Ditching the pack: Digital media in the 2010 Brazilian congressional campaigns (original) (raw)
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Correlations of social media performance and electoral results in Brazilian presidential elections
Information Polity, 2021
The use of social media (SM) in modern political activities has reshaped how politicians run electoral campaigns. This study aims to improve the understanding of online campaigns and their correlation with electoral results. We focus on the 2018 Brazilian presidential campaign, which is well known for its strong online presence, and analyze how candidates used their SM profiles, as well as how citizens interacted with them. We propose a new set of metrics for modeling SM performance and identify statistical correlations between SM performance and votes received. For this, we analyzed more than 40,000 posts made by the 13 candidates on Brazil’s three major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) from January to October 2018. Results indicate that candidates used SM heavily throughout the year but focused on engaging words and avoided contentious topics. The most voted-for candidate received more than half (55%) of the interactions received by all the candidates. Posts’ int...
The proposal of this paper is to discuss the relationship between social network sites (SNS) and the decision-making process, based on the assumptions of the sociological theory of voters’ behavior (Zuckerman et al., 2005). As SNS provide scaffolding for social interactions and information sharing, they lower the maintenance costs of relationships and make it easier for one to participate in larger social networks. Through social ties, like Facebook friends or accounts followed on Twitter, people receive political information even if they're not interested in accessing them. Based on Granovetter's studies (1973; 1983), we argue that people who have more weak ties in their networks have access to different sources of information, and thus are better informed. Contemporary studies on the social logic of politics (Zuckerman et al., 2005) present similar conclusions: the presence of weak ties on one's social network increases one's chances of being informed, recruited and mobilized by activists and political groups, leading to an increase of political participation. This study focuses on the use of Twitter during 2010 presidential race in Brazil, the country's first campaign with the use of social media. Through an empirical analysis based on a survey applied online, we seek to understand how Brazilian voters had access to political information, interacted with candidates on Twitter and felt about the use of social media during the campaign.
Brazilian elections in social media: reviewing and systematizing the results of the main researches
This article presents and compares, through a literature review, the results of the major researches that discuss communication strategies taken in the social media by candidates running for public positions during the political campaigns in Brazil from 2010 on. The digital media have gained relevance in the Brazilian political context in the wake of the popularity " phenomenon " achieved by Barack Obama – especially on the Internet – during 2008 US presidential elections, and due to the changes in Brazil's electoral legislation, which took place in the following year, and allowed the candidates to use those tools in their campaign strategy. In order to support such analysis, scientific articles published in journals and/or presented at national conferences on communication, sociology and political science have been chosen. The selected essays focused on characterising and discussing the use of social media by candidates running for the positions of president of the republic, state governor, senator, congressman, state representative, city mayor and/or councillor in the elections of 2010, 2012 and/or 2014. By the end of the review, one compares the main findings of the cases discussed, and debates the common characteristics among them by setting the hypothesis that they can be defined as standard electoral communication strategies in social media developed by competitors running for mayor and proportional representative positions in Brazil. As a conclusion, one affirms that some strategies can be considered as standard, due to the high frequency of incidence in different campaigns, while the other one needs further research on the subject for its effective evidence.
Sociedade e Cultura
This article presents the results of the analyzes on Facebook campaigning of 140 candidates who ran for governor of the 27 Brazilian federation units during the state level elections. Following Vaccari and Nielsen (2013) analytical framework, we collected the total amount of Facebook posts’ context and interactions of all candidates for governor, to propose an advanced approach of their methodology. We describe the frequency distribution of attention that each candidate generated and use statistical regression to analyze the decisive factors for that amount of attention. In general, the results showed a very active digital campaigning. In the regression model, a competitive candidate and the candidate’s number of press citations were the most predictive factors. The study confirmed the results the previous literature has achieved in other contexts as well.
Internet and Election Campaigns in Brazil: Lessons from the 2014 Presidential Election
March 15 this year, hundreds of thousands protesters went to the streets of major Brazilian cities to demand the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, recently reelected running by the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers " Party or PT). There were no doubts about the result of the election or serious contestation about the vote counting or the electoral process as a whole: Nearly all observers considered the 2014 Brazilian elections as being legal and fair, and observed that opposition candidates had free access to the media. Indeed, mainstream media provided challenger candidates with a much more positive coverage than Dilma Rousseff. The alleged reason for the impeachment was a series of denounces about political corruption – in particular a huge scandal involving Brazilian gigantic oil company Petrobrás business and its collusive relationship with Brazilian politicians. The scandal implicated politicians from nearly all political parties, including the opposition ones, and there was no evidence about Dilma " s involvement on the scandal. Instead, the real motivation behind the protests appeared to be a strong sense of frustration shared by the supporters of Aécio Neves, the main oppositionist candidate who lost the election by a narrow, three percent margin in the second round of the Presidential election, after a bitter electoral campaign. Political circumstances help to explain why the 2014 Presidential campaign was so exceptionally intense. For the first time since 2002, it seemed possible for a PSDB " s oppositionist taking Presidency back, after three consecutive terms of PT ahead of the Executive office. As it happened before, the mainstream media portrayed PT government in an essentially negative way. However, an additional factor helps to explain the high intensity of 2014 campaign: The very important role that social media played on it, as an arena for political disputes. Although Twitter and Facebook have been already working in Brazil during the 2010 election campaign, they were still in an early adoption phase. In 2014, however, the scenario was entirely different: By that time, Brazil was the second largest market in the world for Facebook, Twitter, and
How Important is Twitter to Local Elections in Brazil? A Case Study of Fortaleza City Council
Studies on the effects of the internet on elections have revealed how Social Network Sites (SNSs) are used by citizens to learn about, choose and contact their representatives. This article analyzes 27 Twitter accounts managed by Fortaleza's city councilors who ran for reelection in October 2012. The study aimed to discover the importance ofTwitter in the councilors'campaign strategies: what kind of messages were sent by the councilors who adopted digital communication strategies to their followers, and the relationship between party affiliation and e-campaigns. The article shows that communitarian sociability, understood as face-to-face relations or interactions among individuals, affects how the internet is used in local campaigns, since there is no direct relationship between electoral success and the heavy use of Twitter by candidates, at least in proportional local elections (which are defined as cases in which candidates do not necessarily need to reach the votes of a majority of constituents, but only a part of them). However, those who adopt a digital communication strategy use it to broadcast their political platforms and promote their campaign events. Finally, except for small left-wing parties,there appears to be no relationship between party affiliation and e-campaigns.
Social media have come to form an inherent part of most activist campaigns today. Yet, their potential to foster political participation and mobilization remains debated. While cyber-utopians insist on the positive contribution of social online-activism to participatory democracy, supporters of the "slactivism” argument dismiss it as a hedonist activity that carries little societal benefit. Our analysis of the Brazilian anti-corruption campaign Ficha Limpa picks up on this debate. We present original survey data concerning citizens’ use of social media and their offline participation in the context of this campaign. Using a binary logit model that estimates the relation between the use of different communication features supported by social media and contacting elected officials, we show that online activities involving relatively high transaction costs in terms of time and effort contribute more positively toward offline participation than simple single-click activities. Our findings indicate that the choice of appropriate social media formats may be a decisive element for the success of campaigners who seek to mobilize citizens via the Internet.
Novos Estudos Jurídicos, 2019
This article considers the impact of new technologies in the 2018 Brazilian elections, and investigates the possibilities of changes due to the prominent use of social networks to directly connect citizens and candidates, without the customary intervention of political parties and traditional media. It also questions the role of fake news in the electoral process, and the means to fight it, without undermining free thought, as an essential human right for the practice of citizenship in the new digital age.
Twitter in Political Campaigns: The Brazilian 2014 Presidential Elections (draft version)
This chapter discusses the use of social media for political campaigns in the run-up to the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections. We present the political system in the country that developed as a multiparty system in the aftermath of the democratic transition in 1985. We monitored the Twitter accounts of candidates in Brazil's presidential election and report on the potential impact of social media during the run-up to the 2014 presidential elections in Brazil. Finally, we discuss the different strategies adopted by presidential candidates across different social media platforms.