Effect of root zone salinity on mineral nutrition and growth of beri (Zizyphus mauritiana lam) and jaman (Eugenia jambolana lamk) (original) (raw)

Growth Behaviour of Three Species of Rajasthan in Relation to Salinity and Changes in Ionic Composition of Leaves .

International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013

For rehabilitation of soils rendered barren owing to salinity, adaptation to site conditions and multiple uses form important criteria of tree selection. Seeds of preferred multipurpose tree species Acacia nilotica, Albizzia lebbeck,and Prosopis cineraria were sown in pots to study the growth behavior of seedlings during the initial year of establishment. Germination, Survival, height, stem diameter and biomass production were determined at three levels of saline water irrigation. Acacia nilotica showed moderate tolerance under medium levels of salinity of irrigation water whereas Albizzia lebbeck and Prosopis cineraria showed moderate tolerance upto low salinity level. Under different levels of saline water irrigation response breadth for height growth and total biomass was widest for A. nilotica followed by A. lebbeck. This pattern indicates that A. nilotica can grow in wider range of saline water conditions compared to other two species. The leaf sodium, calcium and magnesium content increased with increasing salinity conditions in Albizzia lebbeck and Acacia nilotica being maximum in Acacia nilotica, however K, Ca and Mg content decreased in Prosopis cineraria with increasing salinity levels. The ratios of Na/K, Na/Ca and Na/Mg increased with increasing salinity levels but in case of Acacia nilotica Na/ Mg increased upto medium level and decreased thereafter. At the end of experiment, the soil Na + , K + , Ca + and Mg + content increased with increasing salinity levels and was maximum in Prosopis cineraria, whereas the organic carbon content in the soil was maximum under Albizzia lebbeck at highest level of salinity of irrigation water. These results suggests that the growth of Acacia nilotica and Prosopis cineraria seedlings was greatly promoted under the stress conditions of salinity and resulting much more balanced growth in terms of biomass, which is vital for plants growing in the harsh arid environments where concentration of salts is much more.

Effect of Salinity on Different Vegetable Crops – a Review


Globally, salinity is the significant factor that constraints the productivity potential of agricultural land, especially for vegetable crops. Salt stress is responsible for decrease in plant growth and development and leads to decrease in yield and quality changes in different plant species. The accumulation of soluble salts into the soil layers is a limiting factor that affects the growth of crops which are important for our food. Plants give a complex response to salinity and changes are seen in morphology, physiology and metabolism of plants. The effect of salinity on different vegetable crops viz. soybean, maize, sugar beet, cabbage, capsicum, chickpea, coriander, fenugreek, lettuce, onion, tomato, potato were reviewed. As a result of salinity, plants were adversely affected. Seed germination, survival percentage, morphological characteristics, development and yield, its components, dry and fresh weight were affected. Photosynthesis and respiration rate of plants were decreased...

Tolerance mechanisms of three potted ornamental plants grown under moderate salinity

Scientia Horticulturae, 2016

The scarcity of water in the Mediterranean area has frequently led to the use of saline water in order to irrigate ornamental plants in many nurseries. However, before the large-scale use of such waters, the ways in which the plants deal with the salinity need to be evaluated. Plants of Aloe vera L. Burm, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln and Gazania splendens Lem sp. were grown in pots with a mixture of sphagnum peatmoss and Perlite. In order to evaluate the effects of different levels of salinity, three treatments using different NaCl concentrations (Electrical conductivity = 2.0 (control), 4.5 and 7.5 dS m −1) were applied over a period of 60 days. At the end of the experiment, the growth, physiological parameters and mineral content of the roots and leaves were assessed for each salinity treatment. After 60 days of exposure to salinity, the total biomass of all species decreased similarly. The mineral composition of roots and leaves was clearly affected. Osmolytes, such as proline, played an important role in the osmotic adjustment in all species increasing in the roots and leaves at the higher EC i. Different mechanisms of the salt tolerance were triggered in each species. A vera plants showed Na + accumulation at the root level and a decrease in succulence index of leaves. K. blossfeldiana plants shed leaves to release Na + and G. splendens plants accumulated Cl − and Na + at the root level, secreted salt from leaves, lost salt by shedding of old leaves and increased the succulence index of remaining leaves. We concluded that the use of saline waters is feasible for growing these ornamental plants, and G. splendens seems to be particularly well adapted to salinity, a consideration that is particularly relevant in arid saline areas.


The effects of salinity were studied on root morphology and seedling growth in thirty five day old Gossypium hirsutum, Kosteletzkya virginica and Thespesia populnea under different concentrations of sea salt solution i.e. non saline control (EC iw : 0.4 dS.m-1), 0.5% sea salt (EC iw : 6.2 dS.m-1), 1.0% sea salt (EC iw : 12.95 dS.m-1). Results showed that primary root length was reduced in K. virginica at 1.0% sea salt, while it remained almost unaffected in the other two plants at this salinity in comparison to control. Number of secondary roots increased in G. hirsutum and T. populnea but in K. virginica they show a slight decrease. All the three plants showed promotion in the length of secondary roots at 0.5% salinity. Number of tertiary roots was enhanced in T. populnea at 0.5% salinity level, whereas the other two plants exhibit inhibition of tertiary roots. Root biomass was increased in G. hirsutum at 0.5% salinity but decreased at higher salinity. K. virginica and T. populnea showed decrease with the increasing salinity. Fresh and dry shoot biomass and plant height showed a gradual decrease in response to increasing salinity in all the three species. The number of leaves decreased gradually in K. virginica and T. populnea as the salinity of the rooting medium increased, whereas, in G. hirsutum, the number of leaves decreased under saline condition but the number of leaves were more or less same under two salinity levels. Leaf area per plant of K. virginica and G. hirsutum gradually reduced with increasing salinity. In T. populnea leaf area increased at 0.5% salinity and decreased at 1.0% salinity level. T. populnea showed more uptake of Na + and K + under non saline condition as compared to the other two plants. Uptake of Na + increased with increasing salinity in all the three plants. K + concentration increased in roots of T. populnea and G. hirsutum and decreased in K. virginica at 0.5% salinity. At 1.0% salinity level K + concentration substantially decreased in all the three plants. The results showed that K. virginica was comparatively more tolerant under saline condition, where as G. hirsutum showed the comparatively least tolerance. Over all salt tolerance during growth of above mentioned three plants at higher level of salinity show that G. hirsutum was more tolerant, where as K. virginica showed the least tolerance at seedling stage.

Assessment of Soil Salinity for Different Plant Groups in Different Habitats

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020

Soil is the medium for plants to live. It provides nourishment to the plants. Plants growth and development is based on the nutrients which are present in soil. Soil mineral conditions are correlated with soil pH and electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity reflects the salinity nature of soil. In agriculture, crop cultivation is affected due to salinity. Soil salinity greatly influences the ecological environment. In this present study soil samples were collected from three different plant groups from three different habitats. Soil analyses were done by standard methods. pH, electrical conductivity, TDS and salinity of different plant groups soils were measured. Sodium, potassium, calcium and lithium were also tested for different soil samples. The present study clearly showed that, nature of soils in different habitats. The concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium and lithium are higher, below the optimum level, very low and above the normal level respectively.

Salinity–mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops

Scientia Horticulturae, 1998

The relations between salinity and mineral nutrition of horticultural crops are extremely complex and a complete understanding of the intricate interactions involved would require the input from a multidisciplinary team of scientists. This review addresses the nutrient elements individually and we emphasise research directed towards the organ, whole-plant and field level. We have attempted to synthesise the literature and reconcile results from experiments conducted in a variety of conditions such as soil and solution cultures, those using mixed and single-salt (only NaCl) compositions, and those conducted over short (days) and long periods (months) of time.Crop performance may be adversely affected by salinity-induced nutritional disorders. These disorders may result from the effect of salinity on nutrient availability, competitive uptake, transport or partitioning within the plant. For example, salinity reduces phosphate uptake and accumulation in crops grown in soils primarily by reducing phosphate availability but in solution cultures ion imbalances may primarily result from competitive interactions. Salinity dominated by Na+ salts not only reduces Ca2+ availability but reduces Ca2+ transport and mobility to growing regions of the plant, which affects the quality of both vegetative and reproductive organs. Salinity can directly affect nutrient uptake, such as Na+ reducing K+ uptake or by Cl− reducing NO−3 uptake. Salinity can also cause a combination of complex interactions that affect plant metabolism, susceptibility to injury or internal nutrient requirement.Despite a large number of studies that demonstrate that salinity reduces nutrient uptake and accumulation or affects nutrient partitioning within the plant, little evidence exists that adding nutrients at levels above those considered optimal in non-saline environments, improves crop yield. Nutrient additions, on the other hand, have been more successful in improving crop quality such as the correction of Na-induced Ca2+ deficiencies by supplemental calcium. Nutrient additions may also reduce the incidences of injury as has been observed in the reduction of Cl-toxicity symptoms in certain tree crops by nitrate applications.It is reasonable to believe that numerous salinity–nutrient interactions occur simultaneously but whether they ultimately affect crop yield or quality depends upon the salinity level and composition of salts, the crop species, the nutrient in question and a number of environmental factors.

Effect of salt stress on growth and yield inCajanus cajan L

Plant and Soil, 1983

The adverse effects of salinity on yield can be minimized by cultivating salt-tolerant varieties of crops. Therefore, screening for salt tolerance is an important measure. A study of growth pattern and yield potential under salt stress conditions reveals the salt tolerance capacity of a plant. The present paper reports the effects of two salts viz NaCI and NazSO4 on various growth parameters like height, leaf area, leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and on yield parameters like 100-pod-weight and 100seed-weight in Cajanus cajan L. Both salts adversely affect all the above-mentioned parameters at higher concentrations. Of the two salts used, NaCI was found to be more deleterious than Na2SO4 which supports the view that in addition to osmotic effect there is also a specific ion effect.

Root Morphology is a Key Factor to Improve Salt Tolerance of Soil-Grown Irrigated Crops

Abstract One promising strategy to combat agricultural losses caused by increasing soil salinity is the development of crops that are more tolerant to saline growth conditions. In the past decades research of plant salt tolerance focussed on the understanding of biochemical and physiological mechanism mainly happening inside organs of plants differing in their salt tolerance and growing under well-controlled soil-less conditions. This approach expanded our knowledge on hundreds of metabolic processes and detrimental effects significantly, but unfortunately most results did not contribute to improve salt tolerance of field-grown crops. Assuming that the cultivation of plants under hydroponic conditions was a major limitation, the focus of the presented approach to is soil-based. The classical concept of crop salt tolerance rating applied in irrigated agriculture is also soil-based, but considers only the vertical distribution of salts in the rooted soil layer, which results from controlled application of brackish waters. However, this concept does not consider that transpiration during periods of water depletion causes a separation of soil salinity between the rhizospheric soil volume occupied by roots and root hairs and the soil volume outside the rhizocylinder, the bulk soil. Basically, plant transpiration and exclusion of salts from root uptake divide the rooted soil layer into three fractions: (a) the rhizospheric soil, where soil meets root and where root water uptake and salt exclusion affect a build-up of soil water salinity, (2) the bulk soil, where soil water salinity is rarely affected, and (3) a transition zone between. Roots differ greatly in their ability to resist increasing soil water salinity and to form rhizospheric soil volumes. Pot experiments have shown that water uptake from soils of the same soil water salinity was about 350% higher by young rape plants (large rhizocylinder) as compared to young leek plants (small rhizocylinder). The results indicate a strong evidence that there is a strong relationship between root water uptake from saline soils and the soil volume directly affected by roots, the rhizocylinder. It is concluded that root morphology plays an important role for the salt tolerance of soil-grown crops. A model calculation shows the potential to improve salt tolerance of maize by modification of root morphology.

Response of Major Plant Nutrients to Salt Affected Environment

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

Long term exhaustive cropping practice and indiscriminate use of poor quality water can result in accumulation of salts and sodium that adversely affect crop growth. Salinity and sodicity are the major soil degradation issues primarily in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. The sustainability of agriculture is a matter of deep concern due to widespread removal of nutrients in excess of their application resulting in depletion of major soil nutrient reserves. Nitrogen (N) use efficiency of applied N in saline and sodic soils is low. Adequate N fertilizer dose, method and time of application are essential to increase its efficiency. Phosphorus (P) is one of the limiting major nutrient elements in salt affected soils. In saline soils, availability of P decreases due to precipitation of applied P, higher retention of soluble P, antagonism due to excess of chlorides (Cl-) and sulphates (SO 4 2-). Potassium (K) deficiency is observed under high soil-Na concentration. Phosphorus and K availability in saline and saline-sodic soil increases with crop residue incorporation. In this paper, we reviewed the major nutrients dynamics in saline and sodic environment and their proper management strategies.