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Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional / New Traditional Architecture MMXXIII


García Hermida, Alejandro; Gil Fernández, Guillermo; y Gómez-Gordo Villa, Rebeca New Traditional Architecture / Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional MMXXIII. Toledo: INTBAU España, 2023. 102 páginas. Edición bilingüe en inglés y español. ISBN: 978-84-09-51554-7 Esta publicación recoge los resultados de los Premios Richard H. Driehaus de las Artes de la Construcción 2023, convocados por INTBAU y el Premio Rafael Manzano de Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional, gracias a la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte y el Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España

Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional / New Traditional Architecture MMXIV


García Hermida, Alejandro; Gil Fernández, Guillermo; y Gómez-Gordo Villa, Rebeca New Traditional Architecture / Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional MMXXIV. Madrid: Fundación Culturas Constructivas Tradicionales, 2024. 132 páginas. Edición bilingüe en inglés y español. ISBN: 978-84-09-61523-0 Esta publicación recoge los resultados de la primera fase del Concurso de Arquitectura Richard H. Driehaus, de los Premios de las Artes de la Construcción 2024 y de las Becas Donald Gray de las Artes de la Construcción 2023-2024, convocados por la Fundación Culturas Constructivas Tradicionales con la colaboración de INTBAU España, el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte y el Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España.

Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional MMXVII / New Traditional Architecture MMXVII

Esta publicación recoge los resultados del Concurso de Arquitectura Richard H. Driehaus y de los Premios Richard H. Driehaus de las Artes de la Construcción 2017. Ambos han sido convocados por INTBAU (International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism), gracias al apoyo del Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Fomento, a través de la Dirección General de Arquitectura, Vivienda y Suelo, el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, a través de la Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Patrimonio Cultural, el Premio Rafael Manzano y el Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España. Incluye un ensayo de Javier Cenicacelaya, Catedrático de Composición Arquitectónica de la Universidad del País Vasco, y prólogos de S.A.R. el Príncipe de Gales, del Ministro de Fomento, Íñigo de la Serna, y de Richard H. Driehaus, entre otros.

Nueva Arquitectura Tradicional MMXX / New Traditional Architecture MMXX


New Traditional Architecture MMXX. Toledo: INTBAU España, 2020. 334 páginas. Edición bilingüe en inglés y español. El libro fue prologado por José Luis Ábalos Meco, Ministro de Fomento, entre otros, e incluye el ensayo de Stefanos Polyzoides “The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it”. Recoge los trabajos galardonados en el Concurso de Arquitectura y los Premios de las Artes de la Construcción Richard H. Driehaus 2020, tanto proyectos arquitectónicos como la carrera profesional de los maestros premiados por su trayectoria en sus diversos oficios.

Workshop on traditional architecture. Experience India- Spain at UPV Campus

Traditional architecture is closely linked to the territory it is found in. However, in some instances it is also possible to find similarities and points in common between constructive techniques that are very far apart in terms of location. This text presents a teaching experience where the main aim was to bring into contact two constructive realities connected with the tradition of earthen construction and tiled vaulting. The contemporary world is comprehensive and global, and links between students must also be so. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage multicultural reunions where students can further their knowledge of a given topic. In this context, an experimental workshop was carried out in July 2017 at the campus of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) with the participation of students from the SAL School of Architecture in Ahmedabad and the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Valencia. This workshop allowed students to work with distant constructive traditio...

The Legacy Of Traditional Architecture

Copal Publishing Group, 2024

Traditional architecture is often mistaken for ornamented architecture, but it is more than that. It involves creating something in harmony with the essence of the place it is built in. The text discusses the concept of traditional architecture and its relation to Auroville, an imagined space that promotes unity, community, and sustainability. It analyzes the original concept of Auroville and its architectural design, which has diverged over the years. The Matrimandir, a golden dome structure, serves as the spiritual center of Auroville but contradicts its true essence. Architect Anupama Kundoo's projects, such as the Wall House, retain the essence of traditional architecture in Auroville. This paper analyzes traditional architecture in Auroville through Anupama Kundoo’s works inspired by Laurie Baker’s ideology in its true form.

Van Geert, F.; Estrada, F. (2018). "The contributions of traditional architecture to the construction of the landscape". In F. Van Geert & F. Estrada (eds.) Construint el territori: arquitectura tradicional i paisatge a Catalunya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, pp. 300-310


Catalonia is a country with a wide variety of landscapes resulting from the continuous relationship between humans and the environment, traditional architecture being the result of this interaction. Thus, the different built elements, their distribution around the land and their forms and materials are key factors in the configuration of the landscape. Traditional architecture is constructed by the members of a given society based on the local building traditions. It is the outcome of shared knowledge passed on from one generation to the next and enriched by the personal experiences of the builders. For this reason, the traditional architecture of each society is linked both to the ecological, socioeconomic and cultural context and to local historical processes. It is adapted to the environment but is not merely the outcome of natural or technical conditions. The natural factors-climate, land morphology, materials-and technology limit the possibilities of building forms and adopting structures which have to do with society and culture. Constructions and land occupation reflect the economic system, the social organisation-social relations, politics, norms-and the culture-ideas on the relationship between humans and the environment, on ways of living and on aesthetic tastes.