Christian-Muslim Relations: examples of conflict and collaboration


In today's world there are many well-reported examples of what appears to be conflict between Christians and Muslims. Deeper investigation, however, often reveals that these conflicts are not primarily religious, but rather political, socioeconomic, or ethno-linguistic. There are also many, usually less well-reported, examples of collaboration between Christians and Muslims in different parts of the world. This paper will examine some of the causes of (so-called) Christian-Muslim conflict, and outline some of the examples of better relationships between the two communities in different geographical regions, in order to focus attention on how a constructive partnership between Muslims and Christians may be built for the future.

Toward a renewed understanding of Muslim-Christian dialogue as requisite for relationship building and sustainable peace

In this paper, I look at the concept of interreligious dialogue as panacea to the internecine conflicts between Christians and Muslims. I admit that the way and manner dialogue has been conducted over the years signals some deficit that give room for violent conflict. Although I acknowledge the various kinds of interreligious dialogue, such as dialogue of life, of religious experience, and so on, as significant to the process of building relationship among people of diverse faith, the focus of this paper would be the logocentric 1 dimension of interreligious dialogue, with the aim of seeing how best Christians and Muslims can engage in conversations about their religious experience in ways that are more respectful and less polemical.

The Possibility of Building Brotherhood between Christians and Muslims

Science, Art and Religion

A review of European history reveals strained relations between Muslims and Christians for many reasons, including war, migration, fear, and prejudice. Many political problems also contribute to this. However, there have also been periods when the culture of living together was highly developed. With this paper, we want to show the different possibilities that are given to us, on the basis of good examples from history, and especially on the basis of our holy books, to build brotherhood between Muslims and Christians. The first part of the paper will highlight examples of good relations in history between Muslims and Christians. The second part will highlight verses from the Bible and the Quran that express the importance of living together in brotherhood.

Muslim-Christian Relations: Muslim Perspective

This special issue is intended to contribute fresh perspectives on the position and perspective of Muslims towards Muslim-Christian relations, their roles and envisaged contributions to it. We would encourage submission of conceptual, theoretical or empirical papers that give importance to Muslim perspectives emerging different Muslim regions. We will be aiming to have a broad representation of authors from different contexts/regions, using a range of methodological and theoretical approaches. If you are interested in this venture, as we hope you are, please take note of the following: - An abstract of 300 words, preferably by 5 July. - Feedback will be provided so as to ensure that selected papers are written in ways that contribute organically to the issue planned. - The first draft of the article is to reach the editors by early Nov. 2015. Editorial comments will reach authors by early December 2015.


Muslims and Christians have been involved in exchanges over matters of faith and morality since the dawn of Islam. Attitudes between these faiths today are deeply coloured by the legacy of past encounters, and often preserve centuries-old negative views. The interest of the Muslims and Christians in understanding each other is also phenomenal in history. In view of this scenario, this paper attempts to propose some reflections on Muslim-Christian Relations in the 21 st Century in the view of these questions: What kind of relations does Muslims and Christians want in this century? What are some of the obstacles and challenges to be considered? And what steps can be taken to overcome these obstacles or meet these challenges? These questions have been answered in this paper for the kind of Muslim-Christian relations to be anticipated for and worked for.

Pre-requisites of Muslim-Christian Relations in 21st Century

Muslims and Christians have been involved in exchanges over matters of faith and morality since the dawn of Islam. Attitudes between these faiths today are deeply coloured by the legacy of past encounters, and often preserve centuries-old negative views. The interest of the Muslims and Christians in understanding each other is also phenomenal in history. In view of this scenario, this paper attempts to propose some reflections on Muslim-Christian Relations in the 21 st Century in the view of these questions: What kind of relations does Muslims and Christians want in this century? What are some of the obstacles and challenges to be considered? And what steps can be taken to overcome these obstacles or meet these challenges? These questions have been answered in this paper for the kind of Muslim-Christian relations to be anticipated for and worked for.

Inter-Religious Dialogue and Contemporary Peace- Building: From Hostility to Mutual Respect and Better Understanding

The misunderstanding and misinterpretation of religion and its teachings by its followers and others have given the impression that religion is the sole source of all past and current conflicts faced by humanity. This assumption is perhaps encouraged due to the limited knowledge of other religions and the wrong impression spread because of peoples‟ ignorance of their own religion. The media presents religion with stories focused exclusively on hatred, war-making, and devastation. However, the value of peace has been considered as the core principle in the teachings of major world religions. The ongoing inter-religious activities initiated by both, religious individuals and institutions have shown very clearly that religion stands for peace and not war. This research sees inter-religious dialogue as the most important element on which the notion of peacebuilding stands. This study attempts to show that inter-religious activities are a great resource for building and sustaining peace between people of different socio-cultural and religious backgrounds in the long term. The paradigm of inter-religious dialogue is to provide people with a better understanding of religion and its teachings and should shift their views from hostility and enmity to mutual respect and better understanding. Descriptive and analytical methods will be employed by the researcher with the intention of providing findings that will serve as solid solutions for the contemporary conflicts witnessed by our contemporary societies.

Can Muslims live peacefully with Christians and how?

Brief Islamic History of Peaceful Coexistence with Christians: This article will examine examples of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians at specific points in history. It will further investigate the correlation between the types of Islam and historical cases of peaceful coexistence. The examination of three prominent examples of peaceful coexistence in Islamic history will show that the closer the Islamic society is to Meccan Islam, the more peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims has been realized. It is hoped that Muslims will follow the early model of peaceful coexistence after the prophet Muhammad’s example. (This article was modified from the fourth Chapter of the author's Ph.D. dissertation, "THE COVENANT OF MEDINA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR PAKISTANI CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS: A COVENANT MODEL FOR CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS.")