Source API Sequence Target API Sequence Java API sequences C # API sequences Aligned pairs of API sequences Natural Language Descriptions 2 Joint Semantic Embedding 3 Sequence Alignment 4 Extracting (original) (raw)
Related papers
DeepAM: Migrate APIs with Multi-modal Sequence to Sequence Learning
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Computer programs written in one language are often required to be ported to other languages to support multiple devices and environments. When programs use language specific APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), it is very challenging to migrate these APIs to the corresponding APIs written in other languages. Existing approaches mine API mappings from projects that have corresponding versions in two languages. They rely on the sparse availability of bilingual projects, thus producing a limited number of API mappings. In this paper, we propose an intelligent system called DeepAM for automatically mining API mappings from a large-scale code corpus without bilingual projects. The key component of DeepAM is based on the multi-modal sequence to sequence learning architecture that aims to learn joint semantic representations of bilingual API sequences from big source code data. Experimental results indicate that DeepAM significantly increases the accuracy of API mappings as well as ...
outputs SAR : Learning Cross-Language API Mappings with Little Knowledge Conference or Workshop Item
To save effort, developers often translate programs from one programming language to another, instead of implementing it from scratch. Translating application program interfaces (APIs) used in one language to functionally equivalent ones available in another language is an important aspect of program translation. Existing approaches facilitate the translation by automatically identifying the API mappings across programming languages. However, these approaches still require large amounts of parallel corpora, ranging from pairs of APIs or code fragments that are functionally equivalent, to similar code comments. To minimize the need for parallel corpora, this paper aims at an automated approach that can map APIs across languages with much less a priori knowledge than other approaches. Our approach is based on a realization of the notion of domain adaption, combined with code embedding, to better align two vector spaces. Taking as input large sets of programs, our approach first genera...
CroLSim: Cross Language Software Similarity Detector using API documentation
In today's open source era, developers look for similar software applications in source code repositories for a number of reasons, including, exploring alternative implementations, reusing source code, or looking for a better application. However, while there are a great many studies for finding similar applications written in the same programming language, there is a marked lack of studies for finding similar software applications written in different languages. In this paper, we fill the gap by proposing a novel model CroLSim which is able to detect similar software applications across different programming languages. In our approach, we use the API documentation to find relationships among the API calls used by the different programming languages. We adopt a deep learning based wordvector learning method to identify semantic relationships among the API documentation which we then use to detect crosslanguage similar software applications. For evaluating CroLSim, we formed a repository consisting of 8,956 Java, 7,658 C#, and 10,232 Python applications collected from GitHub. We observed that CroLSim can successfully detect similar software applications across different programming languages with a mean average precision rate of 0.65, an average confidence rate of 3.6 (out of 5) with 75% high rated successful queries, which outperforms all related existing approaches with a significant performance improvement.
Easy-to-Deploy API Extraction by Multi-Level Feature Embedding and Transfer Learning
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have been widely discussed on social-technical platforms (e.g., Stack Overflow). Extracting API mentions from such informal software texts is the prerequisite for API-centric search and summarization of programming knowledge. Machine learning based API extraction has demonstrated superior performance than rule-based methods in informal software texts that lack consistent writing forms and annotations. However, machine learning based methods have a significant overhead in preparing training data and effective features. In this paper, we propose a multi-layer neural network based architecture for API extraction. Our architecture automatically learns character-, word-and sentence-level features from the input texts, thus removing the need for manual feature engineering and the dependence on advanced features (e.g., API gazetteers) beyond the input texts. We also propose to adopt transfer learning to adapt a source-library-trained model to a target-library, thus reducing the overhead of manual training-data labeling when the software text of multiple programming languages and libraries need to be processed. We conduct extensive experiments with six libraries of four programming languages which support diverse functionalities and have different API-naming and API-mention characteristics. Our experiments investigate the performance of our neural architecture for API extraction in informal software texts, the importance of different features, the effectiveness of transfer learning. Our results confirm not only the superior performance of our neural architecture than existing machine learning based methods for API extraction in informal software texts, but also the easy-to-deploy characteristic of our neural architecture.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Representation Learning for Software Engineering and Program Languages, 2020
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is the current trend approach in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to solve the problem of automatically inferring the content of target language given the source language. The ability of NMT is to learn deep knowledge inside languages by deep learning approaches. However, prior works show that NMT has its own drawbacks in NLP and in some research problems of Software Engineering (SE). In this work, we provide a hypothesis that SE corpus has inherent characteristics that NMT will confront challenges compared to the state-of-the-art translation engine based on Statistical Machine Translation. We introduce a problem which is significant in SE and has characteristics that challenges the ability of NMT to learn correct sequences, called Prefix Mapping. We implement and optimize the original SMT and NMT to mitigate those challenges. By the evaluation, we show that SMT outperforms NMT for this research problem, which provides potential directions to optimize the current NMT engines for specific classes of parallel corpus. By achieving the accuracy from 65% to 90% for code tokens generation of 1000 Github code corpus, we show the potential of using MT for code completion at token level.
Master's Thesis, Concordia University, 2018
Analyzing source code using computational linguistics and exploiting the linguistic properties of source code have recently become popular topics in the domain of software engineering. In the first part of the thesis, we study the predictability of source code and determine how well source code can be represented using language models developed for natural language processing. In the second part, we study how well English discussions of source code can be aligned with code elements to create parallel corpora for English-to-code statistical machine translation. This work is organized as a “manuscript” thesis whereby each core chapter constitutes a submitted paper. The first part replicates recent works that have concluded that software is more repetitive and predictable, i.e. more natural, than English texts. We find that much of the apparent “naturalness” is artificial and is the result of language specific tokens. For example, the syntax of a language, especially the separators e.g., semi-colons and brackets, make up for 59% of all uses of Java tokens in our corpus. Furthermore, 40% of all 2-grams end in a separator, implying that a model for autocompleting the next token, would have a trivial separator as top suggestion 40% of the time. By using the standard NLP practice of eliminating punctuation (e.g., separators) and stopwords (e.g., keywords) we find that code is less repetitive and predictable than was suggested by previous work. We replicate this result across 7 programming languages. Continuing this work, we find that unlike the code written for a particular project, API code usage is similar across projects. For example a file is opened and closed in the same manner irrespective of domain. When we restrict our n-grams to those contained in the Java API we find that the entropy for 2-grams is significantly lower than the English corpus. This repetition perhaps explains the successful literature on API usage suggestion and autocompletion. We then study the impact of the representation of code on repetition. The n-gram model assumes that the current token can be predicted by the sequence of n previous tokens. When we extract program graphs of size 2, 3, and 4 nodes we see that the abstract graph representation is much more concise and repetitive than the n-gram representations of the same code. This suggests that future work should focus on graphs that include control and data flow dependencies and not linear sequences of tokens. The second part of this thesis focuses cleaning English and code corpora to aid in machine translation. Generating source code API sequences from an English query using Machine Translation (MT) has gained much interest in recent years. For any kind of MT, the model needs to be trained on a parallel corpus. We clean StackOverflow, one of the most popular online discussion forums for programmers, to generate a parallel English-Code corpora. We contrast three data cleaning approaches: standard NLP, title only, and software task. We evaluate the quality of each corpus for MT. We measure the corpus size, percentage of unique tokens, and per-word maximum likelihood alignment entropy. While many works have shown that code is repetitive and predictable, we find that English discussions of code are also repetitive. Creating a maximum likelihood MT model, we find that English words map to a small number of specific code elements which partially explains the success of using StackOverflow for search and other tasks in the software engineering literature and paves the way for MT. Our scripts and corpora are publicly available.
Code Generation from Natural Language with Less Prior Knowledge and More Monolingual Data
Training datasets for semantic parsing are typically small due to the higher expertise required for annotation than most other NLP tasks. As a result, models for this application usually need additional prior knowledge to be built into the architecture or algorithm. The increased dependency on human experts hinders automation and raises the development and maintenance costs in practice. This work investigates whether a generic transformer-based seq2seq model can achieve competitive performance with minimal code-generation-specific inductive bias design. By exploiting a relatively sizeable monolingual corpus of the target programming language, which is cheap to mine from the web, we achieved 81.03% exact match accuracy on Django and 32.57 BLEU score on CoNaLa. Both are SOTA to the best of our knowledge. This positive evidence highlights a potentially easier path toward building accurate semantic parsers in practice. † * Work done during internship at BorealisAI † Code at Table 8: Dev set exact match accuracy on all datasets except CoNaLa which uses BLEU. We followed (Yin and Neubig, 2018) implementation of BLEU score which can be found here.
Statistical learning of API fully qualified names in code snippets of online forums
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2018
Software developers often make use of the online forums such as StackOverflow (SO) to learn how to use software libraries and their APIs. However, the code snippets in such a forum often contain undeclared, ambiguous, or largely unqualified external references. Such declaration ambiguity and external reference ambiguity present challenges for developers in learning to correctly use the APIs. In this paper, we propose STATTYPE, a statistical approach to resolve the fully qualified names (FQNs) for the API elements in such code snippets. Unlike existing approaches that are based on heuristics, STATTYPE has two well-integrated factors. We first learn from a large training code corpus the FQNs that often co-occur. Then, to derive the FQN for an API name in a code snippet, we use that knowledge and also leverage the context consisting of neighboring API names. To realize those factors, we treat the problem as statistical machine translation from source code with partially qualified names to source code with FQNs of the APIs. Our empirical evaluation on real-world code and StackOverflow posts shows that STATTYPE achieves very high accuracy with 97.6% precision and 96.7% recall, which is 16.5% relatively higher than the state-of-the-art approach. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering Software libraries and repositories; API languages;
Learning from Examples to Find Fully Qualified Names of API Elements in Code Snippets
Developers often reuse code snippets from online forums, such as Stack Overflow, to learn API usages of software frameworks or libraries. These code snippets often contain ambiguous undeclared external references. Such external references make it difficult to learn and use those APIs correctly. In particular, reusing code snippets containing such ambiguous undeclared external references requires significant manual efforts and expertise to resolve them. Manually resolving fully qualified names (FQN) of API elements is a non-trivial task. In this paper, we propose a novel context-sensitive technique, called COSTER, to resolve FQNs of API elements in such code snippets. The proposed technique collects locally specific source code elements as well as globally related tokens as the context of FQNs, calculates likelihood scores, and builds an occurrence likelihood dictionary (OLD). Given an API element as a query, COSTER captures the context of the query API element, matches that with the FQNs of API elements stored in the OLD, and rank those matched FQNs leveraging three different scores: likelihood, context similarity, and name similarity scores. Evaluation with more than 600K code examples collected from GitHub and two different Stack Overflow datasets shows that our proposed technique improves precision by 4-6% and recall by 3-22% compared to state-ofthe-art techniques. The proposed technique significantly reduces the training time compared to the StatType, a state-of-the-art technique, without sacrificing accuracy. Extensive analyses on results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed technique.