Размисли за Вселената, света и безкрайността... (original) (raw)

Семантиката и погледот на светот


Јазикот не е само средство за комуникација меѓу луѓето. Јазикот е слика за луѓето што го користат. И во поширока смисла, како одраз на менталитетот на народот во Хумболтовото значење, и во потесна смисла, како одраз на дијалектната, социјалната, културната, па и етничката припадност на оној што зборува. Во трудот ќе бидат анализирани две лексеми: страст и созерцание. Ќе бидат анализирани: нивното присуство / отсуство во секојдневниот јазик, контекстите во кои се употребуваат, нивниот семантички развој како и вредносната конотација што ја изразуваат. Нивната употреба во различни временски и функционални контексти, како и семантиката што ја изразуваат, ќе ни открие нешто за светогледот на заедницата што ги користи / користела


Универзитетски учебник за студентите на Институтот за географија при ПМФ во Скопје и останатите заинтересирани за астрономијата, положбата и движењето на Земјата во Вселената.

Човекът и Вселената и синергетичният подход в лингвистиката

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България – Смолян, 2016

There are three scientific paradigms: classical, nonclassical and post-nonclassical. The notion of orderliness and the study of system organization is formed in the classical science. It is assumed that they exist independently of the chaos. The systems are considered in a state of stability, dynamic balance and linearity. The interaction of the systems with the chaos and its creativity are explored in the nonclassical science. There are imbalances, uncertainty and randomness. Synergetics is one of the manifestations of the nonclassical science. The object of synergetics is the occurrence, existence and transformation of complex systems in disequilibrium while the subject is their self-organization. The post-nonclassical scientific paradigm is interested in self-developing systems. Self-development is a characteristic of only complex, hierarchical, non-equilibrium and non-linear systems, such as biological and social. The man and his language are self-developing systems. Human language is a sign system with two main functions: cognitive and communicative. For its studying, I propose to consolidate the achievements of the three scientific paradigms. When examining the system of natural human language through synergetic approach, I found the following solutions. 1) The occurrence of natural human language is a transition from chaos to a system with gradually creating different language signs - indices, icons and symbols. 2) Natural human language is a complex self-developing system in which non-sign subsystems (phonemic, intonation and accent subsystem), independent characters (indices and icons) and sign subsystems (simple linear equilibrium subsystems and complex equilibrium nonlinear subsystems) are working together. The two types of subsystems are formed by the same elements. By the independent and the combined use of these elements in different grammatical structures, language categories can be described and typological characteristics of each particular language can be made.


Many authors in the 19th century combine elements of idealism and naturalism into their philosophical systems. Under the influence of German classical philosophy and natural sciences, the view of the world (cosmos) as a universal organism is becoming actuality. This view is both a reaction to the tendency towards a mechanistic understanding of nature and a result of the interaction between philosophy and the rapidly evolving natural sciences. The purpose of this article is to present partially the unfolding of the idea of the world as an organism in the 19th century. To achieve this we will discuss both the conflict, but also the interaction between idealism and naturalism, some aspects of the philosophy of nature, and Friedrich Schelling's idea of idealrealism and the universal organism as a result.