Entrepreneurial Efforts by Immigrants: A Longitudinal Study for Portugal (Summary) (original) (raw)

The determinants of immigrant entrepreneurship and employment creation in Portugal

Open for Business. Migrant Entrepreneurship in OECD Countries, 2010

mp lo ym en t cr ea tio n mi gr at io n ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y ig ra tio n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t m m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m mp lo ym en t cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at ig ra tio n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n p m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t e m m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p mp lo ym en t cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at i ig ra tio n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n p m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t e m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me n ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at i mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e at io n im im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr an t en tr ep re ne ur s em pl oy me nt im m ig r a n t e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p o li c ie s e m p lo y m e n t c r e a em pl oy me nt cr ea tio n mi gr at io n po lic ie s im mi gr a e n tr e p r e n eu r s m ig r at io n p

Analysis of Prescribing Variables of Entrepreneurial Intention of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal


Context: a new migratory flow of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal is made up of individuals with greater financial and entrepreneurial capacity, a high level of professional qualification or individuals who seek higher qualification (masters and doctoral students and researchers). Objective: the study seeks to identify possible variables that prescribe the entrepreneurial intention of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal, showing characteristics of this group. Methods: survey questionnaires were applied to 667 Brazilian respondents, inhabitants of Portugal. It was used logit equations to analyze the data, in order to assess the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and the variables gender, age at arrival, educational level, length of stay in the country, status of student-tourist-work visa - citizenship application status - permanent migration. Results: the article contributes in a theoretical way by highlighting variables related to the intention to undertake in one of the la...

Entrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spain


This dissertation analyzes the entrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spain and the Basque Country. Based on data collected by the General Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Basque Statistics Institute, I draw on human capital, social cognition and spatial economic theories, and the immigrant entrepreneurship literature to analyze the different stages of the entrepreneurial process, starting from the intention to create a firm until start-up (pre-start-up stage) and through to the assessment of the performance of the business (post-start-up stage). More specifically, I focus on the entrepreneurial propensity of immigrants of various origins as well as the success level achieved by their initiatives. In order to assess the immigrants' success as entrepreneurs, I compare the survival rates of foreign- and native-owned firms and the earnings of salaried and self-employed immigrants. I found that immigrants are more likely to start a business than natives, but less likely to succee...

Brazilian entrepreneurship: a quantitative study around the sociodemographic and motivational factors behind the entrepreneurial intention of Brazilian immigrants in Ireland.

Valer, S., 2022

“Brazilian entrepreneurship: a quantitative study around the sociodemographic and motivational factors behind the entrepreneurial intention of Brazilian immigrants in Ireland” Samara Valer This study aims to determine and identify the entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship of the Brazilian immigrants living in Ireland by assessing the sociodemographic factors associated with their desire to become (became) an entrepreneur and their common motivational factors. Furthermore, this study seeks to evaluate if the Brazilians that are already entrepreneurs in Ireland consider financial support and ethnic social network important factors for the success of their business. Self- administrated online surveys were applied to 352 Brazilian nationals living in Ireland. Frequency analyses were used to identify the number of participants that were business owners in Ireland already and their views on the importance of financial support, and their view of the Brazilian community towards the success of their business. Descriptive analysis was applied to evaluate the entrepreneurial intention of non-business owner participants. Chi-Square independent tests with Phi and Cramer's V were used to assess the association of sociodemographic variables with the entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship of Brazilian immigrants in Ireland. The common motivational factors amongst the respondents were identified with descriptive analysis, and Mann-Whitney (U) to test if there were significant differences for participants in their motivational scores based on whether they wished to become entrepreneurs or were already entrepreneurs. Our analysis identified 56 Brazilian immigrants that are entrepreneurs in Ireland, and the non-business owner's group showed moderate entrepreneurial intention. Regarding sociodemographic factors, the research concluded that only gender and time living in Ireland were associated with a person's intention to become (became) an entrepreneur in Ireland. Flexibility (Autonomy) and satisfaction and growth (Intrinsic Rewards) were the common motivational determinants for the entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship of the Brazilian immigrants in Ireland. The ethnic social network was strongly seen as an important factor for the success of business owners by Brazilians, but financial support was not. We conclude that Brazilian nationals demonstrate entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship in Ireland. keywords: entrepreneurial intention, immigrant entrepreneurship, sociodemographic factors, motivational factors, Brazilians in Ireland, financial support, and ethnic social network.

Differences in the perception and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities by immigrants

Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2014

This paper aims to examine Q6 the difference between immigrants and natives in Spain in their perception and exploitation Q7 of entrepreneurial opportunities Q8. The study analyses data obtained from the Spanish Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) with regard to perception of business opportunities in the environment and their exploitation. A contribution is offered to the existing literature by offering insights into the differences in perceiving entrepreneurial opportunities between immigrants and natives. The results of this study reveal a difference between the level of opportunity perception and exploitation between immigrants and natives and found differences in opportunity perception depending on the immigrants' origin. Although immigrants from non-European Union countries perceive significantly more opportunities to create a business in Spain than European Union immigrants, they surprisingly do not exploit them in a significantly larger percentage.

Perception of Entrepreneurial Opportunities by Immigrants in Spain: the impact of General and Specific Human Capital

Perceiving entrepreneurial opportunities plays a role in entrepreneurship. The current study analyzes how immigrants’ general and specific human capital influence their likelihood of perceiving entrepreneurial opportunities. The analysis pivots around the comparison of immigrants with natives. Data from the Spanish Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) of 2008 are used. Logistic regression analysis is performed to test several theoretical hypotheses. Our findings revealed that general human capital such as education is not significant for perceiving opportunities, but work experience is positively significant to perceive entrepreneurial opportunities by both immigrants and natives. Furthermore, the impact of specific human capital on the perceiving of opportunities is in general positive. This research reveals that specific types of human capital play different roles in both immigrants and natives in Spain. This paper sheds light on the perception of entrepreneurial opportunities am...

Assessing the main determinants of entrepreneurship in Portugal

Without question, entrepreneurship is present in all spheres of our lives, especially in economic and social areas. This field is significant in the development of societies and is also considered a useful tool in promoting innovation and job creation in many countries. For this reason, it needs to be promoted as a central component of economic growth. As a result, the creation of new businesses or projects and the promotion of self-employment have been stimulated by public and private organisations. The goal of this research is to determine what triggers individuals to be actively involved in entrepreneurial activity in the initial phases, based on a survey by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor conducted in Portugal, in 2012. The results of this analysis revealed that early-stage entrepreneurial activity is associated with younger (25–34 years old) males, who have a medium to higher level of household income, as well as diplomas. They are self-employed, and they have loose ties to other entrepreneurs. They perceive themselves as possessing entrepreneurial skills and have a low level of perceived risk and a positive personal attitude towards individual innovation

Obstacles to Portuguese Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Andorra

Nowadays the world is in constant and successive changes and to follow these changes one necessarily has to be prepared to act throughout life with initiative, innovation and value creation. However, obstacles to entrepreneurship are numerous, and those who seek these challenges in foreign countries have to face even greater problems. In order to understand the difficulties found by Portuguese emigrant entrepreneurs in Andorra, the authors conducted a survey in 2012 with 51 Portuguese entrepreneurs residing in that country. The results are described in this chapter. It was found that the main obstacles to setting up a business are mostly bureaucratic in nature, due to legislation not adjusted to reality, suggesting, first and foremost, the urgency of an intense work yet to be done in this field, both by governmental bodies and by other institutions directly related with these entrepreneurs.

Diversity of Entrepreneurial Perceptions: Immigrants vs. Native Population

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between immigrants and the native-born population concerning estimations of the feasibility of becoming an entrepreneur, and to examine the relationship between the propensity for risk-taking and the perceived feasibility of becoming an entrepreneur. The paper developed the renewed application of the entrepreneurial intentions model, with perceived feasibility to be an entrepreneur expressed as an assessment of opportunity to act, and risk-taking propensity derived from an assessment of opportunity to succeed. This renewed approach enabled us to explain the paradox between immigrants' high entrepreneurial motivation and low perceived feasibility of becoming an entrepreneur based on the risk homeostasis theory. The high level of apparent immigration-related risks experienced by immigrants in the past affects their risk-taking propensity, thus decreasing their perceived feasibility of establishing businesses.