An Analysis on Student’s Error of Passive Voice in the Simple Present (original) (raw)
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A Study of Students’ Errors in Using Written Passive Sentence
Jurnal Edukasi: Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan, 2020
The aim of this research is to invesitgate students' error in using English written passive sentence. The subjetcs of this research were ten second semester students of English department setudents of STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya who took Basic English Grammar course. The objectives of this course were the students had ability in using accurate English grammar either in spoken and written for formal (scientifict and academic) or informal (daily communication) context. Passive sentence was one of grammar materials taught in this course. The objective of the material was the students were able to use passive sentence in spoken and written context. The research used descriptive quantitaive method as design of this research. The instrument of this research were documentation. The data of this research were students' work in writing sentence using accurate passive sentence. The result of this research showed many students made errors in composing passive sentence. There were 80 errors found from students' sentences. 45% errors made by the students when they could not use correct past participle on their sentence. The result also showed that 22,5% error found from students' work when they omitted be as the main component of passive sentence. There were also 17,5% errors found from students sentence in using correct be form on their sentence. 15% errors were also found based on the use of accurate singular and plural component of passive sentence.
Dahia Alqalbi Nursehag, (2020): An Analysis of Students’ Error in Writing Passive Voice ON Tenth Grade Students At Vocational High School Telekomunikasi Pekanbaru. This study was carried out to analyze and to classify the types and kinds of students error in writing sentences with passive voice which was the teacher used in three kinds of tenses, that was: simple present, simple past and simple future. The method used was quantitative. The research was designed in a case study. Futhermore, the subject of this study was the tenth grade students of Vocatinal High School Telekmunikasi Pekanbaru of TKJ (Computer and Network Engineering) class whcih consisted of 30 students as the sample. The data were collected through the documentation from the English teacher. The result of the error analysis process showed that students committed error into three types: omission, misformation, and addition. From the frequency of each error types, misformation was the error which most frequently produ...
An Analysis of Students' Ability in Using Passive Voice at the Third Grade Students of MAS Kepenuhan
The title of this research is ”An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Using Passive Voice at the Third Grade Students of MAS Kepenuhan” this research was conducted at MAS Kepenuhan of Rokan Hulu Regency to the third grade students. Number of the samples were chosen as the participant of this research were 26 students. In this research, the researcher wanted to see the students’ ability in using passive voice and also their difficulties in learning it. The purpose of the research are to describe students' ability and students' difficulty in using passive voice in simple present and simple past, the researcher gave a written test which was consist of 30 test items. There were 15 items of passive voice in simple present tense and there were 15 items of passive voice of simple past tense. Meanwhile, to find out students’ difficulties in learning passive voice, the researcher interviewed students. Based on the test result, the researcher found that students’ ability in using pass...
This research was purposed to analyze students’ errors in changing active into passive voice of simple present and past tense. This study used descriptive qualitative research design. The data source was students’ test printed papers which contained passive voice questions as the instrument. The subject was eighth grade of SMP Swasta Puteri Sion Medan which consisted of 31 students. The data was identified, classified, and analyzed based on surface strategy taxonomy of Dulay’s theory, namely error of omission with percentage 23,3%, error of addition with percentage 12,19%, error of misformation with percentage 55,82% which established as the dominant error, and error of misordering with percentage 8,67%. The total of errors’ percentage reached 99,98%. Keywords: Error Analysis, Passive Voice. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dalam simple present dan past tense. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain ...
Journal of Language Testing and Assessment
The purpose of this research is to find out and analysis the students’ problems in writing passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar. The design of this research was descriptive quantitative research. The total number of the sample was 15 students. The researcher used the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used to get the data was a test and questionnaire with Google Form as data collection tool. Based on the result, the researcher found the percentage of students’ problems in writing passive voice. The researcher found that 13 students with a percentage of 86,67% had a problem writing passive voice in the simple present tense, and 12 students with a percentage of 80,00% had a problem writing passive voice in the simple past tense. The causes that become problems for students in writing passive voice are knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational background. Finally, based on the findings, it can be concluded that students of the second grad...
Students' Grammatical Errors in Composing English Passive Sentences
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature, 2020
Students in learning English grammar often experience difficulties, and are influenced by the first language, namely Indonesian. Students are influenced by the first language, Indonesian, in composing passive sentences and changing active sentences into passive sentences without first identifying the tense used. The students' difficulties in composing passive sentences resulted in difficulties in writing text properly. This is because most students do not understand how to change the active voice to the passive voice, use auxiliary verbs, and identify the tense. The study uses descriptive qualitative method that aims to analyze errors in the preparation of English passive sentences made by the 4th semester students of the English Education Study Program, Tadulako University. In arranging the passive form and which passive form is the most difficult for students to understand and after analyzing the students' mistakes in composing passive sentences, the researchers concluded ...
An Error Analysis of the Student’s Writing in Passive Voice at SMK Pasundan 1KOTA Serang
Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL), 2018
In constructing correct passive voice, students need to master grammar. In this case, learning passive voice always creates errors. The objectives of this research were to know the types of Passive Voice that taught in SMK Pasundan 1 kotaSerang ateleventhgrade and to find out the causes of errors made by the student’s Writing Passive Voice especially Simple Past Tense. The subjects of this research consisted of 15 students at eleventh grades of SMK Pasundan 1 Kota Serang. The method of this research was Qualitative by using Case Study Method. To collect the data the writer used test as an instrument, while the writer was analyzed errors of the students it is based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The results of this research are Misformation errors consisted 41 errors or 58,57 %, followed by Omission errors consisted 23 errors or 32,58 %, Misordering error consisted 5 errors or 7,14 % and Addition error consisted 1 errors or 1,43 %. Based on the result of the research the dominant ...
An Analysis on Students’ Difficulties in Changing Active to Passive Voice
Jurnal As-Salam
Today students" are sometime less interested in understanding active and passive voice, so that when they learn it, there is a lot of incomprehension in understanding it, especially in transforming active to passive voice. This research are to know and to find out the most dominant the students" difficulties in transforming active to passive voice form at fourth semester students" STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon Aceh in 2017/2018 Academic Year. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The source of the data for this study was taken at fourth semester students" of English Department of STAIN GP Takengon Aceh. Besides, the source of data in this research also a grammar lecturer. The technique of data collection were used observation, documentation, and interviews technique. The data analysis were used the Miles and Huberman"s models, including reduction of data, display, and conclusions; drawing/verifying. The outcomes of analysis, the researcher found the most dominant students" difficulties in changing active to passive voice were: difficulties in determining subject, difficulties in using auxiliary verb be, and difficulties in using verb3 in passive voice and most dominant difficulties was found in form of past continuous they are not able to understand well, due to still use tools (dictionary). Based on the findings of this study, the researcher concluded that some students" have a fairly good ability in understanding passive voice form, but some of the other students" must also improve their understanding in English grammar.