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Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
Elderly is someone who is aged 60 years or more. Many problems are often found in the elderly, one of them is hypertension. Hypertension is a serious medical condition that can increase the risk of heart, brain, kidney, and other diseases. Hypertension is the main cause of premature death worldwide, most (two-thirds) live in low-and-middle-income countries. Various efforts can be made to control blood pressure, including hypertension exercise. Hypertension exercise is believed to be able to control blood pressure because when carrying out exercise movements, blood vessels will dilate and relax so that blood pressure decreases. This community service aimed to improve the community's healthy lifestyle in controlling hypertension by implementing Hypertension exercise. This activity was carried out on the elderly with 22 respondents. Before the implementation of this activity, the first was carried out by filling in demographic data, drugs consumed, and routine control history every...
The Effect of Healthy Heart Exercise on Blood Pressure Reduction in Elderly Productive
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2022, 21-22 October 2022, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Hypertension is a significant cause of premature death worldwide. One of the management of hypertension in the elderly is healthy heart exercise. This study aims to determine the effect of healthy heart exercise series one in reducing blood pressure in productive elderly 45-59 years old in the Bangka Kenda Health Center area. The research method used is pre-experiment, one group pre and post-test design-the total sample of 30 people selected by purposive sampling. The analysis data involved using the Wilcoxon test. The cardio exercise series one after six times exercise significantly affected changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in productive elderly (p-value 0.000 <0.05). Healthy heart exercise series one is an alternative non-pharmacological treatment to lower blood pressure in the elderly productive.
Background: Hypertension is one of non-communicable disease and this disease also one of leading killer if they did not get early treatment and early prevention. Mostly Hypertension was among elder people, many factors which influence this disease, such as heredity, eating behavior with high salt, obesity and lowest physical activities. Because of that physical activity like regular exercise can prevent of hypertension complication. The aim of this study was to assess the Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) to reducing high blood pressure among elderly in PHC of Cukir, Jombang. Methods: the methodology of this reseach used pra experimet with pre-post test desain, the population of this reseach was elderly who had hypertention. 124 respondents was selected by using inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria are elder people who have hypertension at least six months ago, elderly aged 60 years old or more and elderly who did not consume hypertension medication when attanding this ...
The most common health problem due to aging process is hypertension. These health problems often occur in the elderly due to the decreased function of the heart, liver, and kidney organs as well as the increased function of the elderly body organs caused by the decreasing of needed body cell number. If hypertension is not treated well, it can arise various complications that can worsen the health. This study aims to learn the description of blood pressure in the elderly at Tresna Wredha Elderly Social Institution, Wana Sraya Denpasar and Santi Elderly Social Institution, Tabanan. The research design used was descriptive method. Total population of 50 elderly, 8 elderly did not meet the criteria so that it took 42 respondents. The research instrument used was observation sheets, Sphygmomanometer and Stethoscope. Data processing was done by using computerization. Data were presented textually and accompanied with a table. There were 21 respondents (50%) with normal blood pressure mean...
International Journal of Research Publications
Background: Hypertension is the leading cause of premature death worldwide. The condition of hypertension occurs when the systolic blood pressure is more than 135-140 mmHg, and the diastolic pressure is more than 90 mmHg. Hypertension is common in society, especially among the elderly. Hypertension in the elderly is caused by physiological changes in the body. This happens because blood pressure tends to increase with increasing time. The risk factors for hypertension in the elderly are age, gender, physical activity, diet, level of education, smoking habits, salt consumption, medication adherence, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and kidney disease. Objective: To describe the profile of hypertension in the elderly at the Mojo Health Center, considering that an increase in age is also followed by an increase in blood pressure. Methods: The cross-sectional study design used a sample of elderly people suffering from hypertension according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria at the Mojo Health Center in November 2022. The sample used was 155 respondents. Data collection by interview using a questionnaire containing the variables to be studied, namely gender, education level, smoking habits, adherence to taking antihypertensive drugs, obesity, history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and history of kidney disease. The results will be presented in the form of tables and pie charts. Result: Of the total elderly who suffer from hypertension, there are 155 elderly, 115 elderly women and 40 elderly men, the results obtained were 110 elderly with low education level while 45 elderly with high education level, 4 elderly smoke while 151 elderly do not smoke, 84 elderly regularly take medication while 71 elderly do not routinely take medication, 40 elderly are obese while 115 elderly are not obese, 15 elderly have a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus while 140 elderly do not have a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 1 elderly has a history of kidney disease while 154 elderly do not have a history of kidney disease. Conclusion: Characteristics that are often found in the elderly who suffer from hypertension at the Mojo Health Center, Surabaya are women, low education level, no smoking, regularly taking antihypertensive medication, no obesity, no history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and no history of kidney disease.
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan
Elderly Gymnastics, Acupressure, Hypertension, Elderly. Hypertension is the number one occurrence that causes death. Hypertension is a lifelong disease and treatment can be done using blood and using long-term anti hypertensive agents. The purpose of this study was to determine whether patients could make improvements in hypertensive patients at the Posyandu Srondol Banyumanik elderly. This type of research is quasi experimental design with a sample of 22 respondents, 11 respondents received treatment for elderly gymnastics while 11 respondents received acupressure treatment. The study was conducted once a week for 3 weeks with 60 minutes of elderly gymnastics and 10 minutes of acupressure. The results of this study prove that there were no significant differences in blood pressure before and after treatment. This is evidenced by the value of ρ> 0.05. In addition from the results of the mean mean difference between acupressure and elderly gymnastics, it can be seen that acupressure is more effective in lowering blood pressure compared to elderly gymnastics. Conclusion: acupressure is more effective in lowering blood pressure than elderly exercise.
The Effect Of Hypertension Exercise To Decrease Blood Pressure In Patients With Hypertension
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2021
The background of this study is that hypertension is a degenerative disease and also the most common cause of cardiovascular case and also a major problem in developed and developing countries.Based on data at Internal Clinic of Sayang Regional Hospital Cianjur, hypertension patients are still quite high, with an average of 311 people per month. One way to treat hypertension disease is hypertension exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hypertension exercise to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension at the Internal Clinic of Sayang Regional Hospital Cianjur. The research method was used experimental design with one group pretest and posttest without control group. The populations of this study were 311 respondents, with total sample of 17 respondents using non-probability sampling technique.Data collecting technique was using blood pressure observation sheets before and after being given hypertension exercise, then statistically tested using Wilcoxon test analysis. The results of Wilcoxon test analysis showed that the P value for systolic blood pressure was 0.000 which is less than 0.05 and for diastolic blood pressure was 0.000 which also less than 0.05.Therefore, it is concluded that there is an effect of hypertension exercise to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Research conclusion and suggestion is it expected that the results of this study can be used as an alternative to non-pharmacological therapies to treat patients with hypertension at Internal Clinic of Sayang Regional Hospital Cianjur.
Hypertension is systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg and a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg, based on two or more measurements. The factors that affect hypertension are grouped into two, which is the factors that cannot be changed and the factors that can be changed. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of blood pressure based on the factors that influence hypertension in elderly stage at Garut Elderly Social Rehabilitation Service Unit. This study used a descriptive design with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all elderly with hypertension as many as 32 elderly. A sample of 32 elderly was taken by total sampling technique. The instruments used to measure blood pressure were a calibrated digital sphygmomanometer and a questionnaire. The data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the female (53.1 percent) obtained an average systolic output of 165 mmHg and diastolic 101 mmHg. In the rang...
Hypertension Treatment and Control in Older Adult at Tanjung Sari Primary Health Care
Althea Medical Journal, 2016
Background: Hypertension is considered as a major health problem in Indonesia, especially in older adult population because of its prevalence increases by age. Treatment strategy and control management of hypertension in Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, Puskesmas) as primary health care should be enhanced to overcome this issue. This study aimed to describe the pattern of antihypertensive agent in older adults. Methods: This was a descriptive study with total sampling method for data collection. Data were collected from medical record of older adult patients with diagnosis of hypertension at Puskesmas Tanjung Sari from January to December 2013. The variables observed were gender, number of visits, the degree of hypertension, types of antihypertensive drug, combinations of antihypertensive drugs, and blood pressure control. Results: The number of older adults with hypertension was 180 people. Some of which, 120 women (66.7%) participated, 152 (84.4%) had hypertension...