal-visual Abilities: Its Influence on Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcomes

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2020

This quasi-experiment aims to determine the influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model and verbal-visual abilities on Grade VIII students’ learning outcomes. The population in this study were all students of SMPN 7 Kerinci and the sample of the study was 27 students from class VIII A as the experimental class and 26 students from class VIII B as the control class. Research data collection through test instruments to see students’ mathematics learning outcomes. Statistical analysis using two-way ANOVA with SPSS 21 software with a significance of 0.05. The results showed that there was an influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model and verbal-visual ability on the mathematics learning outcomes of Grade VIII students with sig. 0,001 0,005, there is an influence of verbal-visual ability on mathematics learning outcomes of class VIII students with sig. 0,000 0.05 and there is no interaction between the PBL model and verbal-visual ability in influencing students’ learn...

Effect of Learning Model on Location of School Student Mathematical Communication Skills


The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) The effect of the learning model to the students' mathematical communication skills, (2) Effect of location of the school on students' mathematical communication skills, (3) The interaction between the learning model and the location of the school on students' mathematical communication. The study population was ten schools in the city of Medan and ten schools in the area Rantauprapat 2018/2019 school year. The research sample is taken two classes selected. Other research instrument used was a test of mathematical communication kemapuan Shiva. Data were analyzed by Anova two lanes. The results of this research show that: (1) There is a learning model influence on students 'mathematical communication skills, (2) influences of the location of the school on students' mathematical communication skills, Keywords: Probelem Learning Model Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Communication Skills, location location School. DO...