This paper examines Islamic radicalism particularly in Indonesia in terms of its roots and strategies of action. While focusing on the Jama'ah Islamiyah (JI, lit. " Islamic Community ") as the larger subject of discussion, it takes Ar Rahmah Media Network with its print publication of Jihad Magazine (Jihadmagz) in particular as the case of study. The paper argues that the emergence of Islamic radicalism is mainly triggered by the combination of the ruling regime's political repression, crucial socioeconomic deprivation, globalisation, and Arabia support. Also, it further argues that there is a shift of strategies among activists of radical Muslims in delivering their messages as well as in conducting their radical actions.

The Radical Islamic Movement in Indonesia: Roots and Factors

KALAM, 2019

Radicalism has become one of the recent world problems faced by many countries, including Indonesia. The radical movement in this country is growing rapidly, especially after the reformation era. The spirit of democracy has provided opportunities for radical Islamic groups to express their beliefs openly and use religious symbols in their religious and social movements. This article aims to analyze the historical roots of radicalism in Indonesia and the factors that influence it. This article uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of the study indicate that the radical movement in Indonesia can be traced from the tendency of groups trying to realize the Islamic State system (the khilafah) in Indonesia. This tendency can be found in several radical groups such as Darul Islam (DI/TII), Jama'ah Islamiyah, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Laskar Jihad, Laskar Jundullah, Laskar Fisabilillah, Islamic Defender Fronts (FPI), and Preparatory Committee for the Application of Isl...

Understanding Radicalists and Fundamentalist Islamic Groups in Indonesia: Ideology and Model of Movement

TASAMUH: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2021

Since the Reformation Era, various Islamic organizations or groups have emerged in Indonesia with different ideologies and movement models, such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), the Indonesian Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), and Jemaah Islamiyah. Most Indonesian Muslims do not warmly welcome their presence as the spirit of their struggle is not appropriate with the character and culture of the Indonesian people. They often use violence and even terror in struggling for Islam with the reason of amr ma'ruf nahi munkar (enjoining good and forbidding evil). So it is not surprising that the government recently dissolved the HTI and FPI. By using a qualitative approach, this study aims to uncover their ideology and movement model and the ideologies that influence them. From the data obtained from various related literature such as textbooks, journals, and the web, this study finds that these Islamic groups are ideologically influenced by trans-national Islamic groups with fundamentalism and even radicalism characters. They disagree with the Indonesian government system, which is considered secular and incompatible with Islamic values. They often use violence and terror to enforce Islamic shari'ah and even change the NKRI system with the system of Khilafat Islamiyah (Islamic caliphate).

Some Notes on Religious Radicalization and Terrorism in Indonesia

Terrorism is no longer security issue in Indonesia. It truly goes above and beyond it, namely intellectual and cultural dimensions. Representing non security issues, critical education, religious depersonalization, the need for ambassadors, reconciling liberal and fundamental Muslims and cyber religion constitute major aspects to be viewed when it comes to fathoming religious radicalization and terrorism across the country. Various terrorist attacks have taken place across Indonesia in the past few years. Different approaches ranging from security to cultural modes have been applied. Yet, expected outcome, which is peace, remains far from public hope. Rather than spending physical and financial resources, intellectual approach is seriously pressing. This article attempts to look into the very nature of religious radicalization leading to terrorist acts across the country Abstrak Terorisme tidak lagi mencakup masalah keamanan di Indonesia. Ini benar-benar berjalan di atas dan di luar...

Radicalism Vs Extremism: The Dilemma of Islam And Politics In Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, 2021

Despite its adherence to the principles of democracy, Indonesia is currently trapped in conditions and situations over the emergence of a new government system based on Islam. The notion of extremism dominates society, both the general public and the political elite, and has even infiltrated the youth via the education system. Community mobilization movements in the name of religion in the political sphere indicate that extremism has spread and is gaining strength. The main focus of this research is to make a clearer distinction between radicalism and extremism from both a political and religious perspective. To answer this problem, this paper clarifies the meaning of the terms "extreme" and "radical" in the context of religious politics from the point of view of democracy and distinguishes the signs for the two dimensions of extremism and radicalism. Not only that, in this study there are also explanations related to religious phenomena which basically have an indirect relationship with politics and extremism. This study approach uses a qualitative method taken from the study of Borum and Schmid. It argues that the difference between extremism and radicalism rests on the existence of an ideology. Radicalism is a form of process in which there is agreement or disagreement on violence in tactical and temporal considerations, while the concept of extremism is considered a motive.

The Construction of Jihad and the Level of Radicalism among Pesantren Leaders in Indonesia


The phenomena of extremism and radicalism that potentially lead to an act of terrorism still widespread in the world and becoming a global challenge. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe radical mindset among the Islamic school leaders in Indonesia. The subject of this study was 225 leaders of Islamic boarding school that is called Pesantren in West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected using survey and interview. The result of this study was that there are still elements of radicalism and fundamentalism in the mind of pesantren leaders when they constructed the meaning of jihad. The ambivalently or inconsistency also occurred in their mind. In the one hand they have supported the compatibility of democracy with Islamic teaching, but on another hand, they also supported the establishment of the theocratic caliphate. Some of them also still maintained the element of sharia law which contained discrimination and intolerant to be applied in Indonesia. This finding impl...

THE CONFIGURATION OF RADICAL ISLAMISM IN INDONESIA: Some Contemporary Assessments and Trajectories

Al Tahrir, 2014

This paper attempts at analyzing the configuration of radical Islamism in contemporary Indonesia. The basic argument developed throughout this paper is that the reality of radical Islamism will always exist as long as all necessary conditions are there. Adopting the opportunity structure theory, among the necessary conditions that lead to the birth and existence of radical Islamism are: 1) Islamist ideology derived from the sacred texts, the Qur'an and Sunnah; 2) socio-political setting and issues where Muslims live; 3) actors, the Islamists, who craft the logics of Islamist ideology based on the interplay between the issues prevalent in the Muslims' socio-political setting and the ideology constructed from the sacred texts. This article is divided into parts as follows: 1) the streams in Islamist thought and movement; 2) the anatomy of radical Islamism; 3) the membership of radical Islamism, and 4) the trajectories of radical Islamism, before it is ended with concluding remarks. Abstrak: Tulisan ini hendak menganalisis konfigurasi Islam radikal di Indonesia kontemporer. Argumen dasar yang dikembangkan dalam tulisan ini adalah bahwa realitas Islam radikal akan selalu ada sepanjang terdapat kondisi yang menuntutnya ada. Dengan mengadopsi the opportunity structure theory, di antara tuntutan kondisi yang mendorong kelahiran dan keberadaan Islam radikal adalah: 1) ideologi Islam dipahami dari teks yang disucikan, yaitu al-Qur'an dan Sunnah; 2) latar belakang dan isu-isu sosial-politik dimana kaum muslim tinggal; 3) para pelaku Islam radikal mendasarkan ideologi Islam pada saling keterpengaruhan antara isu-isu umum pada latar belakang sosial-politik seorang muslim dan ideologi yang dibangun dari teks-teks suci. Tulisan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian: 1) aliran-aliran pemikiran dan gerakan Islam; 2) anatomi Islam radikal; 3) keanggotaan Islam radikal; dan 4) ragam jalan Islam radikal, dan diakhiri dengan penutup.

Religious Radicalism, Global Terrorism and Islamic Challenges in Contemporary Indonesia

Jurnal Sosial Humaniora

Discussing the radicalism of religion and global terrorism is a global challenge that is now a worldwide concern, including for the Islamic community in Indonesia. Research in this paper with an analytical descriptive approach using the documentative method. The general purpose of this research is to understand the root causes of terrorism and religious radicalism in Indonesia? What is the solution of Islam to overcome the problem of religious radicalism and global terrorism? The results of this research show: first, the historical roots of global terrorism and religious radicalism is a very complex portrait of social, political, and economic history. Also, the complexity of local, regional and global problems are interconnected with one another. Second, the Islamic solution to overcome this problem with the Islamic approach to peace for all (rahmatan lil alamin) which prioritizes the path of dialogue and world peace.

MAPPING RADICAL ISLAMISM IN SOLO: A Study of the Proliferation of Radical Islamism in Central Java, Indonesia


Radical Islamism is becoming a challenging new phenomenon in the modern world. In the Indonesian context, Solo is interesting because some radical Islamism groups have emerged in the region-Pondok Ngruki, Front Pemuda Islam Surakarta (FPIS), and others. One basic assumption is that Solo is prolific for radical Islamism groups. This paper will explores and maps the nature of Islam, especially radical, in Solo. Obviously, political conduciveness at the national level is not the only factor supporting the peculiarity of the city. Some historical and sociological accounts of the city are also necessary to study to thoroughly understand this phenomenon. The heavily abangan (nominal Muslims) majority of the city has been deprived by ethnic, economic and political factors. On the other hand, the intense dakwah (proselytizing) conducted by some Islamic groups has given rise to 'instant' Muslims who see Islam as the ultimate solution to their problems. The call of jiha> d, shari> 'ah, and contentious politics are among the ways some radical Islamists' endeavour for the victory of Islam.

Countering Islamic Radicalization Indonesian Experiences


: The ideological power behind attractiveness of ISIS and other radical groups global propaganda campaign toward young generation of Muslim is based on Wahabbism ideology with the spirit of Pan Islamic Nationalism. This paper using Gramscian theory of hegemony to analyze how jihadist counterhegemonic movement have supported by Wahhabist campaign of spreading common sense among the Muslim which already accepted its as standard Islamic norms. The jihadist strategy is using war of position through persuasion or propaganda, to increase the number of people who share its view on the hegemonic order then radicalized unaware young Muslims to join the jihadist movement or uprising against the government. Then describes the Wahabbism as the ideological power behind Islamic radicals and this argument supported by the fact that they all have in common visions, strategies and objectives and dream to establish the Islamic state based on sharia. The next we discuss about Islam in Indonesia which ...