Book of abstracts IV Symposium of the Section of the breeding of organisms of the Serbian genetic society (original) (raw)

Most recent investigation of peopling of Bosnia and Herzegovina> DNA approach

Documenta …, 2006

Because of its great number of small, more or less isolated, indigenous populations, Bosnia-Herzegovina represents a very interesting area for population-genetic surveys of different levels and approaches. The fascinating diversity of local human populations (obvious even in phenotype characteristics of individu-als), as well as various levels of reproductive isolation can be attributed to the simultaneous and interactive effects of a vast number of factors (geographical, ethnic, religious etc.). Within those areas, each local population exhibits a different degree of openness and isolation and has unique relationships with ABSTRACT -Many historical episodes marked Bosnia and Herzegovina as a significant ethnic crossroads, which makes it a very interesting site for various population studies. The first stages of these complex investigations were based on observations of numerous phenotype markers. The following phase, which was relatively brief, was dominated by the use of different cytogenetic markers. Finally, at the beginning of this century, the molecular-genetic diversity of the BiH population became the focus of modern research. Autosomal and Y-STR markers, together with mitochondrial haplogroup (Hg) diversity were initially used in the examination of isolated groups, as well as the whole population of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most recent study describes the distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in the three main ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and suggests a preliminary hypothesis for the process of peopling this area.

Prilog genealoškim istraživanjima jevrejskih porodica na teritoriji Vojvodine


The Jews are a specific national community that almost disappeared during the Holocaust. Genealogy is extremely important to the Jewish people because it brings together generations separated by the Holocaust. Genealogy can also help greatly to compile as accurate a list of Holocaust victims as possible in terms of numbers and identities of victims. The primary historical source for genealogical studies of the Jews is the Vital Records kept by rabbis in Jewish communities and rabbinates. Secondary but very important genealogical sources are censuses, more specifically, censuses of Jews during the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as other documents produced primarily during the Holocaust.Јевреји су специфична национална заједница која је скоро потпуно нестала током Холокауста. Генеалогија је изузетно важна за Јевреје јер спаја генерације које су раздвојили ужаси Холокауста. Такође, генеалогија може у великој мери да помогне у састављању што тачнији списак жртава Холокауста у погледу ...

Upinių žuvėdrų (Sterna hirundo) perinčios populiacijos genetinės struktūros įvertinimas panaudojant mikrosatelitinius žymenis

Upinių žuvėdrų (Sterna hirundo) populiacijos genetinės įvairovės tyrimams audinių pavyzdžiai surinkti iš Lietuvos teritorijoje (Nemuno ir Dauguvos upių baseinuose ties Kalviais, Kietaviškėmis, Nemuno delta, Lazdijais, Kretuono ežero saloje, ties Zarasais bei Ignalina) įsikūrusiose kolonijose perinčių paukščių. Panaudojus 11 pradmenų porų, sukurtų mikrosatelitinių sekų analizei taksonomiškai artimose rūšyse, nustatyti upinių žuvėdrų alelių dažniai 11 polimorfinių lokusų. Heterozigotiškumas atskirose kolonijose įvairavo 0,1809–0,4029 ribose. Ryškių genetinio variabilumo skirtumų tarp tirtų upinių žuvėdrų kolonijų nenustatyta. Tačiau Nemuno deltos kolonijoje nustatytas mažesnis alelių skaičius lokusui, žemesnės polimorfiškumo bei vidutinio heterozigotiškumo reikšmės, atspindinčios didesnę natūraliosios atrankos įtaką šiai kolonijai. Visos populiacijos mastu nustatytas aukštas vidupopuliacinės genetinės diferenciacijos lygis (RST = 0,1545). Nuokrypis nuo Hardžio-Vainbergo pusiausvyros, ...

Development of genetics in the world and in Croatia--forty years of the Croatian Society of Human Genetics of the Croatian Medical Association

Collegium antropologicum, 2014

Resulting from several basic scientific disciplines, genetics has made impressive progress in the last century by discoveries of the heredity rules and genome structure, and by identification of the genes that determine the occurrence and characteristics of human diseases. In Croatia, the development of genetics began in the middle of the past century by the pioneering work of clinicians and basic scientists, which resulted in significant development of this scientific discipline that has quickly found its practical application in clinical genetics-cytogenetics, molecular genetics and prenatal diagnosis. The rapid advancement of technology and knowledge of genetics in recent decades has led to the development of genomics and related disciplines, entering the revolutionary new era of personalized medicine. Currently, much more data can be collected than interpreted. The data of electronic medical records, genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, meta- bolomics and microbiomics should be in...

Mirsad Sijarić, Hladno oružje iz Bosne i Hercegovine u arheologiji razvijenog i kasnog srednjeg vijeka, Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo 2014


Ova je knjiga promovirana u Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu 4. lipnja 2014. godine, kao završna manifestacija Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa Groblja i pogrebni običaji u srednjem i ranom novom vijeku na prostoru sjeverne Hrvatske [Cemeteries and Funerary Customs in the Mediaeval and Early Modern Periods in Northern Croatia] u organizaciji Instituta za arheologiju i Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu. Mirsad Sijarić, Hladno oružje iz Bosne i Hercegovine u arheologiji razvijenog i kasnog srednjeg vijeka [Cold-steel Weapons from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Archaeology of the High and Late Mediaeval Periods], Sarajevo 2014. ISBN 978-9958-600-50-0 (University of Sarajevo) and ISBN 978-9958-502-13-2 (National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Hard cover: 433 pp.; illust.; 25 cm; bibliography: pp. 420-433. Edition: 300 copies. 1 1 This book was presented at the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb on 4 th June 2014, as the concluding session of the international scientific conference on Cemeteries and Funerary Customs in the Mediaeval and Early Modern Periods in Northern Croatia organized by the Institute of Archaeology and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.

Sporcuların başarısında genetik faktörlerin önemi

Ankara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017

Öz: Genetik faktörlerin atletik performansta önemli olduğu bilinen dayanıklılık, güç, kuvvet, kas fibril kompozisyonu gibi birçok bileşenle doğrudan ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. 2000 yılında Genom Projesi ile insan DNA dizisinin ortaya konması, spor performansı ile ilişkisi bulunan genlerin de araştırılmasını sağlamıştır. Araştırmacılar sporla ilgili genlerin incelendiği bu alanı "Spor Genetiği" olarak adlandırmıştır. Günümüzde 120 genin atletik performansla ilişkisi gösterilmiştir. Bu genlerin bir kısmının dayanıklılık sporcularında ve güç sporcularında farklılıklar gösterdiği keşfedilmiştir. Dayanıklılık sporcuları ACE, ACTN, PPARA gibi genlerin bir çeşidini yüksek frekansta taşırken, kuvvet sporcularının farklı bir çeşidini taşıdığı gösterilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, spor genetiği ile ilgili yapılmış çalışmalara sistamatik alan yazın taraması yapılmış, dayanıklılık ve güç/kuvvet ile ilişkisi sıklıkla çalışılan genler özetlenmiştir.

IX Congress of the Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders

Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences., 2016

Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders was founded in 1966 as a part of the All-Union Society of Geneticists and Breeders. Since 1991, the Latvian Society operated as an independent unit. Once in six years, congresses of the Society are organised. The most recent IX Congress was held on 15-16 July 2016. The main task of the Congress was to make an overview of the Society's work since the previous Congress and have a look at the current situation in the genetic investigations and breeding work in Latvia, as well as the election of the new president and members of the Management Board of the Society for the next period. Activities of the first day of the Congress were held in Riga, in the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment (BIOR). The Congress started with a report of the President of the Society Îzaks Raðals (Isaak Rashal) which was followed by several review presentations. Aivars Bçrziòð reported about the research directions of BIOR with a particular emphasis on investigations in molecular epidemiology of infections. Jânis Kloviòð reported about achievements of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (BMC) in human genetics and molecular medicine. Aigars Dzalbs presented data about practical aspects of medicinal genetics in Latvia. The presentation of Dace Grauda was devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of plant ploidy. Arta Kronberga acquainted the audience with new challenges in plant breeding in Latvia. Daina Kairiða's presentation was about the current situation in Latvian livestock genetic resources and researches in this area. Results of concrete genetic investigations and breeder achievements of Latvian scientists were presented in more than twenty posters.