Pengaruh Kecepatan Aliran dan Debit Aliran Terhadap Peningkatan Perolehan Konsentrat Bijih Timah Dalam Tailing Pada Alat Secondary Lobby Box Skala Laboratorium (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Riffles dan Kemiringan Underflow Sluice Box Terhadap Optimalisasi Pemisahan Bijih Timah Skala Laboratorium


Underflow sluice box is a mineral processing tool that aims to separate the main minerals from associated minerals based on the principle of gravity concentration, which is equipped with boil boxes and underflow riffles as a separation medium in tin ore. The use of laboratory scale underflow sluice box provides Sn concentrate results with high Sn grade and recovery through the influence of underflow riffles and slope positions. Where underflow riffles parameters are in the position of 0.5 cm, 1 cm and 1.5 cm and the slope used is 0 °, 3 ° and 5 °, the experiment is carried out 9 times using 2 kg feed and the same Sn grade in each sample. From the results of the experiment obtained the dry weight and Sn grade concentrates which were analyzed by Sn grade using Grain Counting Analysis (GCA) and recovery calculations. After analysis and calculation, the highest Sn grade was found in sample 9 with underflow riffles position of 1.5 cm, slope of 5 ° and water flow velocity in the water flo...

Kajian Perolehan Hasil Bijih Timah Berdasarkan Ukuran Butir Terhadap Variabel Magnetic Separator Skala Laboratorium


Industrial-scale Magnetic Separator is used to process tin ore by separating magnetic and nonmagnetic minerals using a belt conveyor speed and splitter opening only one variation. Based on this, this research is intended to obtain a more varied and optimal combination of variable settings in the recovery of tin ore yields. The method used is quantitative data analysis method by obtaining nonmagnetic minerals using a combination of splitter openings and belt conveyor speed based on grain size, calculating the content of tin ore in non-magnetic minerals using the Grain Counting Analysis method and calculating the composition of tin ore recovery. The research was conducted based on grain sizes of 60 mesh, 80 mesh, and 120 mesh using a combination of splitter opening sizes of 0.2 cm, 0.4 cm, and 0.6 cm and using a belt conveyor speed of 27.12 cm/s, 28.15 cm/s, and 28.40 cm/s. The sample used for each grain size is 9,000 grams with repetition for each combination of variables, namely 30 ...

Hubungan Pengaturan Laju Umpan, Selang Ukur Hopper dan Splitter pada Air Table Guna Memperoleh Cassiterite dengan Kadar (Sn) 70% di Pusat Pengolahan Bijih Timah Pemali PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk

Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan, 2017

Air Table it is a tool based on the mineral concentration of gravity concentration. Style-style that works on the tables of the air is the force of gravity, friction and thrust media (influenced by air is exhaled at the table). A problem that often occurs is yet to achieve increased levels of 70% Sn which is caused by variable tool on the table to air. Based on these problems, then the goal in this research are as follows: (1) to know the process of processing the ore of Tin in Tin Ore Processing Center Pemali. (2) to get the rate of bait, setting the interval measure hopper and a splitter on the optimum table air in achieving levels of cassiterite 70% Sn (3) to find out the correlation between the rate of bait, the interval measure hopper and splitter to increased levels of the mineral cassiterite. (4) to find out the most influential variables between the rate of bait, the interval measure hopper and splitter to increased levels of the mineral cassiterite. The procedure of this research include: the study of literature, observation, data retrieval, processing and analysis of data. The results of this study are: (1) processing of tin ore in Pemali Tin Ore Processing Center is done with 2 (two) process: wet processing and dry processing. (2) obtained by setting the splitter cassiterite range 0.2-1.1 cm, splitter tailings range 0.5-2 cm, the rate of bait 873 kg/h and measuring hose hopper 70 º able to produce cassiterite with 70% Sn (3) there is a positive relationship between the rate of bait against levels of cassiterite which included the criteria is very strong, there is a positive relationship between the interval of measuring hopper towards the levels of cassiterite which included the criteria is very strong and there is a negative relationship between splitter against the levels of cassiterite which included enough criteria. (4) obtained as 1 (one) the most influential variables against levels of cassiterite value-based significance is the interval of measuring hopper.

Perhitungan Pengaruh Kemiringan Dan Debit Air Pada Pemakaian Shaking Table Dalam Pengolahan Bijih Timah Low Grade DI Pos Pam Pengarem PT Timah (Persero) TBK

Bina Tambang, 2014

PT TIMAH (Persero) Tbk is a National Bussines Agency (BUMN) which move on mining field. The core business of this company is tin mining. The result of land mining held by business partner that fulfill the standard of PT TIMAH (Persero) Tbk is Sn with content > 20%. Due to rareness of the stockpile and since the processing tin content is become lower and lower, therefore a technology to process the low grade tin ore with fine grain into an acceptable content of PT TIMAH (Persero) Tbk is needed.One of the tools being used this time is shaking table. Today, in the operation, the use of shaking table by business partner of PT TIMAH (Persero) Tbk. Thus, the problem is whether the variables arrangement of shaking table operation for this time do not fit the feed condition, so that it can influence the time and the cost of the process. Therefore, there should be an analysis of the shaking table operation variables, so that a good suitability can be obtained in order to increase the cassiterite gain. According to the research result, it can be concluded that the main factors which cause the low gain of tin ore is over sloping tilt (3˚ and 3˚), and over sloping (5˚ and 5˚) and a too high water discharge (7 litres/minutes and 8 litres/minutes). The best result can be obtained through experiment with a moderate tilt (3˚ and 5˚), small water discharge which produce average content 20,30 % Sn, concentrate result weight 49,01 Kg and concentrate content weight 9,94 Kg Sn.

Pengaruh Konfigurasi Sudut Sebar Dan Panjang Tali Terhadap Kinerja Sistem Tambat Kapal Isap Produksi Timah

Wave: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim

Kinerja sistem tambat Kapal Isap Produksi (KIP) timah sangat dipengaruhi oleh tension dari tali tambat dan offset yang dialami oleh struktur. Analisis pada sistem tambat untuk penelitian ini dilakukan dengan variasi sudut sebar tali tambat (30°, 45°, dan 60°) dan variasi panjang tali yaitu dengan diperpendek 0.2 m dan diperpanjang 0.2 m. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis yang dilakukan adalah respon gerak dari KIP timah dalam gerakan vertikal dan horizontal sudah cukup bagus. Variasi sudut sebar tali 30° menghasilkan tension maksimum paling baik, dengan tension maksimum sebesar 451.35 kN akibat arah pembebanan 90° di fairlead. Pada variasi panjang tali, adanya penambahan panjang 0.2 m, sudut sebar 30°, arah pembebanan 90° di fairlead merupakan yang terbaik dengan tension maksimum sebesar 449.30 kN. Tension maksimum yang dihasilkan masih dalam batas yang diijinkan API RP 2SK. Offset maksimum yang dihasilkan juga masih dalam batas aman yang diijinkan oleh API RP 16Q, dengan offset su...

Rancang Alat Magnetic Separator Untuk Meningkatkan Kadar Bijih Timah Di Laboratorium Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung


Magnetic separator testing uses two variables, namely the speed of the roller on the conveyor belt andthe feed speed. Due to the minimum number of variations that can be used in magnetic separatortesting, roller speed testing is used at 0.6 m / s and 0.7 m / s. the variation of figures at the feedingspeed of 0.21 kg / s and 0.35 kg / s so that 8 samples obtained from the processing of a magneticseparator with 4 magnetic samples and 4 non-magnetic samples. The feed samples used wereprepared by drying and sifting into 3 size fractions to be used in the grain counting analysis process sothat the percentage of minerals contained in the sample were found: 15.82% Cassiterite, 63.95%Ilmenite, 6.09% Monazite, 0.48% Pyrite / Marcasite, 1.61% Zircon, 1.44% Topaz, 0.65% Tourmalineand 9.96% Quartz. The effect of roller speed on the increase tin ore content is still common, this isbecause there are not many experiments carried out so that taking the trend of the influence of theroller speed is t...

Evaluasi Kelayakan Sumber Air Baku pada Kolong yang Tercemar Tailing dari Aktivitas Remaining Bijih Timah


Land Clearing for tin ore mining on Bangka Island for hundreds of years produces mine ponds calledkolong. Water resources at the old age kolong have been utilized by the community as a source ofdomestic water, including the source of water by Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM). Illegal tinore mining since 2000 until now by the community (unconventional mining) has caused pollution ofPDAM water resources by mining waste of tailings. Primary and secondary data collection has beendone on Kolong PDAM Tirta Bangka, PDAM Tirta Pinang and PDAM Sejiran Setason. Physical datacollection of water and sediments to obtain parameters of temperature, smell, soluble and suspendedsolids and turbidity. Chemical analysis of water and sediments including pH, heavy metal of Fe, Al, Pb,and Cu using AAS and XRF. Feasibility evaluation of the water using Permenkes RI Number907/Menkes/SK/VII/2002. Heavy metals were founded on all the water of kolong are Fe, Al, Cu andPb. Heavy metal in sediment are Fe, ...

Kajian Teknis Pengaruh Variabel Shaking Table Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar dan Recovery Pencucian Bijih Timah Unit di Unit Metalurgi PT Timah Tbk


The Mineral Processing Sector (BPM) is a place for processing precious tin minerals with other associated minerals. This research was conducted because the tin content in table water as feed in processing is still quite economical, namely 9.64% Sn and the minimum level that must be achieved as smelting feed is >60% Sn. The data collection method was carried out by conducting feed analysis with the GCA test to determine the levels and distribution of minerals in the feed. Furthermore, the shake table tool variations are adjusted such as stroke lengths of 15 mm, 22 mm, 10 mm with a sample result of 9 samples and the speed of air flow over the table is carried out as many as 3 variations, namely 0.025 m/s, 0.011 m/s, 0.014 m/s with results of 9 samples. Then the combination of the two variables was carried out with the results of 27 samples. The results of the GCA analysis were carried out to see the effect on levels and recovery. The results of the combination of stroke length and ...

Analisis Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) dalam Investasi Tambang dan Kelayakan Ekonomi pada Ekstraksi Timah dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Klorinasi Basah

ETHOS: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Indonesian tin production covers about 30% of the demand for tin commodity in the world. The high level of tin demand in the world and the limited reserves of natural resources for the commodity of tin, encourage more effective and efficient utilization. So it is necessary to do a lot of research from upstream from exploration to downstream to metallurgical processes as well as improving the technology of all elements to be more effective and efficient. In addition, research must be carried out in terms of investment and economic feasibility, so that the availability of tin commodity reserves can be carried out to improve the nation's economy. Many methods are used in modeling the projected Net Present Value (NPV) to determine its economic viability by using Discounted Cash Flow (DCF). The investment cost for tin extraction using the wet chlorination method is USD.

Optimalisasi Recovery Jig Untuk Produksi Timah DI Kepulauan Riau


Pada kapal isap produksi sebagai alat penggalian dan pencucian timah menggunakan alat berupa jig yang terbagi 2 jig primer dan jig sekunder yang memiliki tingkat recovery kurang. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengingkatkan kadar recovery pada jig.Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan perhitungan produksi pada kapal isap produksi, melakukan perhitungan recovery pada masing-masing jig, sertta rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan recoverynya dengan cara merubah pengaturan pada jumlah pukulan dan panjang pukulan jig.Hasil perhitungan produksi pada kapal isap produksi bulan Februari 38,8 t dan bulan Maret 25,3 t. Perhitungan recovery pada jig adalah 97,03 %, ditingkatkan dengan cara pengaturan ulang jig yang dilakukan pengaturan jig pada variabel jumlah pukulan dan panjang pukulannya. Kata-kata kunci: produksi kapal isap produksi, recovery jig, panjang pukulan jig, dan jumlah pukulan jig