Using High-Level RTOS Models for HW/SW Embedded Architecture Exploration: Case Study on Mobile Robotic Vision (original) (raw)

Application driven design of embedded real-time image processors


Real-time image processing systems become more and more embedded in systems for industrial inspection, autonomous robots, photo-copying, traffic control, automotive control, surveillance, security, and the like. Starting in the 80's many systems -mainly for low-level image processing -have been developed. The architectures range from framegrabbers with attached Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), to systolic pipelines, square and linear single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) systems, pyramids, PCclusters, and smart cameras. Many of those systems lack a suitable software support, are based on a special programming language, are stand alone and cannot be tightly coupled to the rest of the processors of the embedded system. As a consequence, most often the embedded system cannot be programmed in one uniform way. In this paper we will shortly review the archetypes of image processing architectures and their support, after which we will elaborate on a hard and software design framework for embedded image processors. In this framework we are able to schedule the inherent data and task parallelism in an application in such a way, that a balance is found for both data and task parallel parts of the application software. This schedule is optimal for a certain architecture description. For the selection of the best architecture in combination with the best schedule, one can cycle through design space exploration and scheduling.

An operating system architecture for organic computing in embedded real-time systems

To overcome the rising complexity of computing systems, the paradigms of Autonomic Computing and Organic Computing have been introduced. By using an observer/controller architecture, Organic Computing aims to make embedded systems more life-like by providing them with so-called Self-X properties. Embedded real-time systems can also gain great benefit from these techniques. In this paper, we show what new requirements arise when introducing Autonomic/Organic Computing into the area of real-time applications. These requirements flow into the architecture of the real-time operating system CAROS. CAROS combines several concepts to provide a solid base for the implementation of Self-X techniques in embedded real-time systems. We show the practicability of our concepts with a prototypical implementation on the multithreaded CarCore microcontroller.

Tutorial 2 Real-time Operating Systems For Embedded Computing

IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1998

Summary form only given. Embedded DSPs and CPUs are already commonplace in board-level systems and are becoming increasingly popular on systems-on-silicon. As embedded software grows in size and complexity, real-time operating systems [(RTOSs) are required to manage the embedded processor and ensure real-time response. This tutorial will introduce the attendee to real-time operating systems for embedded computing and their use in the design of embedded software. with both basic principles and advanced practice.

Development of embedded devices in real-time autonomous robots

28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 2006., 2006

In this work a development of embedded systems suited for the implementation of robotic perceptions is described. The real-time applications are scheduled by a realtime micro-kernel, called YARTOS (Yet Another Real-Time Operating System), designed and developed for that, and running on the Motorola Coldfire micro-controller. In this paper the main features of such embedded system are illustrated and its performances evaluated using classical benchmarks are presented.

Embedded systems in real time applications, design & architecture

Ubiquity, 2005

Necessit y is the moth er of invention and embedded system s are inventions that were fuelled by the idea of making pre-program s to perform a dedicat ed narrow range of funct ions as part of large sy stem s. Usual ly with minimal end user int eractions, the 'giant leap tech nology' in future embedded system s is based on instr uction-orient ed design but not on design-oriented in structi ons. Embedded syst ems and real time operating syst ems (RTOS) are fast achi evi ng ubiquity, blurring the lines between sci ence fiction and hard reality. In general an RTOS h as the following futures: 1. multitaski n; 2. process threads that can be prioritized; 3.A suffici ent number of interrupt levels. An embedded syst em is any device controlled by instructions st ored on a chip. These devices are u sually controlled by a microprocessor that execut es the instructions stored on a ROM chi p. Embedded system s are used in navigati on tools like global positioni ng sy stem (GPS), automated teller machines (ATMs), networking eq uipment, digital video cameras, mobile phones, aerospace applications, telecom applicatio ns, etc. We concern ourselves wit h the development and implementation of model-based, realtime, embedded, hybrid control software. In particular, we target intelligent cruise control appli cations, including Adapti ve Crui se Control (ACC), in which a forward-loo king range sen sor (radar or Lidar, usually) is used to follow a vehi cle, and Coo perati ve ACC (CACC), a variation in which wirel ess communi cations are used t o supplem ent the forward looking sensor. We discu ss modeling on automated v ehicl es. Our approach emphasizes the mai ntenance of a si ngle m odel throughout the devel opment process, with particular emphasi s on "tigh t-loop."

Special issue on embedded real-time applications

Real-Time Systems

As computing platforms are becoming more powerful and energy efficient, embedded real-time systems are spreading in emerging application domains, from small autonomous robots to unmanned aerial vehicles, medical wearable devices, and intelligent sensors and actuators for the Internet of Things. Many of such systems are required to interact with the surrounding environment, reacting to events within stringent deadlines, also guaranteeing security and safety features. In addition, the heavy use of machine learning algorithms for perception and control tasks is increasing the complexity of the software architecture, which is often organized in modular components with different levels of criticality. One common way to manage such a software complexity is to partition the computational resources available on the platform into a set of execution domains coordinated by a hypervisor, which encapsulates each software component into a virtual machine, while guaranteeing safety, security, and predictability properties. The four papers collected in this special issue address some of the crucial topics highlighted above, presenting them in different application contexts. The articles are extended versions of papers carefully selected over twenty-four works presented at the 7th Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems (IWES 2022), held at Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy, on September 22-23 of 2022, and went through a rigorous and

A concept of dynamically reconfigurable real-time vision system for autonomous mobile robotics

International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2008

This paper describes specific constraints of vision systems that are dedicated to be embedded in mobile robots. If PC-based hardware architecture is convenient in this field because of its versatility, flexibility, performance, and cost, current real-time operating systems are not completely adapted to long processing with varying duration, and it is often necessary to oversize the system to guarantee fail-safe functioning. Also, interactions with other robotic tasks having more priority are difficult to handle. To answer this problem, we have developed a dynamically reconfigurable vision processing system, based on the innovative features of Cléopatre real-time applicative layer concerning scheduling and fault tolerance. This framework allows to define emergency and optional tasks to ensure a minimal quality of service for the other subsystems of the robot, while allowing to adapt dynamically vision processing chain to an exceptional overlasting vision process or processor overload. Thus, it allows a better cohabitation of several subsystems in a single hardware, and to develop less expensive but safe systems, as they will be designed for the regular case and not rare exceptional ones. Finally, it brings a new way to think and develop vision systems, with pairs of complementary operators.

RTOS Program Models Used in Embedded Systems


The paper present and compare some real-time control program models used by programmers programming in embedded systems. The paper do not demonstrate all programming models, only the most important variations based on writer's opinion. The writer tried to show the advantages and disadvantages of each programming models discussed in article. The paper begins with traditional models like sequential model, cooperative multitasking and continues with timed cooperative model and finish with event-driven model.