Drafting A Blueprint For Educating Tomorrow's Engineers Today (original) (raw)

Engineering the future: training teachers to develop tomorrow's engineers


BEd/MEd students (2017/18 academic year) at the University of Winchester who volunteered to take part in the project. Halterworth Primary School, Hampshire and Ropley CE Primary School, Hampshire, for welcoming the students into their classrooms and for giving permission How some future teachers learned about EHoM during their ITE programme 4.1 Opportunities and challenges for incorporating EHoM within ITE programmes 4.2 How future teachers encouraged pupils to 'think like an engineer' 4.3 How future teachers engaged with engineers 4.4 How future teachers noticed pupils using EHoM in the classroom 4.5 Extending understanding of EHoM 4.6 Aligning EHOM and disciplinary thinking ways of thinking 4.7 Summary 5. Conclusions and recommendations 5.1. Summary of the project outcomes 5.2 Recommendations Endnotes Engineering the future: training today's teachers to develop tomorrow's engineers AR Action research Attainment 8 A school accountability measure used in England for the attainment of a pupil across eight qualifications BEd/MEd University undergraduate programme leading to a Bachelor of Education degree or a Master's of Education and qualification as a teacher CRL Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester, UK D&T Design and technology DfE Department for Education EBacc English Baccalaureate EHoM Engineering habits of mind ITE Initial teacher education, sometimes referred to as initial teacher training, includes programmes combining academic and practical study leading to a qualification to teach in UK schools ITE provider Organisation providing approved undergraduate or postgraduate programmes of study to prepare students to qualify as teachers Key Stage Blocks of years by which the National Curriculum in England is organised, each having its own prescribed course of study. Key Stages 1 to 2 cover ages 5 to 11; Key Stages 3 to 4 cover ages 11 to 16 NAE National Academy of Engineering, a US non-governmental organisation providing independent advice to the US government on engineering and technology matters NGSS Next Generation Science Standards, US science content standards that set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do from Kindergarten to Grade 12 (ages 4 to 17/18) Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills PGCE Postgraduate Certificate of Education Progress 8 School accountability measure that aims to capture the progress a pupil makes from the end of primary school to the end of Key Stage 4 QTS Qualified Teacher Status STEM Science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM Ambassador A volunteer from a STEM-related job or discipline who supports schools in bringing STEM subjects to life and generates enthusiasm for STEM careers Glossary of abbreviations and terms 'growth mindsets'; improvements in literacy, numeracy and oracy; enhanced self-management skills; and better understanding of engineering. Pupils at Halterworth Primary School proudly display their interactive fireworks scene Engineering the future: training today's teachers to develop tomorrow's engineers 32 Conclusions and recommendations

Engineering the Future: A Workshop for High School Teachers


The framework guiding the development of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) identifies eight science and engineering principles essential for all students to learn. The Engineering the Future workshop, offered by South Dakota State University (SDSU) in the summer of 2012, focused on helping teachers better understand those principles and how to employ them effectively in their classrooms. Each day of the week-long workshop, teachers participated in a variety of engineering-related activities, accessed low and high-end instrumentation, took tours of engineering-related facilities in the region, and developed lesson plans to incorporate what they learned into their science classrooms. We used pre-and postworkshop surveys to assess the participants' understanding and attitudes regarding science and engineering. Results of the survey showed participants had a narrow view of engineering prior to the workshop but by the end of the workshop, they were more aware of the nature of engineering, the various types of engineering, and they better understood how they could incorporate engineering principles into their current curriculum.

Introducing engineering in middle schools

33rd Annual Frontiers in Education, 2003. FIE 2003., 2003

The Engineering Your Future program is a collaborative effort amongst IBM, the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), and the Denver Public School system (DPS). As part of this project, an IBM researcher and undergraduate students from CSM visit 25 middle school science classes (~600 students) on a monthly basis to expose the students to various scientific, mathematical, and engineering concepts through hands-on investigations. Each teaching module is designed to engage students in interesting and relevant experiments which demonstrate scientific or engineering concepts that reinforce or enhance the standard curriculum. Repetitive interventions with each class are used to develop relationships between the middle school students, the outreach instructor, and undergraduate student "role models". The four participating Denver middle schools all have high minority (>90%) low-income (>70%) student populations that have demonstrated poor performance on state standardized tests of mathematics and science.

Board # 102 :Hands-on Summer Workshop to Attract Middle School Students to Engineering (Work in Progress)


is the current director for the Center for Engineering Education Research (CEER) which examines innovative and effective engineering education practices as well as classroom technologies that advance learning and teaching in engineering. He is also working on National Science Foundation (NSF) funded projects exploring engineering design thinking. His areas of research include engineering design thinking, adult learning cognition, engineering education professional development and technical training. He has extensive international experience working on technical training and engineering educaton projects funded by the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and U.S. Department of Labor, USAID. Countries where he has worked include Armenia,

Engineering Education Experience, E3, for Teachers: A Professional Development Workshop for 6–12 Engineering Education

2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings

This paper describes a professional development program developed for middle and high school teachers, counselors, and administrators designed to provide information about grades 6-12 engineering curricula, engineering career paths, the Kansas State University College of Engineering, and student preparation for the study of engineering. The program, Engineering Education Experience (E3) was developed at Kansas State University, a midwestern university with a comprehensive engineering college. The program was created to support the University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA). The UEIA, approved by the Kansas Legislature in 2011, provides funding for the state's three engineering colleges to increase the number of engineering graduates in the state. In support of this plan, Kansas State University College of Engineering created E3 to inform 6-12 teachers, administrators and counselors of engineering as a topic of study and career path with the intent of reaching middle and high school students. The program was offered to teachers as a summer professional development workshop. During the summer of 2012, the Kansas State University College of Engineering hosted two 3day engineering education workshops for teachers. Topics of lessons and activities included (a) engineering design, (b) problem-solving, (c) biological and environmental engineering, (d) nanomaterials, and (e) wind power. Activities and discussions allowed teachers to extend their knowledge of STEM topics and to meet with College of Engineering administrators, faculty, and students. Sixty-six teachers, counselors, and administrators participated in the E3 workshops. Participants included middle and high school math, physical science, biological science, and gifted teachers, along with counselors and administrators. Participants received 20 hours of professional development credit. A pre-workshop survey assessed their existing knowledge of engineering and what they hoped to learn from the workshop. Participants also completed a post workshop evaluation survey. A majority of the responses were favorable to the E3 workshop, with 98.5% of participants rating overall quality of the presenters/sessions as very good or excellent. Participants indicated satisfaction in presentations of the many areas and applications of engineering, variety of programs, and careers associated with engineering, and engineeringrelated activities for the classroom. This paper includes discussion topics and lesson plans developed for the E3 program and used during the workshop, including hands on and collaborative activities related to biological and environmental engineering, nanomaterials, and wind power.

Adding E into STEM to Teach & Inspire Future Engineers


The 21 st century's dramatic technological revolution requires graduating more engineers to cope with new global exigencies and to develop new manufacturing processes and products, as well as manage energy, transportation and communications systems to prevent new and redress old environmental problems, create pioneering health care devices, and, in general, make technology respond to ever increasing demands (Flexner Report, 2007, Arnett and Van Horn, 2009). Despite this increased need for engineering professionals, the numbers of students studying engineering have declined in recent years, both in the United States and globally (Johnson and Russell, 2006). Many factors have contributed to this decline-including the difficulty of the curriculum, lack of well-prepared K-12 Sience , Technology , Engineering and Math(STEM) teachers, and the attractiveness of alternate paths to good technical jobs and uncertain employment paths for engineering graduates (Besterfield-Sacre Atman, & Schulman, 1997). Building student passion for engineering and science from an early age is one of the most important factors to prepare younger generations to become future engineers. Students need knowledge and inspiration in K-12 math and science classrooms, particularly in K-12 schools. Teachers can integrate their math and science knowledge into engineering principles in ways that engage learners in the world of the engineer. This paper will discuss the curricular innovations developed by Dr. Darwish to respond to the needs of in-service middle school teachers (master's students) who are integrating engineering principles into their curricula.

Innovating Education for the Next Generation of Engineers – Results of an NSF-RET Program Focused on Innovation

2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings

Engineering innovation and design continues to be vital to economic success, sustainability, and the creation of jobs in the U.S., and remains at the top of government policy agendas today. For the U.S. to maintain its edge in innovation, our youth must be inspired to pursue STEM fields and must also be exposed to the process of innovation in order to understand the synergism of the methods and approaches used in ideation, discovery and experimentation in the STEM disciplines. This paper describes a unique National Science Foundation-Research Experience for Teachers program that is thematically centered on innovation and engineering design. The overall objectives of this six week program for K-12 STEM teachers and pre-service teachers entitled Engineering Innovation and Design for STEM Teachers was to enhance the knowledge of teachers and pre-service teachers about engineering innovation and design so that they can facilitate inspirational engineering and innovation experiences in their classrooms as well as better inform their students of potential career fields and societal needs related to STEM. During the first and second summers of this program, ten teachers and five pre-service teachers were placed on teams with an engineering student, engineering faculty and an industrial mentor or community partner. Each team participated in an introductory engineering innovation and design project as well as a more in-depth project provided by the industrial mentor or community partner. The experience was enhanced through field trips to the industrial mentors' sites, guest speakers, laboratory experiences and tours, technical writing seminars, as well as history and ethics of engineering innovation sessions. Additionally, the participants were guided through a well-structured curriculum writing experience modeled after that used for a highly successful regional STEM teacher professional development program. Through this experience, the teams made use of a curriculum template that was developed to ensure that the resulting lessons provided high quality inquiry based STEM experiences for the students that included concepts of engineering innovation and design and were also aligned with the state curriculum standards. Guided reflections, team presentations of STEM Curriculum, and developed prototypes provided evidence associated with the objectives. Local System Change (LSC), Mathematics Teaching Efficacy and Beliefs Instrument (MTEBI) and Science Teaching Efficacy and Beliefs Instrument (STEBI) surveys were administered to the in-service teachers prior to the program. Follow-up surveys were administered to the 2012 cohort and will be administered to the in-service teachers during the 2013 academic year to identify changes in attitudes, beliefs and practices. Classroom observations of participants delivering developed STEM content provided details regarding transference to K-12 classrooms. A focus group with the engineering students provided feedback regarding their growth and experiences. Results from both qualitative and quantitative assessment suggest that this program was successful at meeting the program objectives.

Advancing engineering education in P-12 classrooms

… of Engineering Education, 2008

Engineering as a profession faces the challenge of making the use of technology ubiquitous and transparent in society while at the same time raising young learners' interest and understanding of how technology works. Educational efforts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (i.e., STEM disciplines) continue to grow in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (P-12) as part of addressing this challenge. This article explores how engineering education can support acquisition of a wide range of knowledge and skills associated with comprehending and using STEM knowledge to accomplish real world problem solving through design, troubleshooting, and analysis activities. We present several promising instructional models for teaching engineering in P-12 classrooms as examples of how engineering can be integrated into the curriculum. While the introduction of engineering education into P-12 classrooms presents a number of opportunities for STEM learning, it also raises issues regarding teacher knowledge and professional development, and institutional challenges such as curricular standards and high-stakes assessments. These issues are considered briefly with respect to providing direction for future research and development on engineering in P-12.

Work in Progress: Supporting K-12 Teacher Professional Development through the National Center for Engineering and Technology Education

Proceedings. Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, 2006

The National Center for Engineering and Technology Education (NCETE) is a recently funded National Science Foundation Center for Learning and Teaching. This paper provides a broad overview of NCETE activities that will span the five years of the program, consistent with the goals of ASEE's Emerging Trends in Engineering Education session. The long-term goal of NCETE is to understand how to infuse engineering design into technology education in grades 9-12. The paper describes the relationship between engineering and technology education and why NCETE focuses on 9-12 grade technology education as the provider of engineering design concepts. The nine institutions associated with NCETE, the school district partners, and the professional society partners are described. The paper also presents a broad overview of research themes with a description of how these themes will be more sharply focused over the next five years. The paper briefly outlines the doctoral program and the technology teacher program. It concludes by describing some first year goals.

A Framework for Implementing Quality K-12 Engineering Education

2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings

Her research and teaching pursuits are situated in the learning and teaching of STEM fields through the integration of these subjects in formal and non-formal learning environments. Her particular focus is how engineering and engineering thinking promote learning in K-12 mathematics and science classrooms, as well as in higher-education engineering classrooms through the paradigm of STEM integration. She is creating and testing innovative, interdisciplinary curricular approaches that engage students in developing models of real world problems/solutions and working with educators to shift their expectations and instructional practice to facilitate effective STEM integration.