Understanding Complex Multi-sentence Entity seeking Questions (original) (raw)
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Constrained BERT BiLSTM CRF for understanding multi-sentence entity-seeking questions
Natural Language Engineering, 2020
We present the novel task of understanding multi-sentence entity-seeking questions (MSEQs), that is, the questions that may be expressed in multiple sentences, and that expect one or more entities as an answer. We formulate the problem of understanding MSEQs as a semantic labeling task over an open representation that makes minimal assumptions about schema or ontology-specific semantic vocabulary. At the core of our model, we use a BiLSTM (bidirectional LSTM) conditional random field (CRF), and to overcome the challenges of operating with low training data, we supplement it by using BERT embeddings, hand-designed features, as well as hard and soft constraints spanning multiple sentences. We find that this results in a 12–15 points gain over a vanilla BiLSTM CRF. We demonstrate the strengths of our work using the novel task of answering real-world entity-seeking questions from the tourism domain. The use of our labels helps answer 36% more questions with 35% more (relative) accuracy ...
Evaluating Entity Models on the TREC Question Answering Task
ABSTRACT We propose entity models, a representation of the language used to describe a named entity (person, organization, or location). The model is purely statistical and constructed from snippets of text surrounding mentions of an entity. We evaluate the effectiveness of entity models for fact-based question answering. The results obtained on question answering are promising indicating that entity models contain useful information which would aid textual data mining and other related tasks.
Using context information to enhance simple question answering
World Wide Web
With the rapid development of knowledge bases (KBs), question answering (QA) based on KBs has become a hot research issue. In this paper, we propose two frameworks (i.e., a pipeline framework, an end-to-end framework) to focus on answering single-relation factoid questions. In both of two frameworks, we study the effect of context information on the quality of QA, such as the entity's notable type, out-degree. In the pipeline framework, it includes two cascaded steps: entity detection and relation detection. In the end-to-end framework, we combine char-level encoding and self-attention mechanisms, using weight sharing and multi-task strategies to enhance the accuracy of QA. Experimental results show that context information can get better results of simple QA whether it is the pipeline framework or the end-to-end framework. In addition, we find that the end-to-end framework achieves results competitive with state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy and take much shorter time than them.
Long-Term Memory Networks for Question Answering
Question answering is an important and difficult task in the natural language processing domain, because many basic natural language processing tasks can be cast into a question answering task. Several deep neural network architectures have been developed recently, which employ memory and inference components to memorize and reason over text information, and generate answers to questions. However, a major drawback of many such models is that they are capable of only generating single-word answers. In addition, they require large amount of training data to generate accurate answers. In this paper, we introduce the Long-Term Memory Network (LTMN), which incorporates both an external memory module and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) module to comprehend the input data and generate multi-word answers. The LTMN model can be trained end-to-end using back-propagation and requires minimal supervision. We test our model on two synthetic data sets (based on Facebook's bAbI data set) and t...
Question Answering Survey: Directions, Challenges, Datasets, Evaluation Matrices
Journal of Xidian University, 2021
The usage and amount of information available on the internet increase over the past decade. This digitization leads to the need for automated answering system to extract fruitful information from redundant and transitional knowledge sources. Such systems are designed to cater the most prominent answer from this giant knowledge source to the user's query using natural language understanding (NLU) and thus eminently depends on the Question-answering(QA) field. Question answering involves but not limited to the steps like mapping of user's question to pertinent query, retrieval of relevant information, finding the best suitable answer from the retrieved information etc. The current improvement of deep learning models evince compelling performance improvement in all these tasks. In this review work, the research directions of QA field are analyzed based on the type of question, answer type, source of evidence-answer, and modeling approach. This detailing followed by open challenges of the field like automatic question generation, similarity detection and, low resource availability for a language. In the end, a survey of available datasets and evaluation measures is presented.
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
In open-domain question answering, dense passage retrieval has become a new paradigm to retrieve relevant passages for finding answers. Typically, the dual-encoder architecture is adopted to learn dense representations of questions and passages for semantic matching. However, it is difficult to effectively train a dual-encoder due to the challenges including the discrepancy between training and inference, the existence of unlabeled positives and limited training data. To address these challenges, we propose an optimized training approach, called RocketQA, to improving dense passage retrieval. We make three major technical contributions in RocketQA, namely crossbatch negatives, denoised hard negatives and data augmentation. The experiment results show that RocketQA significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art models on both MS-MARCO and Natural Questions. We also conduct extensive experiments to examine the effectiveness of the three strategies in RocketQA. Besides, we demonstrate that the performance of end-to-end QA can be improved based on our RocketQA retriever 1 .
KGI: An Integrated Framework for Knowledge Intensive Language Tasks
In this paper, we present a system to showcase the capabilities of the latest state-of-the-art retrieval augmented generation models trained on knowledge-intensive language tasks, such as slot filling, open domain question answering, dialogue, and fact-checking. Moreover, given a user query, we show how the output from these different models can be combined to cross-examine the outputs of each other. Particularly, we show how accuracy in dialogue can be improved using the question answering model. We are also releasing all models used in the demo as a contribution of this paper. A short video demonstrating the system is available at https://ibm.box.com/v/emnlp2022-demo.
Inter-Sentence Features and Thresholded Minimum Error Rate Training: NAIST at CLEF 2013 QA4MRE
This paper describes the Nara Institute of Science and Technology's system for the main task of CLEF 2013 QA4MRE. The core of the system is a log linear scoring model that couples both intra and intersentence features. Each of the features receives an input of a candidate answer, question, and document, and uses these to assign a score according to some criterion. We use minimum error rate training (MERT) to train the weights of the model and also propose a novel method for MERT with the addition of a threshold that defines the certainty with which we must answer questions. The system received a score of 28% c@1 on main questions and 33% c@1 when considering auxiliary questions on the CLEF 2013 evaluation.
Drexel at TREC 2007: Question Answering
The TREC Question Answering Track presented several distinct challenges to participants in 2007. Participants were asked to create a system which discovers the answers to factoid and list questions about people, entities, organizations and events, given both blog and newswire text data sources. In addition, participants were asked to expose interesting information nuggets which exist in the data collection, which were not uncovered by the factoid or list questions. This year is the first time the Intelligent Information Processing group at Drexel has participated in the TREC Question Answering Track. As such, our goal was the development of a Question Answering system framework to which future enhancements could be made, and the construction of simple components to populate the framework. The results of our system this year were not significant; our primary accomplishment was the establishment of a baseline system which can be improved upon in 2008 and going forward.