Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of Loitering Munition for Future Modern Warfare in Indonesian (original) (raw)

The Concept of an Unmanned Aircraft with Stealth Technology to Support the Air Defense System for the Indonesian Archipelago's Capital

The Innovation of Social Studies Journal, 2023

Phenomenona The relocation of the new National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia creates a new geostrategic perspective. Where in the process must be prepared carefully, especially in the aspects of the defense and security system. This study aims to provide a planning analysis concept for Unmanned Aircraft (PTTA) with stealth technology in supporting air defense systems in Indonesia's new IKN area. The research method used is through a qualitative approach by conducting literature studies. The results of the study revealed that the air defense system for Indonesia's new IKN is in accordance with the concept of a smart defense system, the need for a platform/air vehicle that can be used in carrying out intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance is even capable of carrying out attacks in maintaining security in the Indonesian IKN area by minimizing enemy detection. And one suitable platform is to use PTTA with stealth technology which can provide advantages in terms of flexibility, range, minimized operational risk, and the ability to carry out operations undetected by enemy defense radar sensors.

The Future of Unmanned Weaponized Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

In recent years, challenges concerning the use of weaponized unmanned systems (WUS)1 – airborne, seaborne or on the ground – have taken the world stage in political and military planning efforts. This trend will continue over the next decade, as these weapon systems have inevitable implications for security and defense strategy among major international actors and smaller actors alike. Addressing the challenges to global security and stability will require determined action by national actors, non-governmental organizations and intergovernmental organizations. This report presents two hypothetical scenarios and argues that the state of international peace by the year 2025 will depend largely on whether state and non-state actors are capable of designing an effective political and legal framework for regulating the use of WUS without infringing on their profound commercial capabilities. In the first scenario, WUS exist as linchpins in both the expanded war on terror and conventional interstate conflicts. The scenario highlights that weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles (WUAVs) are likely to continue playing a role in military efforts against global jihadi terrorism, with a growing degree of autonomy. These technologies also feature prominently in important regional conflicts. Against this backdrop, technical failures of WUS – such as hacking and spoofing by terrorists and rogue states – pose a significant threat to safety and security. There exist regional efforts to establish international legislation, but they are thwarted by dominant powers that, in their expanded efforts to combat terrorism on foreign soil, are reliant on WUS. In this scenario, an effective global legal regime on WUS is unlikely to come into being by 2025. In contrast, our second scenario features an emerging international legal order. The driving force of this development is the perception of a common threat to major actors that possess WUS technology. Here, the threat of international terrorism extends beyond the United States and other Western countries, to Russia and China. In this scenario, terrorist exploitation of weaknesses in these systems in Europe and Asia creates the political context for stricter regulation. In addition, this scenario considers private-sector interests. The dual-use aspect of unmanned systems, especially unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is represented by a thriving commercial UAV industry, transforming logistics and transportation. Private-sector resistance to regulation that could obstruct market potential is counterbalanced by government incentives to prevent the weaponization of small-scale commercial UAVs. This scenario concludes with the establishment of a workable international regime on WUS, wherein governments agree to regulate the most-advanced systems with the highest degree of autonomy, which only a few countries possess as of 2025. Several policy recommendations arise from these scenarios: ››Propose a legal framework to govern the production, accumulation, distribution and use of semi-autonomous WUS and to ban fully autonomous WUS; ››Diversify the policy conversation across the continuum of applications of unmanned vehicles; ››Create a policy forum to establish dialogue about applicable standards; ››Seek political-power balance, and seize opportunities for agreement; ››Address technical challenges posed by unmanned 1 Weaponized unmanned systems (WUS) include vehicles, robotics and equipment that have the capability to inflict harm upon individuals and/or damage to infrastructure (eg, weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles [WUAVs]). These systems can be either semi-autonomous or fully autonomous. systems.


With the cybernetic implementation the modern battlefield will impact weapons systems which expands the uses of robotic systems and minimizes the use of human factors, keeping a rational integration between man and machine. Modern technologies offered by unmanned vehicles can provide a viable alternative to atypical confrontations. The article proposes an overview of the characteristics of UAS under modern conflicts.

Technological developments and implications of autonomous military drones: prospects in global geopolitics

Revista Tecnológica - ESPOL

This article aims to characterize the unmanned drones used in the new global military defense strategies, considering the technological developments associated with artificial intelligence and robotics. In this sense, a documentary study was carried out to identify the most representative developments in the market of autonomous military drones, observing their implications in present and future war scenarios. The study established the implications that autonomous weapons are taking in global geopolitics, assuming changes in the way of incorporating intelligent technologies to improve the autonomy of drones to face the requirements of defense and attack demanded by the new battlefield scenarios. This scenario gives a glimpse of the coming years of the increase of drones as lethal weapons of low cost and high precision, whose deployment in various scenarios will be more effective in military operations of various kinds.


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make significant contributions to the war fighting capability of operational forces. The assumption is that piloted, remotely piloted, and autonomous vehicles have advantages and disadvantages in military operations, and that these vary in strategic significance for different levels of conflict. Since it is essential for the U.S. defense establishment to consider the strategic and technological implications of these types of aerial vehicles, this study is devoted to addressing the issues raised by the new generation of aerial vehicles. As technological advances increase the lethality of weapons on the modern battlefield, it is inevitable that UAVs will reduce the risks to humans in combat. If there is a fundamental constraint on the development of UAVs, it is that technology promises to find purely unmanned solutions to combat but cannot deliver on that promise. Political and military authorities should approach with caution the prospect of a world in which automated systems select military targets and employ lethal ordnance.


Laurentiu POPESCU, Traian Anastasiei, Marius Şerbeszki-Devoltarea sistemelor fără pilot -factor hotărâtor în transformareatacticii militare a secolului XXI, Sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională"Strategii XXI" Securitate şi Apărare in Uniunea Europeană 17-18 aprilie 2008, Secţiunea 5 -Tactica şi Artă Operativă Forte Aeriene si Navale, Ed.Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare,,Carol I'', Bucureşti-2008 În acţiunea militară modernă apare un nou "luptător" pe câmpul de luptă: robotul. Întâlnim astfel tot mai multe situaţii în care omul-militar este ajutat sau înlocuit pur şi simplu în executarea unor acţiuni sau etape ale acţiunilor cu un mare risc, de catre sisteme automatizate, între care se evidenţiază aeronavele fără pilot. O privire asupra prezentului şi perspectivelor realizată de specialiştii militari în teatrele de operaţii, dar şi prin studiile de specialitate în centrele de cercetare din întreaga lume subliniază tendinţa de înlocuire a avioanelor de luptă cu pilot cu avioanele fără pilot în special în misiuni de cercetare aeriană, dar şi în operaţii complexe de lovire a ţintelor puternic apărate aerian. Proiectul Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) a fost iniţiat în toamna anului 2005 cu scopul de a identifica şi a sesiza pe cei interesaţi de problemele apărute în acest domeniu. Acţiunea militară în secolul XXI va fi influenţată în mod sigur de capabilităţile aeronavelor fără pilot uman la bord în misiuni de luptă. Asistăm în aceasta directie la mutaţii cu totul excepţionale, care răstoarnă pur şi simplu ceea ce s-a cunoscut până acum în materie de tehnică militară, schimbă radical chiar problematica războiului.

'A Disruptive Change in Infantry Fighting' -Infantry Rifle Platoons and Squads Conversion into Drone Users as Their Personal Weapons in 2024. PART 3: Infantry Drone Units' Organization & Roles


This paper looks at Infantry Drone Units' organization and roles that have developed organically in the war in Ukraine ecosystem as a response to emerging use of the technology. In 2018, it was anticipated, "a future possibility for lone combatants on foot to operate one or possible more small UAVs as an extension of his or her own means to combat an opponent." 1 In a recent report about United States Army soldiers from the 1st Squadron War Eagles (2nd Cavalry Regiment), the Human factors element in the emerging use of drones is central to using the technology: "Our soldiers are observing trends on the battlefield. They're then seeing where we have capability gaps, and they're finding low-cost solutions to innovate" 2. The type of role change in basic Infantry skills, are: "Our soldiers are 3D printing, they're doing basic soldering, they're doing basic coding using code like Python or C++ to create low-cost solutions to tactical problems they are seeing" 3. In a recent interview with an Escadrone spokesman 4 , they stated: "FPV kamikaze is about pilots, not about drones" 5. This is because: "using an FPV drone effectively requires considerable skill … flying an FPV drone is not so hard. But if you want to use it like a weapon, you have train for a month … because it's very difficult to hit a moving target at high speed." 6 It should be noted, while Human factors are a key element in the use of drones, there is also an emerging substitution with Artificial Intelligence with this entity standing-in for the Human pilot. In comparison to a United States Switchblade 300 drone, "it can lock on to moving targets and track them automatically" 7. The same technology may reach FPV kamikazes drones soon, "thanks to new AI chips for drones, but at present it is down to operator skill" 8 .


Kutbilim Journal of Social Sciences Vol.1, Issue 2 , 2021

This article analyzes the importance of drones in modern warfare and armed conflicts. It explains how states and non-state actors use drones for various purposes. The United States of America was the first country globally to use drones twenty years ago to eliminate dangerous terrorists. George W. Bush was the first president of USA who used drones for counterterrorism operations in different countries. Drones proved to be very effective tool during the war on terror. If USA used drones only as killing machines for the elimination of terrorists, Azerbaijan was the first country that used them for military purposes in the war against Armenia. The massive usage of drones by the armed forces first took place in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2020. This conflict often referred to as the "war of drones," demonstrated how effective drones could be in modern warfare if used wisely and rationally. This conflict has shown that even a small state can achieve total air supremacy in the conflict if it uses drones properly and effectively. After the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, the number of states willing to purchase drones has increased considerably. However, it is also noteworthy that not only states are interested in drones, but also terrorist organizations and aggressive non-state actors. Many terrorist organizations have started to use drones in order to achieve their goals. One of the main challenges that faces states today is to develop effective defense mechanisms to neutralize and eliminate threats coming from drones quickly. The research question of this paper is: how did the usage of drones affected modern warfare and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the massive usage of drones? The main goal of this article is to find out positive and negative sides of the usage of drones in modern warfare. The aim of this article is also to find what threats to do the states face because of the massive usage of drones by the terrorist organizations.

The Drones and Issues Connected with Their Use in Contemporary Conflicts


The text deals with the development and methods of use of Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in contemporary conflicts or special operations. The contribution tries to present the main advantages of these vehicles as being the main reasons for their current use in armed forces of state as well as non-state actors and their dynamic proliferation in global space in past years. We can observe a new trend in the armed conflict in the last two decades - use of advanced systems of unmanned vehicles in such a range that many military and academic experts talk about a new wave of revolutionary changes in the military affairs. This wave, or we could even talk about militarytechnological breakthrough should lead to imminent use of these systems in contemporary as well as future conflicts which would result in the partial or complex robotization of the battlefield. Specific attention is dedicated to controversies tied to the use of Drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in socalled Drone Warfare and ...

The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Contemporary Armed Conflicts – Selected Issues

Politeja, 2022

Armed conflicts which have been taking place since the end of the Cold War are characterized by, inter alia, the increasing scale of the use of unmanned means and systems, especially unmanned aerial vehicles. Scientists dealing with the history of technology look for the beginning of unmanned aerial vehicles not only in the time of the Second World War, but even earlier, going back to the beginnings of aviation. Undoubtedly, however, the development of unmanned aerial vehicles took place during the Cold War and resulted directly from the experiences of armed clashes in Vietnam, the Middle East and analyses of the hypothetical course of a Third World War. The armed conflicts initiated by the Arab Spring in 2011 and Turkey's participation in them, the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 and the conflict in Ukraine have once again demonstrated the growing role of unmanned aerial vehicles used for military purposes. It is worth taking a closer look at the role of unmanned aerial vehicles in the aforementioned armed conflicts and try to answer the question whether they are a miracle weapon like the Excalibur, or rather an element of a more complex system involving the ability to reconnaissance, precision strike and electronic warfare? This issue is all the more interesting as not only United States, Israel, Turkey, and China are producers of effective unmanned reconnaissance and strike systems. This type of modern weapon system is also manufactured in Poland. It has been positively tested in the conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine and during the crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland in 2021.