Non-Linear Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Activator-Inhibator System (original) (raw)
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
A reaction-diffusion system exhibiting Turing's diffusion driven instability is considered. The equation for an activator is supplemented by unilateral terms of the type s − (x)u − , s + (x)u + describing sources and sinks active only if the concentration decreases below and increases above, respectively, the value of the basic spatially constant solution which is shifted to zero. We show that the domain of diffusion parameters in which spatially non-homogeneous stationary solutions can bifurcate from that constant solution is smaller than in the classical case without unilateral terms. It is a dual information to previous results stating that analogous terms in the equation for an inhibitor imply the existence of bifurcation points even in diffusion parameters for which bifurcation is excluded without unilateral sources. The case of mixed (Dirichlet-Neumann) boundary conditions as well as that of pure Neumann conditions is described.
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We apply a general heteroclinic and homoclinic bifurcation theory to the study of bifurcations of travelling waves of b&able reaction diffusion systems. Using the notion of separation, we first prove the existence of a cusp point of the set of travelling front solutions in the parameter space. This as well as the symmetry of the system yields a coexisting pair of front and back solutions which undergoes the homoclinic bifurcation producing a pulse solution. All the hypotheses imposed on the general heteroclinic and homoclinic bifurcation theorem are rigorously verified for a system of bistable reaction diffusion equations containing a small parameter E by using singular perturbation techniques, especially the SLEP method. A relation between the stability of front (or back) solutions and the intersecting manner of the stable and unstable manifolds is also given by means of the separation.
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Applied mathematical sciences, 2014
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