Medieval and Early Modern European Travelers on the Jewish Epigraphy of Southeastern Europe and Caucasus (original) (raw)
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Тирош: Труды по иудаике, славистике, ориенталистике , 2021
The author discusses a Jewish inscription published by Adam Olearius (1599–1671), a German traveler, orientalist, and a member of the Holstein embassy sent in 1635–39 to Muscovy and Safavid Iran. In December 1635 Olearius had copied this inscription from the wall of a caravanserai located at the foot of the Besh Barmag Mountain (today’s territory of the Siazan’ district of the Republic of Azerbaijan). Later he published it in the first [Schleßwig, 1647] and subsequent lifetime editions of his account of Persian and Muscovite journeys. The author proposes his reconstruction and translation of the text of the abovementioned inscription. He argues that this inscription was a fragment of a text mentioning a certain Faraj, son of Yitzhak. The inscription dates back to 1537 according to the Seleucid era or the years 1224/5 AD. The considers this inscription to be an epigraphic confirmation of the testimony of another Western European traveler – William (or Guillaume) Rubruck who had visited the Jewish communities of Transcaucasia in 1254. The stone block with a fragment of the text of the inscription was used in the construction of the caravanserai when Jewish communities seen by Rubruck had left this region or disappeared.
The Connections Between Eastern Europe and the World of Islam seen by the Medieval Jewish Travelers
The Earliest States of Eastern Europe, 2021
The author examines the pieces of evidence of early medieval Jewish travelers of the 9th —12th centuries about the contacts between Eastern Europe and the world of Islam. This information confirms the reality of the trade route of the Jewish traders arRadhaniya through Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia described by Ibn Khordadbeh, as well as the evidence of Ibrahim Ibn Yakub about the existence of regular trade relations between the Polish, Russian and Czech lands since the middle of the 10th century. The reality of the existence of the route between Rus’ and Central Europe can be confirmed not only by the data of Ibrahim ibn Yakub’s contemporary, Hasdai ibn Shaprut, but also by the writings of the authors of the late 12th century — Benjamin of Tudela and Petakhiah of Regensburg. The author also examines the evidence about the links between the Jewish communities of Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East not related to trade. The latter includes pilgrimage practices associated with visits to biblical monuments and holy places in Palestine and Babylonia and the appeal of the Jewish communities of Central and Eastern Europe to the Middle Eastern religious authorities. Some testimonies of sources that have not been previously translated into Russian are published in this paper. Among them, there is a complete Russian translation of an 11th-century letter from Thessaloniki community about Jewish pilgrims from Rus’ to the Middle East. The article also contains a new translation of fragments of the “Book of Travels” of Benjamin of Tudela on Rus’ and Eastern Europe into Russian, based on E. Adler’s critical editions (London, 1907) and some early manuscripts.
Євреї Наддніпрянщини кінця XVIII – початку ХХ ст. в сучасній українській історіографії
І. В. ДВОРКІН, канд. іст. наук, доц. НТУ «ХПІ» ЄВРЕЇ НАДДНІПРЯНЩИНИ КІНЦЯ XVIII-ПОЧАТКУ ХХ СТ. В СУЧАСНІЙ УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ІСТОРІОГРАФІЇ У статті проаналізована сучасна українська історіографія історії євреїв в українських землях, що перебували під владою Російської імперії наприкінці XVIII-на початку ХХ ст. Виділено основні напрями сучасних досліджень в українській юдаїці. Проаналізовано узагальнюючі роботи з історії українського єврейства; спеціальні розвідки, що досліджують історіографію історії євреїв, економічну історію, політику царизму в національному питанні, міграції, освіту та просвітництво, єврейське населення окремих регіонів та міст тощо. Ключові слова: сучасна українська історіографія, юдаїка, імперський період, Наддніпрянська Україна.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article is devoted to the important scientific problem of Jews’ adaptation in Turkestan. Its comprehension makes it possible to consider a specific example of the interaction of representatives of the two main religions in Russia − the Christian and the Muslim ones. The relevance of this topic is also determined by the persisting confrontation between Israel and the Arab world, Jews and Muslims. Moreover, Jews’ resettlement during the colonization of Central Asia allows understanding the contradictions of the national and migration policy of the tsarist Russia at the turn of the 20th century. Through the use of a wide range of sources, the author reveals the peculiarities of the life of Jews in the Russian Empire, various aspects of which were silenced or distorted in the Soviet historiography for a long time. The article contains data on the localization, number and social composition of the Jewish population on the territory of the Russian Empire. It is noted that the vast majority of the first European Jews were former military − privates and non-commissioned officers. The Ashkenazi Jews played an important role in the construction of railways in Russia and, above all, the Tashkent-Orenburg railway. The author concludes that the construction of railways in Europe was an important fi eld of activity for Jewish bankers. In this area, it is the personal ties of the Jewish capitalists with the governments which played an important role, since railways were built mostly on the basis of special concessions and under the official control. Over a relatively short historical period, the Jews demonstrated their high social activity and made a significant contribution to the development of Central Asia territory.