The role of accounting in the industrialization efforts of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century (original) (raw)

Accounting and Fiscality in the Ottoman Empire

Economics and Applied Informatics, 2013

The Ottoman Empire was an imperial superpower that manifested its domination in the Mediterranean zone between 1299 and 1922. At the moment of their maximum glory, the ottomans ruled over three continents, meaning 19,9 millions km 2. The tax system applied during 600 years, but also the accounting methods used, prove a remarkable administrative and fiscal organization in the Empire. There were taxes based on the Islamic law, but also taxes established by the sultan concerning the salaries of employees and the military campaigns. The necessity of a correct evidence of tax collecting and distribution required keeping registers "in stairs", according to an accounting method overtook from the Arabs, named the "Merdiban Method". The method was based on principles available until nowadays. It was applied until the end of XIX th century, when it was replaced with the method based on double-entry recording, overtook from the west.


EKEV Akademi Dergisi (EKEV Academy Journal), 2023

The aim of this research is to examine the birth of accounting in ancient civilizations, then its history in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey, as well as accounting's development process until today. Discussions about where accounting was first born and invented still continue, and there is no universal consensus. However, there are different opinions about the fact that accounting first appeared in ancient

Accounting for procurement in the Ottoman Empire during the early 18th century


18. yuzyilda, ticari islemler ile ilgili muhasebe kayitlari Osmanli devlet muhasebe sisteminin onemli bir parcasi olan Merdiven yontemi ile kaydedilmekteydi. Bu calisma Merdiven yonteminin belirli bir ticari islemdeki yeterliligini olcmeyi hedeflemektedir. Arastirmaya konu olan muhasebe kayitlari karsilastirma yapilabilmesi amaciyla, hem Merdiven yontemi, hem de cift yanli kayit yontemine uygun olacak sekilde tercume edilmistir. Ayrica calismada, Merdiven yonteminin basitligi ve etkililiginin gosterilmesi amaciyla genel kabul gormus muhasebe kurallari ve prensipleri ile Merdiven yontemi arasinda da karsilastirma yapilmistir. Muhasebe kayitlari, 18. yuzyilin ilk yillarinda Kuzey Bulgaristan’dan demir cevheri satin alimini ve bu cevherin Istanbul’daki imparatorluk tersanesine ve imparatorluk tophanesine sevkiyatini konu alan 8 aylik bir anlasmayi icermektedir.


The objective of this paper is to explore the socio-economic changes in the Ottoman Empire based on assessing the data recorded in the annual balance sheets of some imarets. We, firstly, explained general features of imarets. Then, we demonstrated the organizational structure and administration, the sources of income as well as the expenditures of these endowments. The type and quantity of dishes, their ingredients, when and whom they were handed out were also described in depth. We, finally, analysed the changes in the revenues of imarets and staff. This analysis is based on the annual balance sheets of different years. In brief, it appears that both the quality of social services imarets served to society decreased over time in accordance with the decline in their revenues.


In Turkey, from the establishment of the Republic to the early 1950s, there have been several changes in the accounting field in parallel to the changes of the economic and political structure. In our study, these changes were examined by including the development process of private sector accounting practices. The accounting practices, which were influenced by the German Commercial Law, was focused on the firm’s account keeping practices and profit calculation and concentrated on the organization of the balance sheet and income statement, at the beginning of the Republic years. In the early years of the Republic, applications were assessed within the scope of revenue and expenditure, while in the later years, depending on the changes in the production system, its scope has broadened and sub-systems of accounting, such as cost and management accounting, have emerged. For the period covered by this study, the most important improvement of the cost accounting practices were certainly the studies on the cost calculations at Sümerbank. The techniques, which were used in the cost distribution, were the same as today’s while distributing costs in this institution. The objective to be reached in this study is to introduce the changes in accounting practices starting from the years of the establishment of the Republic to 1950. In this context, the subject of this study is to evaluate the financial, cost and management accounting practices of that period.

Development of the merdiban method in the Ilkhanate state (1251 - 1353 a.d.) and it's transition to the Ottoman state accountancy

De Computis - Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad, 2011

El estudio tiene como objetivo observar las novedades y mejoras del método Merdiban lo largo del tiempo que se benefician de los registros contables del Estado Iljanato y el Estado Otomano. Los resultados muestran que las relaciones políticas entre el Iljanato Estado y el Estado Otomano se puede considerar como el principal factor para la difusión del método Merdiban en el Oriente Medio. Algunas de las características comunes de estos Estados que contribuyeron a la colocación de este método se mencionan en el estudio. Algunas de las características comunes de estos Estados que contribuyeron a la colocación de este método se mencionan en el estudio.

Imperial shipyard (tersane-i amire) in the Ottoman Empire in 17th century: management and accounting

De Computis on line: …, 2010

Las instituciones del Imperio Otomano se encontraban bajo control estatal. El astillero Imp erial (Tersane-i Amire) estaba entre ellas. El astillero Imperial se estableció a finales del siglo 15 en el Cuerno de Oro (Halic), Estambul, y todavía hoy sigue funcionando. Este estudio examina la gestión y la infraestructura contable de los astilleros con el fin de comprender las razones de la interacción mutua entre la dirección y las prácticas contables del Imperio Otomano. Así, este estudio proporciona un marco para las prácticas de contabilidad en el Imperio Otomano al examinar un documento contable en relación con el Astillero Imperial en el año 1661 d.C. (Hegira 1071-1072). La evaluación de los documentos indica que la contabilidad tenía capacidad para satisfacer las necesidades del sector al que da servicio, aunque el concepto de costo no se desarrolla en la época estudiada.

Examination of Budget Studies from Ottoman Empire to Republic of Turkey in Terms of Accounting and a Case Study


Advanced accounting systems have been used for a long time in Anatolia. Especially in the Ottoman Empire period, these systems remained within the boundaries of state accounting since private companies could not develop because of strict ruling of the central statist structure of the Empire. In addition, the ladder method, which is a special method used in the Ottoman Empire, has evolved over time, but it has not been able to meet the needs of the18th century and significant changes have been made towards the accounting and financial system in the second half of the 19th century. Although there are many aspects of these changes, this study examined the effects of these changes on the state budget in particular. Although there was no modern budgeting prior to the Tanzimat period, the accrual accounting method used for hundreds of years and facilitated budget implementations and modern budget approach had started to be used since the 20th century. In this study, especially the account...

The development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey

International Journal of Critical Accounting, 2014

The aim of this study is to investigate the development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey. In the Ottoman State (Turkey has historically deep-rooted ties), the accounting system developed within the context of the importance attributed to personal law, emanet and zakat. Accounting in the private sector did not develop, double-entry bookkeeping method was only introduced in 1879, and governmental accounting was based on stairs method. The development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey in the light of the developments in the economic system, political, legal, educational, taxing and occupational activity domains, can be divided into three periods: the periods of 1923-1950, 1950-1985, and 1985 and later. It can be summarised that the development of accounting in Turkey, as education, practice or scientific discipline, has been heavily influenced by the western countries (successively French, Germany, and the UK-USA) as a result of the economic and political ties over the past two centuries. After 1980 when Turkish economy was opened to the international markets and when accounting adapted itself to this, the structure and development of accounting started to be shaped not by local developments but by international developments.

The state accounting doctrine book In the Middle East In the 14th century: Risale-I Felekiyye and its place In accounting culture


The advanced financial structure of the Ilkhanian State (1256-1353) is well known. The state accounting doctrine books that survive from this powerful state influenced public accounting and management practice in the Ottoman Empire and Middle Eastern region for hundreds of years. These accounting books were written in 1309-1363. The last and the most developed book in the series is 'Risale-i Felekiyye-Kitab-us Siyakat'. The Risale-i Felekiyye-Kitab-us Siyakat contains accounting examples written in Siyakat script. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the functioning of financial orders and fiscal orders that facilitated decision making and the types and total of revenues and expenses of a state accounting system in 14th century. Thus, it describes a system of public accounting that facilitated financial planning and control, and a structure that integrated easily with fiscal management. Risale-i Felekiyye is seen as an excellent example of a written doctrine of accounting book with explanations of an accounting system and advanced level of accounting understanding.