Diez del Corral (ed.). Dalle spiaggie latine alla Real Lisbona: Relações culturais e transferências entre Roma e Lisboa no século XVIII. Nueva edición [on line]. Évora: Publicações do Cidehus, 2022 (original) (raw)


Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III. História Medieval, 2023

The conquest of Lisbon, in October 1147, marked a new period for the territories of Islamic al-Ušbūna. The now Christian rulers oversaw the changes within the social fabric of the city through the arrival of new elites and the exodus of part of the previous inhabitants, now perceived as ethnic and religious minorities, alongside the transfer of property and appropriation of space. In these urban processes, as with others, the rare information available underlines the role of the new ecclesiastical authorities in the forefront of a necessary institutionalization. The creation of a parish network was part of the latter, with a cadence and comprehensiveness that are still poorly known. This paper intends to re-evaluate the historical treatment of this question, drawing from existing research and new source material. It argues that the process of parochialization in the Lisbon diocese took root very quickly in urban and suburban nuclei, while extending only later to newly-cleared land areas, mostly under the dependence of urban churches. From the middle of the thirteenth century, this process runs in parallel with the necessity to better define their

«In the City and Countryside. The Establishment and Definition of the Parish Network in the Diocese of Lisbon (12th-15th Centuries)»

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. III Serie Medieval, 2023

The conquest of Lisbon, in October 1147, marked a new period for the territories of Islamic al-Ušbūna. The now Christian rulers oversaw the changes within the social fabric of the city through the arrival of new elites and the exodus of part of the previous inhabitants, now perceived as ethnic and religious minorities, alongside the transfer of property and appropriation of space. In these urban processes, as with others, the rare information available underlines the role of the new ecclesiastical authorities in the forefront of a necessary institutionalization. The creation of a parish network was part of the latter, with a cadence and comprehensiveness that are still poorly known. This paper intends to re-evaluate the historical treatment of this question, drawing from existing research and new source material. It argues that the process of parochialization in the Lisbon diocese took root very quickly in urban and suburban nuclei, while extending only later to newly-cleared land areas, mostly under the dependence of urban churches. From the middle of the thirteenth century, this process runs in parallel with the necessity to better define their

"Revisiting Political Uses of Vernacular Language in Portugal during the Thirteenth Century: on Models, Motives and Modes" in Contact and Exchange. Essays in Honour of Malcolm Vale,(eds. Hanna Skoda, Patrick Lantschner &R.L.J. Shaw, Woodbridge, Boydell, 2012, pp. 103-126.

Incipit cronica eorum que, per magna parte, spectant vel spectare debent ad ecclesiam bracharensem et eius diocesim, sive provinciam, et vocatur liber fidei, id est: cui fides debet adhiberi, vocatur etiam: liber testamentorum 2

Establishing Spanish Cultural Identities at Rome (1516–1598)

Hispanic Research Journal, 2018

This article builds on the developing interest in the growth in number and influence of the Spanish community at Rome through the course of the sixteenth century: this research has so far focused particularly on the role of the national churches. My article will now deepen and broaden this research through enhancing our understanding of the significant role of a unified Spanish cultural identity, as expressed through works of material culture, in establishing their position and status within a complex web of transcultural relationships at Rome. Through the course of the sixteenth century, a Spanish cultural presence at Rome manifested itself in both permanent constructions such as churches and chapels and also ephemera such as festivities. While, in turn, works that were commissioned from Roman artists are still found scattered through the Iberian Peninsula. These phenomena all shed light on the nuances of the ambivalent relationship that existed between Spain and Rome in these years, as Rome was both a part of wider Spanish imperium and yet not so. RESUMEN Este art ıculo parte del inter es que ha generado la creciente presencia e influencia de la comunidad española en Roma durante el siglo XVI: hasta ahora esta investigaci on se ha concentrado en el papel desempeñado por las iglesias nacionales. Mi investigaci on profundiza en y ampl ıa nuestra comprensi on del papel primordial de la identidad española unificada, tal y como se manifest o en la cultura material, para establecer su posici on y estatus en la compleja red de relaciones transculturales romanas. Durante el siglo XVI, la presencia cultural española se manifest o tanto a trav es de construcciones permanentes, como iglesias y capillas, como mediante la fiesta y el arte ef ımero. Al mismo tiempo, obras encargadas a artistas romanos llenaron la Pen ınsula Ib erica. Estos fen omenos muestran las m ultiples facetas de la relaci on ambivalente entre España y Roma, que fue a la vez parte del vasto imperium español y ajena a el.

J. N. NOVOA, Portugal in Rome: Glimpses of the Portuguese New Christian representation in Rome through the Archivio di Stato di Roma

The document shown - a contract drawn out for the sale of spices among three Portuguese men in the mid Sixteenth Century in Rome - identifies some key figures of the Portuguese New Christian network which passed through the Eternal City pursuing personal gain but also in a concerted effort to counteract the establishment of a tribunal of the Inquisition in Portugal. The document, preserved in the archive of the notaries of the Auditor Camera in the State Archive of Rome, helps to flesh out the iter of a still little known group of individuals active in the Rome, the agents of the Portuguese New Christians, who, from the decade of the Thirties of the Sixteenth Century, were in the city to serve the interests of the New Christian nation in various ways.

The souls' corral: urbanization, architecture and art of Jesuit missions in the hinterlands of the Northern Provinces of Brazil

12th Internacional Conference on Urban History: Cities in Europe, cities in the World, 2014

Population growth and the establishment of towns in the countryside of the Brazilian Northern Provinces came as the result of the combined support of cattle ranchers and Jesuit missionaries as of the mid-17th century. Using physical evidence, this study investigates how the encounters – symbiotic and/or confrontational – between cattle and catechism structured urban, architectural, and artistic phenomena in a region considered by classical historiography as “peripheral” to the political interest of the Portuguese Crown. This study also discusses how the missionaries’ strategies of conversion of the indigenous population created a web of settlements. It also points out how the Jesuit buildings followed formal models found in the main European and colonial cultural centers. It is noteworthy that the priests adapted such architecture to the geographical, natural, and social realities found in those remote areas. Resumen: El poblamiento y la institución de la red urbana del interior de las Capitanías del Norte del Brasil Colonia han surgido con el apoyo de la Corona al doble movimiento ejecutado por creadores de ganado y misioneros, a partir de mediados del siglo 17. Así que este artículo busca interpretar, a través de pruebas materiales, cómo los encuentros - simbiótico y/o litigioso - entre ganado y catequesis jesuítica han estructurado los fenómenos urbano, arquitectónico y artístico, en una region considerada por la historiografía clásica como “periférica” a los intereses políticos de la Corona Portuguesa. Vamos a interpretar, en el territorio, cómo las estrategias de conversión del indígena han creado una red de pueblos misioneros precisamente ubicados en el área. Aún analizaremos, en líneas generales, cómo las edificaciones jesuíticas han seguido modelos formales producidos en los principales centros de irradiación cultural de la colonia y de Europa. Sin olvidar, por lo tanto, de la consideración que han tenido los curas de la Compañia de Jesús en “dialogar” tales Arquitecturas a los condicionantes geográficos, naturales y sociales de aquellos rincones. Resumo: O povoamento e a instituição da rede urbana dos sertões das capitanias do Norte surgiram com o apoio régio ao duplo movimento realizado por criadores de gado e missionários, a partir de meados do século 17. Sendo assim, este ensaio busca interpretar, por meio de evidências materiais, como os encontros - simbióticos e/ou conflituosos - entre pecuária e catequese jesuítica estruturaram os fenômenos urbano, arquitetônico e artístico, em uma região considerada pela historiografia clássica como “periférica” aos interesses políticos da Coroa Portuguesa. Interpretaremos, no território, como as estratégias de conversão do indígena criaram uma malha de aldeamentos missioneiros precisamente locados na área. Ainda apontaremos, em linhas gerais, como as edificações jesuíticas seguiram modelos formais encontrados nos principais centros de irradiação cultural da colônia e da Europa. Sem esquecer, portanto, a consideração que tiveram os padres em “dialogar” tais arquiteturas com os condicionantes geográficos, naturais e sociais daquelas vastidões.

Ana María S. Tarrío, Leitores dos Clássicos. Portugal e Itália, séculos XV e XVI: uma geografia do primeiro humanismo em Portugal. Nota de Vincenzo Fera. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal – Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2015, 127 pp


The publication under review documents the exhibition Leitores dos Clássicos. Edições italianas na transição do século XV para o século XVI, held from 6 November 2015 to 30 January 2016 in the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (BNP). Twenty items from the library were on show: sixteen Italian incunabula, three Spanish ones, and a book issued in Basle in the 16th century9. The catalogue, authored by Ana Tarrío of the Centro de Estudos Clássicos in Lisbon, opens with a prologue that positions Portugal during the reigns of João II and Manuel I on the fringes of the Europe‐wide intellectual, educational, and literary culture and practice of humanism. Three exhibition items — Inc. 523, 832, and 462 — are explicitly singled out on the basis of their provenance and contemporary marginalia. They embody the import of humanist editions of the Classics from Italy to Portugal, the development of education and literary composition at the Portuguese court, and the philological preparation of Portug...

Do Castelo. Do Tempo. Arqueologia no Castelo Branco (ISBN 978-989-96109-3-4) - Português, English, Español


Embora o "castelo branco" seja um símbolo identitário da cidade albicastrense, a maioria dos habitantes da capital da Beira Baixa, pouco ou nada sabe sobre a História de um monumento que marca de forma incontornável o passado e a paisagem da região. Ao longo do século XX tiveram lugar diversos achados fortuitos, mas foi só nos anos 80 decorreram os primeiros trabalhos arqueológicos sistemáticos, na primeira intervenção do género organizada na cidade. Foi também uma das primeiras em Portugal que teve como objetivo o estudo de contextos medievais e modernos, numa época em que esse tipo de investigação ainda não tinha começado a surgir na maior parte das cidades do país. Volvidos quase 30 anos do fim dos trabalhos, a exposição agora organizada pretende dar a conhecer alguns dos achados mais significativos encontrados naquele local, tendo em conta a sua funcionalidade e os espaços quotidianos onde se inseriam. Although the “white castle” is an identity symbol of the city where it was build, its history is totally unknown to most of the city’s residents. During the 20th century there were some fortuitous findings, but it was only in the 1980’s that the archaeological excavations started in a systematical form. It was the first intervention of that kind in the city and one of first in Portugal to study medieval and modern contexts, when it had not happened yet in other Portuguese sites. Almost thirty years after the end of the excavations, this exhibition wants to show some of the objects that were found, demonstrating their use and placing them in the everyday spaces where they belong. Aunque el "castillo blanco" es un símbolo identitario de la ciudad albicastrense, la mayoría de los vecinos de la capital de la Beira Baixa poco o nada sabe acerca de la Historia de un monumento que marca de forma inevitable el pasado y el paisaje de la región. A lo largo del siglo XX hubo una serie de hallazgos fortuitos, pero fue sólo en la década de 80 cuando tuvieron lugar los primeros trabajos arqueológicos sistemáticos, en lo que fue la primera intervención de esa clase organizada en la ciudad. Fueran también de los primeros trabajos arqueológicos en Portugal en tener como objectivo el estudio de contextos medievales y modernos, en una época en la que este tipo de investigación todavía no había empezado a surgir en la mayoría de las ciudades del país. Casi treinta años después del final de las excavaciones, la exposición ahora organizada pretende dar a conocer algunos de los hallazgos más significativos realizados en ese lugar, teniendo en cuenta su funcionalidad y los espacios cotidianos en que se integraban.

A Misty History of Roman Portugal

See abstract above, 2021

This is a consolidation of nine essays which were published during 2021 in English by The Portugal News and in Portuguese by the newspapers SOL and O Templário. Esta é uma consolidação de nove ensaios que foram publicados durante 2021 em inglês pelo The Portugal News e em português pelos jornais SOL e O Templário.