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International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022
The municipality Santa Filomena that it was for is included in the Nucleus of Desertification of Gilbués, since all the other municipalities that are part of the same nucleus are. Data from the IBGE Demographic Census (2010) and the GDP of the municipalities published by IBGE (2009) were used. Social indicators of exclusion of education and income are sought. In addition to being reduced, GDP is far from ideal for a good quality of life. All the social indicators of the semiarid region are very bad. The evidence of the study allows us to conclude that, in fact, in this region, in relative terms, numbers are concentrated that allow the inclusion of these municipalities in the semi-arid area. In addition, the justifications for additional criteria because these municipalities belong to the Nucleus of Desertification of Gilbués, being the only one not yet contemplated with its inclusion in front of all the others already included, including those that belong to the other three nuclei existing in Brazil. The study of the aridity index and its tendency to desertification for the municipalities of Santa Filomena, Barreiras do Piauí, Gilbués and Monte Alegre do Piauí, Brazil was requested by a group of farmers, mayors and lawyers who intend to see the possibility of including these municipalities as a degraded area and its inclusions in the Brazilian semiarid region. The methodology used the calculations of aridity indexes by the water balance method developed by Thornthwaite and Mather (1948; 1955) with a field capacity (CAD) of 100 mm. The water balance graphs were used to demonstrate the variability of water surpluses and deficiencies, replacement and removal of water in the soil and visualization of interannual buoyancy. Electronic spreadsheets of evapotranspiration, evaporation, deficiency and annual water surplus were generated in order to understand their interannual fluctuations as an aid in erosive contributions and aridity indexes. The monthly rainfall for the period 1960-2017 was acquired from the climate bank of Superintendence for the development of the Northeast and from the Empresa de extensión Rural do Piauí where annual fluctuations, anomalies, moving averages, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, absolute maximums and minimums, in addition to studying the fluctuation of average temperatures and calculations of precipitation erosivity indices for the referred municipalities aiming at the objective of municipalities to be included in the semi-arid region and susceptible to desertification. The physiographic aspects, relief, fauna, flora and distance from the sea are evidenced and the edaphic contributions contribute to the incidence of aridity index and susceptibility to desertification in the studied area. The development of monoculture and improper planting techniques contributed to the increase in erosion rates and the tendency for changes in the semi-arid climate with very high risk of susceptibility. Areas identified as vulnerable to desertification, due to the lower aridity index, may not be located in the degraded area, and areas that present a higher aridity index and are not identified as vulnerability processes may be degraded to the point of being considered desertified areas. This variability may occur due to inappropriate use of the soil and environment. Temperature influences evapotranspiration, that is, the loss of water to the atmosphere, because the higher the temperature, the greater the evapotranspiration and, consequently, the lower the aridity index and,
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia
The Climatological Water Budget (CWB) determined by the Thornthwaite and Matter (1955) allows the temporal visualization of the variables that compose the climate, thus allowing the climatic characterization of a region. Therefore, this work aimed at identifying and quantifying the months of water surplus and deficit through CWB to characterize the climate for the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, Brazil, and analyze the temporal distribution of rainfall for the municipality. We used daily precipitation and temperature values and procedures to fill in the database. We calculated the potential evapotranspiration (ETP) using the Hargreaves Samani method (1985). Subsequently, we determined the periods of soil water storage (SWS), water deficiency (DEF), and water surplus (SUR) on a monthly scale. The climate of Cruzeiro do Sul, located in the northern region of Brazil, was characterized according to the Thornthwaite (1955) as B1rA'a' for a AWC of 140 mm, that is, a humid cl...
Rainfall zoning of Bahia State, Brazil: an update proposal
The state of Bahia's main climatic characteristic is the high spatial and chronological variability of precipitation. This heterogeneity may be used to determine of pluviometrically homogeneous areas that can define mesoregions in the state, since they allow better management of water resources and help in the elaboration of agricultural studies. The mesoregions already proposed by the scientific community for the state were based only on the annual precipitation in the proximity of the pluviometric stations. In this paper, besides these parameters, spatial and chronological rainfall distribution was considered, i.e., the Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PCP). The new zoning is based on an update of a study defined in 2000 that divided Bahia into eight mesoregions. Thus, 180 pluviometric stations were distributed throughout the state and grouped conforming to the division previously described. It was concluded that some stations of the same mesoregion had presented conflicting values for the analyzed parameters and, therefore, should not belong to the same area. Starting from an arrangement of the collection stations, considering their proximity, annual precipitation and statistical parameters, a new zoning for Bahia with 10 clusters was defined and validated through the statistical treatment of data.
Land use and land cover map of a semiarid region of Brazil for meteorological and climatic models
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 2013
An updated vegetation cover and land use map over a semiarid region of Brazil has been produced at a 1 km spatial resolution, using satellite data and remote sensing techniques, for application in climate modeling. The map presents the location and distribution of major vegetation types and non-vegetated land surface formations for the Northeast Brazil Region, which includes the semiarid region. In this study, Radambrasil and IBGE vegetation maps, a digital mosaic of ETM + Landsat 7, and TM Landsat 5 images from the period 1999-2000 were used. To update the map, the techniques of segmentation and unsupervised classification (ISOSEG) were applied. A total of 7 land cover and land use categories were mapped according to the "Simplified Simple Biosphere"(SSiB) model legend. This map shows that there has been a considerable increase in agricultural activities and pasture area. The vegetation in this region is an intricate combination of different life forms (e.g., trees and shrubs forming a closed cover) in this region. The semiarid region of Brazil is susceptible to desertification due to climatic and environmental conditions. This updated map should provide important input for regional stratification in climate studies.
This study aimed to assess possible changes in climate localities in the southern region of Campos Gerais (Fernandes Pinheiro, Lapa, Ponta Grossa), Parana, Brazil. The forest vegetation occupies 22% of the area of Campos Gerais, including different types and successional stages. These forests are naturally fragmented, forming isolated groves of various sizes and extensions, located on the slopes, small depressions or tracks that come in rivers, streams and springs. To investigate possible changes in climate, daily temperature and precipitation data were analyzed, by the use of Mann-Kendall test. Data analysis revealed an increase in average and minimum temperatures in the three localities. For the maximum temperature, the city of Ponta Grossa showed negative trend, a fact explained by the increase in cloudiness in the region. For the rainfall data, the city of Ponta Grossa and Fernandes Pinheiro showed a positive trend, while for the city of Lapa, it was negative.
Soil map units of Minas Gerais State from the perspective of Hydrologic Groups
The knowledge of water availability is the basis for water resource planning and management. The Soil Map Units of the State of Minas Gerais were interpreted from the perspective of Hydrologic Groups based on the Curve Number-Soil Conservation Service method, with the addition of pedological elements of the mapped units. The generated products were used in three different physiographic environments of the Minas Gerais State. According to results, most of Minas Gerais falls within Hydrologic Groups A and B, indicating that the soils in these areas present low surface runoff and high water infiltration rates. The characterization and spatialization of the hydrological regime, with emphasis on information about the soils of Minas Gerais, as applied this study, has a level of detail not yet employed in studies of this scope, apart from the initiative to interpret them from the perspective of soil hydrological groups. The mapping of the three water resources planning and management units, composed of distinct environments, from the perspective of hydrological groups, allowed verification of the proposed methodology's potential, which can be used to support the management and planning of the water resources of Minas Gerais. Interpretive studies of soil maps from a hydrological perspective are essential to improve our understanding of water surpluses in a given region.
Application of the Köppen classification for climatic zoning in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2012
The knowledge of the climatic conditions of a region is crucial for its agricultural development. It is also extremely important for understanding the fact that certain cultures have to develop under prevailing temperature and humidity conditions and assist in the adoption of a suitable irrigation technique, as well as its management and operationalization. The Köppen system of climate classification is widely used for the identification of homogeneous climate zones as it considers only rainfall and temperature as the meteorological elements for classification. For this study, we used climatic databases of rainfall and temperature in a raster format, with a spatial resolution of 30″ of arc (an approximate area of 0.86 km 2 pixel −1), from 1961 to 1990. Through geoprocessing techniques, we obtained a map of climatic classification for the state of Minas Gerais. We found that the state has the following three major climatic groups: A, B and C, which correspond to tropical rainy, dry and warm temperate climates, respectively. The climate classes obtained were Aw, Am, BSh, Cwa and Cwb, with Aw, Cwa and Cwb classes occupying 99.89% of the territorial area of the state. The validation of the results showed a satisfactory agreement, with 93.75% reliability.
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2014
Probabilistic studies of climatic variables are of utmost importance for the planning of agricultural activities. In this context, we aimed to adjust the function Normal distribution to the values of precipitation and monthly potential evapotranspiration in order to determine the components of the water balance (deficits and excesses) with different levels of probabilities in Barreiras, Bahia. We used daily data of maximum and minimum air temperature and precipitation, period of 1961 to 2008. The potential evapotranspiration was estimated by the method of THORNTHWAITE (1948). In order to check the adherence of the estimated probabilities to the observed frequencies, we applied the adherence tests Chi-square (χ 2) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS), at 5% of significance. We obtained the probable values of precipitation and monthly potential evapotranspiration for the following probabilistic levels:
Rainfall profiles and sisal productivity for Bahia mesoregions, Brazil
Sisal is widely produced in the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil, and an important source of economic income for rainfed agriculture. Thus, the objective of the study was to analyze and classify the historical series of rainfall in relation to its profiles and the trends related to rainfall and sisal production in two mesoregions and four meteorological stations. Pluviometric characterization and water balance were carried out; data were organized to fit Gumbel's model and classified by the Quantis technique; then, the trend was determined through the non-parametric test of Mann-Kendall. Average rainfalls between 565.1 and 687.3 mm were obtained, very dry years with rainfalls between 370.3 and 445.7 mm and very rainy years, between 748.3 and 962.5 mm, with a trend of reduction of productivity in years classified as dry and very dry and vice versa.
Caminhos de Geografia, 2022
Episódios de seca estão se tornando cada vez mais comuns atualmente no cenário de mudanças climáticas. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a variabilidade de precipitação e a probabilidade de ocorrência de veranico na Mesorregião Centro Ocidental Paranaense. Como objetivo secundário, analisou-se a ocorrência de um veranico extremo no mês de setembro de 2020. Para isso, foram criados mapas com interpolações para regionalizar as alturas pluviométricas. Criou-se gráficos de box plot e probabilidades para identificar o comportamento pluviométrico regional, além da análise gráfica e sinótica das chuvas de setembro de 2020. A precipitação anual na Mesorregião apresentou distribuição considerável anual e mensal, com valores médios que mostram extrato do balanço hídrico todo positivo. Porém, a região possui grande variabilidade e amplitude de mais de 500mm entre os meses mais chuvosos e mais secos. Na ocorrência de períodos secos, também se identificou valores alarmantes, co...