Relevansi Nilai Revaluasi Aset Tetap Dengan Tingkat Utang Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (original) (raw)

Relevansi Nilai Atas Nilai Wajar Aset dan Liabilitas Dengan Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

InFestasi, 2017

This study examines the relevance of fair value of assets and liabilities and mechanisms of good corporate governance as a moderating variable by using a sample banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2014 year. The sampling method using purposive sampling and analysis of research data using Eviews. Mechanism of Good Corporate Governance in the study visits of the independent board, institutional investors and the audit committee of the company. Furthermore, this research also investigates the value relevance of accounting information such as book value, earnings, the fair value of financial assets and liabilities with a view influence on stock prices and stock returns. Ohlson Model (1995) into the measurement model used in this study, and this study examines both the measurement model Ohlson is the pricing model and the model returns to see the consistency of the study. Significant results indicate that the book value, earnings, the fair value of assets an...

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Revaluasi Aset Tetap

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan

This study was aimed at examining the influence of factors to fixed assets revaluation in companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Factors tested in this study is leverage, operating cash flow, firm size, stucture of assets, growth companies, IOS, ownership control, mergers, acquisitions and fixed assets revaluation. The sample in this study was determined by using purposive sampling method in order to obtain 84 sample companies with 168 observations. The data analysis used logistic regression analysis. The result of this study indicated that the variable leverage, operating cash flow, firm size, stucture of assets, growth companies, ownership control did not have effect to fixed assets revaluation, while variable mergers and acquisitions affected fixed assets revaluation.

Pengaruh Leverage, Size, Likuiditas, Arus Kas Operasi Terhadap Revaluasi Aset Tetap


The aim of this study are to prove empirically the effect of leverage, size, liquidity and operating cash flows of the fixed asset revaluation. The research is using sample from all non financial companies, which doing revaluation asset during 2012-2015 through registered company in Indonesian Stock Exchange by upward revaluation category. This research is using Path analysis (PLS) without requiring the classical assumption test and normality. The results showed that the leverage effect on the revaluation of fixedassets, it is proved that high leverage is reason for the company to decided doing the revaluation of fixed assets, the large company is tend want to show decrease the earnings report to reduce the political cost, assets revaluation would caused recalculate value of depreciation to increase expense and to reduce company profits. Cash flow operation affected the revaluation of fixed assets to company needs to be able to paid obligations and assets revaluations required a lar...

Determinan Kualitas Audit Dengan Tenure Audit Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Governance, 2021

This study aims to examine various factors that can affect audit quality moderated by tenure audit. The data analysis method used is the Moderated Regression Analysis. The results of this study indicate that independence, audit fees, and tenure audits have a positive and significant influence on audit quality. Meanwhile, time budget pressure has a negative and significant effect on audit quality. And tenure audit moderates independence, time budget pressure, audit fees have a positive and significant influence

Relevansi Penilaian Perusahaan dalam Kondisi Ekonomi Labil, Apakah Masih Layak Diperhitungkan?

Jurnal Akuntansi, 2006

Company valuation is a mix of art and science. The bottom line is, of course that a business is worth what a buyer will pay for it. However, there are ways of estimating a fair price. Several of those methods are described in this section, such as: (1). Dividen growth, (2). Price earnings ratio, (3). Economic value added, (4). Return on Equity, and (5). Corporation Model-Discounted Cash Flow. There are variations of these and there are other methods that apply to specific situations. The question rises, where is a good method among those choices? Actually not even a single method became a perfect model. Choices it is dependable to company's purposes. Note: there are a number of reasons for valuing a company, other than buying or selling it. Companies are valued for estate and tax purposes, divorce settlements, and for raising capital. Hopefully, this material will be a good recipe to help business activity to set on their company's value.

Analisis Nilai Relevansi Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Dengan Diversitas Direksi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi, 2022

This study aims to see the value relevance of CSR Disclosure. The object of this research is all companies listed on the IDX in 2020 which publish an annual report with 352 observation companies. The data used is taken from the company's annual report by using purposive sampling. This study examines the effect of CSR Disclosure on value relevance with board diversity (gender, age, and education) as the moderating variable. By using statistical descriptive tests and regression analysis, it is ensured that CSR Disclosure does not affect the value of relevance, meaning that it does not affect the reactions and considerations of investors' decisions. The moderating variable also cannot provide a significant influence on CSR Disclosure and its effect on the value relevance. This is because of investors' considerations that are still focused on the company's financial performance compared to the company's non-financial performance companies. The contribution of this research can be used as reference in decisions and policies in the company's annual reporting to influence market reactions to information disclosure. In addition, it can also be used as a reference for the regulators to pay more attention to the CSR disclosure of the companies to be more thorough.

Urgensi Revaluasi Aset

Sebagaimana diketahui, Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) tahun 2004, 2005, dan 2006 oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dinyatakan disclaimer / tidak memberikan pendapat apapun. LKPP merupakan rapor pemerintah dalam mempertanggungjawabkan amanat yang dipercayakan rakyat, utamanya yang terkait dengan penggunaan anggaran/dana publik, juga kepada stakeholder lainnya (lembaga donor, dunia usaha, dll). Oleh sebab itu, Pemerintah melalui Menteri Keuangan selaku BUN (red : Pengelola Barang), sempat menagih janji Dirjen Kekayaan Negara agar status Laporan Keuangan dari sisi kekayaan negara tidak lagi disclaimer pada tahun 2008 (Kompas 9 Juni 2007), dengan langkah inventarisasi dan revaluasi aset/kekayaan negara diharapkan akan mampu memperbaiki/menyempurnakan administrasi pengelolaan BMN yang ada saat ini. Dengan langkah inventarisasi dan penilaian BMN tersebut, diproyeksikan kedepan akan dapat terwujud database BMN yang akurat dan reliable, sehingga dapat dipergunakan bagi kepentingan penyusunan rencana kebutuhan dan penganggaran atas belanja barang dan/atau belanja modal pada kementerian/lembaga negara. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah bagaimana dengan nilai-nilai aset yang belum diketahui datanya sehingga masih banyak asset dengan nilai Rp 1,-. Aset tersebut mutlak perlu dilakukan peniliaian kembali ( direvaluasi ) untuk mendapatkan nilai wajarnya sehingga dapat menunjukkan potensi ekonomi sesungguhnya untuk pengambilan kebijakan. Kendala dalam pelaksanaan revaluasi yaitu sebagaimana diatur dalam PP 24 Th 2005 tentang SAP ( Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan ) Paragraf 58 dinyatakan bahwa Penilaian kembali atau revaluasi aset tetap pada umumnya tidak diperkenankan karena SAP menganut penilaian aset berdasarkan biaya perolehan atau harga pertukaran. Penyimpangan dari ketentuan ini mungkin dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan pemerintah yang berlaku secara nasional. Berkenaan dengan permasalahan di atas, tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menguraikan pentingnya revaluasi asset dalam penyusunan neraca dihubungkan dengan aturan yang ada serta bagaimana solusi yang diperlukan untuk menyelaraskan permasalahan tersebut. Arief Hadianto; 20576/PS/MEP/2006 Revaluasi asset dalam rangka penyusunan LKPP

Pengaruh Leverage, Arus Kas Operasi, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Fixed Asset Intensity Terhadap Revaluasi Aset Tetap

This study examines the effect of company's leverage, declining cash flow from operation, size and asset intensity on manager's selection of the upward fixed asset revaluation. Based on PSAK 16, Indonesian company can choose cost method or revaluation method on their fixed asset. Sample selected by purposed sampling and collected 113 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2012 and 2013. By using logistic regression, the result of this study shows that there is no significant effect of leverage, declining cash flow from operation, size and asset intensity on manager's selection of the upward fixed asset revaluation. The results of this study same with Seng and Su (2010) except for larger firm. Seng and Su (2010) found larger firm are more likely to revalue their asset in order to mitigate political cost.

Peran Leverage Sebagai Pemoderasi: Revaluasi Aset Tetap, Kebijakan Dividen, Nilai Perusahaan

Jurnal Magister Akuntansi Trisakti

The firm value is closely related to the market's reaction to the information provided by management so that such information can influence investor behavior. This study is aimed to examine the effect of the revaluation of fixed assets and dividend policies on firm value. In addition, this study uses leverage as a moderation variable. This study employs a quantitative method with cross-sectional data. The data used in this study is secondary in the form of corporate financial statements registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) of the basic and chemical industry sectors from 2014 to 2016. Data obtained from the official website of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) through the site Http: / / Sampling in this study uses purposive sampling method, so the final sample in the study is 34 observations. This study suggests that asset revaluation is negatively association with firm value, while dividend policy is not associated with firm value. Furthermore, leve...