Science Education Research and Practice in Europe (original) (raw)

School health education nowadays : challenges and trends

Science Education Research and Practice in Europe, 2012

School health education has been viewed in a large variety of perspectives. In this chapter we present, in a historic approach, the biomedical model, the holistic view as well as the health promotion, autonomy and citizenship perspectives of health education. The aims of the health promoting school and the relevance of partnerships with the health sector, the pupils, their families and the community in health education are emphasised. Social representations, ethics and values in health education are referred. Special attention is given to models of school health education, the nature of knowledge in health education, prevention of health risks, effectiveness of health education practices and also to teachers' practices and their role and training in health education.

HISTORIC APPROACH TO HEALTH EDUCATION The Origin of Health Education – the Hygienic Approach


School health education has been viewed in a large variety of perspectives. In this chapter we present, in a historic approach, the biomedical model, the holistic view as well as the health promotion, autonomy and citizenship perspectives of health education. The aims of the health promoting school and the relevance of partnerships with the health sector, the pupils, their families and the community in health education are emphasised. Social representations, ethics and values in health education are referred. Special attention is given to models of school health education, the nature of knowledge in health education, prevention of health risks, effectiveness of health education practices and also to teachers ’ practices and their role and training in health education.

An introduction to health education: Its relevance into school curricula of upper primary classes

This article is for those who have an interest in what happens in our schools. It is an attempt to attract those, who create policy and implement them that flow from good policy, such as politicians, government departments, non-government organisations (NGOs), regional educational authorities, school board/council members, school directors, principals, head teachers, advisors, nurses, social workers and school health coordinators. Health education in a school setting could be defined as an activity undertaken to improve or protect the health of all school students. It is a broader concept than health promotion and it includes provision and activities relating to: healthy school policies, the school's physical and social environment, the curriculum, community links and health services. The purpose of this article is to explain how and why the education of health in schools is important; how good school management and leadership is the key and how promoting health in schools is based on scientific evidence and quality practices from all over the world. Keywords: An introduction to health education: Its relevance into school curricula upper primary classes Introduction Importance of Health Education in schools Worldwide , education and health are inseparably linked. In modest terms:  Healthy adolescence are more likely to learn more effectively;  Health education can assist schools to meet their targets in educational attainment and meet their social aims; adolescence that attend school have a better chance of good health;  Adolescence who feel good about their school and who are connected to significant adults are less likely to undertake high risk behaviours and are likely to have better learning outcomes;  Schools are also worksites for the staff and are settings that can practice and model effective worksite health education for the benefit of all staff and ultimately the students. (i) Action Competencies This refers to both the formal and informal curriculum and associated with activities, where students gain age-related knowledge, understandings, skills and experiences, which enable them to build competencies in taking action to improve the health and well-being of themselves and others in their community and that enhance their learning outcomes. (ii) Social Environment of school-The social environment of the school is a combination of the quality of the relationships between staff and students. It is influenced by the relationships with parents and the wider community. It is about building quality connections between all the key participants in a school community. (iii) Health promotion-Health promotion is familiar to many professionals working in the health sector. It is also important to acknowledge that many in the education sector have a broad concept of the term curriculum, and would describe several or all of the learning experiences extended to whole curriculum of the school. Therefore, many in the education sector do not make this distinction between health education and health promotion and are being used interchangeably. (iv) Community Links Community links are the connections between the school and the students' families, and above the connection between the school and key local groups and individuals. Appropriate consultation and participation with these stakeholders enhances

European Network of Health Promoting Schools: the alliance of education and health


All rights in this document are reserved by the IPC of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools, a tripartite partnership involving the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. The document may nevertheless be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated into any other language (but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes) provided that full acknowledgement is given to the source. For the use of the emblems, permission must be sought from the IPC. Any translation should include the words: The translator of this document is responsible for the accuracy of the translation. The IPC would appreciate receiving three copies of any translation. Any views expressed by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors.

Elements of health education in science coursebooks

Edukacja Biologiczna i Środowiskowa, 2018

From a social point of view, it is desirable that existing knowledge on health was adequately utilized, contributing to shaping healthy behaviour among the population. The mere dissemination of knowledge is not sufficient, since the use of it on a daily basis depends on many other factors, in which human attitudes play a significant role. These, in turn, depend on the emotional involvement that results from the position of health in one's hierarchy of values and the sense of responsibility for one's destiny. In a word, there must be an adequate level of motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the ability to make changes in our lifestyles, adaptability, plays a big role. This feature generally develops as education level increases (Kirschner, 1992) Health and health education in the curriculum of science and biology Adolescence is divided into two phases: early, between 10 and 16 years of age, and late, between 17 and 22/24 (Oleszkowicz, 2011). At this time, especially during the early phase, the views, attitudes, habits and health behaviours are formed and then persisted (late

Health policies in schools : the health curricula and the role of teacher in Portugal


In Portugal there is a national basic law regarding the education system where all official and private schools are obliged to follow its guidelines. The Secretary of State for Education considers the inclusion in the school educational project issues related to health promotion and education as mandatory and stating the following areas as priorities: nutrition and physical activity, substance use, sexuality/ STIs, including AIDS, violence in schools and mental health. The school's educational project should be designed in accordance with the priorities identified and in articulation with the families of students. To help to achieve these goals, each group of schools has a coordinator who must be the responsible entity in the school for the project and articulate it with health centres to develop actions aimed at the protection and promotion of global health. In this sense, this paper will discuss the health curricula and the role of the teacher in Portuguese schools in the cont...

In search of a health education model: teachers' conceptions in four Mediterranean countries

Global Health Promotion, 2011

School programs are defined to promote the health of the pupils and to develop their competencies so that they can adopt behaviors favorable to their health. With the European project FP6 Biohead-Citizen (2004-2007), we analyzed the conceptions of teachers as regards health education, in France, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, in reference to the biomedical model and the social health model. These four countries were selected because their school curricula represented different models of health education. Lebanon and Tunisia addressed health education with the biomedical model. In Morocco, the curriculum was also primarily based on the biomedical model and enclosed a few instructions issued from the social health model. In France, the health education curriculum declared an approach based on the health promotion model. Our study was based on multivariate statistical analyses of questionnaires filled out by 2537 in-service and pre-service teachers. Our analysis showed that the conceptions of the teachers concerning health education were not structured and related to a specific model. We also found that the dominating factors of influence on the choices expressed with regards to health education were, among different sociocultural variables, the religion, the home country, and, to a lesser extent, the level of training. Thus, the conceptions of the teachers were not integrated into comprehensive approaches but related to individual characteristics. Consequently health education implementation would require thorough training for pre-service and in-service teachers and should also explicitly take into account their conceptions and values.


International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS), 2022

A sound mind could only exist in a sound body. Students' physical, mental, and social health are promoted through health education. Man's most valuable possession is his health, which serves as the cornerstone of the entire community. In this perspective, the aim of this paper is to investigate the importance of health education for school students. The goal was to do a conceptual assessment of terms includes "health," "health education," "dimensions of health" and "school-based health education." The conclusion is that schools, families, and communities all should play a constructive and responsible role in raising young children in a healthy environment that encourages them to excel.