Multimodal Authoring of Virtual Worlds (original) (raw)

Collaborative multimodal authoring of virtual worlds

Resumo O objectivo deste trabalho é a criação de mundos virtuais por equipas de trabalho com recurso a técnicas avançadas de interacção, tais como comandos de fala e gestos, e a dispositivos móveis. As características físicas dos ambientes de realidade virtual conduzem-nos a diferentes tipos de interfaces de utilizador. Contudo, encontramos certa utilidade no clássico paradigma WIMP, que é utilizado recorrendo a um PDA, para complementar as possibilidades de interacção. Em termos de descrição da aplicação utilizamos a linguagem de modelação para realidade virtual – VRML. Um dos principais objectivos consiste na separação/combinação de arquivos VRML para permitir o trabalho individual a cada um dos elementos da equipa, e posteriormente a combinação de resultados para produzir o mundo virtual global. Abstract This work aims the creation of virtual worlds by working teams with resource to advanced interaction techniques, such as speech commands and gestures, as well as the resource to ...

A framework for the development of applications allowing Multimodal Interaction with Virtual Reality worlds

… Proceedings 16th International …, 2008

With the definition of a mark-up language for specifying scenes, behaviour and multimodal interaction based on the metaphor of interactive movie, we want to propose a framework to develop applications allowing multimodal interaction with virtual reality worlds. Reusing standardized mark-up languages for describing graphics, vocal interaction and graphical interaction, we have defined the basis of an architecture for integrating components of this kind of applications of multimodal interaction with virtual reality worlds. Using this framework we make easier the development of these applications and we provide capabilities to reuse code, graphics and dialogues.

Multimodal interaction with virtual worlds XMMVR: eXtensible language for MultiModal interaction with virtual reality worlds

Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2015

Based on a philosophy of integrating components from multimodal interaction applications with 3D graphical environments, reusing already defined markup language for describing graphics, graphical and spoken interactions based on the interactive movie metaphor, a markup language for modeling scenes, behavior and interaction is searched to define. With the definition of this language, we hope to have a common framework for developing applications that allow multimodal interaction at 3D stages. Thus we have defined the basis of an architecture that allows us to integrate the components of such multimodal interaction applications in 3D virtual environments.

A meta-authoring tool for specifying interactions in virtual reality environments


Abstract When creating virtual reality environments a large amount of the interaction needs to be programmed. The problem with this is that non-computer expert users lack the programming skills necessary to create useful applications. Specifying interactions remains in the domain of the programmer. Creating a single, generic authoring tool for every different kind of application would be an impossible task--more so if the authors are non-programmers.

Using multimodal interaction to navigate in arbitrary virtual VRML worlds


In this paper we present a multimodal interface for navigating in arbitrary virtual VRML worlds. Conventional haptic devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick and touchscreen can freely be combined with special Virtual-Reality hardware like spacemouse, data glove and position tracker. As a key feature, the system additionally provides intuitive input by command and natural speech utterances as well as dynamic head and hand gestures. The commuication of the interface components is based on the abstract formalism of a context-free grammar, allowing the representation of deviceindependent information. Taking into account the current system context, user interactions are combined in a semantic unification process and mapped on a model of the viewer's functionality vocabulary. To integrate the continuous multimodal information stream we use a straight-forward rulebased approach and a new technique based on evolutionary algorithms. Our navigation interface has extensively been evaluated in usability studies, obtaining excellent results.

A combined immersive and desktop authoring tool for virtual environments

Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2002, 2002

While frameworks and application programming interfaces for virtual reality are commonplace today, designing scenarios for virtual environments still remains a tedious and time consuming task. We present a new authoring tool which combines scene assembly and visual programming in a desktop application with instant testing, tuning and planning in an immersive virtual environment. Two authors can work together -one with the desktop authoring application, and the other in the immersive VR-simulation -to build a complete scenario.

Extending VRML to Support Collaborative Virtual Environments

Collaborative Virtual Environments, 1996

In this paper we will give a short overview of the areas where VRML —the Virtual Reality Modelling Lan- guage— has to be extended in order to support collaborative virtual environments on the Internet. We will present extensions which allow an adequate representation of the individual participant within the virtual world. We will show how our approach supports shared interactions

A Java3D Tool for Real-Time Collaboration in a Virtual Reality CAADEnvironment


Today the development of network-based virtual communities and the use of avatars have brought a new level of complexity to the meaning of virtuality, providing the technology for remote presence and collaborative experiences. In this project the intention was to pursue this articulated vision of VR in order to assist the design profession during the early stages of the design process. The objective was to provide a tool that is capable of creating 3D shapes in a shared VR environment, thus allowing thedesign and its evolution to be shared. The use of the Java programming language was a natural choice for this project. Because of Java’s performance scalability and hardware independence the concept ofCAAD has been extended, making it possible to create a VR environment that can co-exist between high-end supercomputers and standard PCs. The project is currently being tested using PCs and an SGI system running a Reality Centre. The research reported in this paper describes the architec...