MRI Characteristics of Patients with Cervical SVA >40 mm. A Propensity Score-Matching Analysis of 1,500 Weight-Bearing MR Images (original) (raw)

Separation of type and grade in cervical tumours using non-mono-exponential models of diffusion-weighted MRI

European radiology, 2016

Assessment of empirical diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) models in cervical tumours to investigate whether fitted parameters distinguish between types and grades of tumours. Forty-two patients (24 squamous cell carcinomas, 14 well/moderately differentiated, 10 poorly differentiated; 15 adenocarcinomas, 13 well/moderately differentiated, two poorly differentiated; three rare types) were imaged at 3 T using nine b-values (0 to 800 s mm(-2)). Mono-exponential, stretched exponential, kurtosis, statistical, and bi-exponential models were fitted. Model preference was assessed using Bayesian Information Criterion analysis. Differences in fitted parameters between tumour types/grades and correlation between fitted parameters were assessed using two-way analysis of variance and Pearson's linear correlation coefficient, respectively. Non-mono-exponential models were preferred by 83 % of tumours with bi-exponential and stretched exponential models preferred by the largest numbers of tumours...

Parametric and non-parametric statistical analysis of DT-MRI data

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2003

In this work parametric and non-parametric statistical methods are proposed to analyze Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DT-MRI) data. A Multivariate Normal Distribution is proposed as a parametric statistical model of diffusion tensor data when magnitude MR images contain no artifacts other than Johnson noise. We test this model using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of DT-MRI experiments. The non-parametric approach proposed here is an implementation of bootstrap methodology that we call the DT-MRI bootstrap. It is used to estimate an empirical probability distribution of experimental DT-MRI data, and to perform hypothesis tests on them. The DT-MRI bootstrap is also used to obtain various statistics of DT-MRI parameters within a single voxel, and within a region of interest (ROI); we also use the bootstrap to study the intrinsic variability of these parameters in the ROI, independent of background noise. We evaluate the DT-MRI bootstrap using MC simulations and apply it to DT-MRI data acquired on human brain in vivo, and on a phantom with uniform diffusion properties. Published by Elsevier Science (USA).

A novel tensor distribution model for the diffusion-weighted MR signal

NeuroImage, 2007

Diffusion MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows the measurement of water molecule diffusion through tissue in vivo. The directional features of water diffusion allow one to infer the connectivity patterns prevalent in tissue and possibly track changes in this connectivity over time for various clinical applications. In this paper, we present a novel statistical model for diffusion-weighted MR signal attenuation which postulates that the water molecule diffusion can be characterized by a continuous mixture of diffusion tensors. An interesting observation is that this continuous mixture and the MR signal attenuation are related through the Laplace transform of a probability distribution over symmetric positive definite matrices. We then show that when the mixing distribution is a Wishart distribution, the resulting closed form of the Laplace transform leads to a Rigaut-type asymptotic fractal expression, which has been phenomenologically used in the past to explain the MR signal decay but never with a rigorous mathematical justification until now. Our model not only includes the traditional diffusion tensor model as a special instance in the limiting case, but also can be adjusted to describe complex tissue structure involving multiple fiber populations. Using this new model in conjunction with a spherical deconvolution approach, we present an efficient scheme for estimating the water molecule displacement probability functions on a voxel-by-voxel basis. Experimental results on both simulations and real data are presented to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithms.

Parameter estimation and change-point detection from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI data using stochastic differential equations

Mathematical Biosciences, 2011

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced imaging (DCE-imaging) following a contrast agent bolus allows the extraction of information on tissue micro-vascularization. The dynamic signals obtained from DCE-imaging are modeled by pharmacokinetic compartmental models which integrate the Arterial Input Function. These models use ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to describe the exchanges between the arterial and capillary plasma and the extravascular-extracellular space. Their least squares fitting takes into account measurement noises but fails to deal with unpredictable fluctuations due to external/internal sources of variations (patients' anxiety, time-varying parameters, measurement errors in the input function, etc.). Adding Brownian components to the ODEs leads to stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In DCEimaging, SDEs are discretely observed with an additional measurement noise. We propose to estimate the parameters of these noisy SDEs by maximum likelihood, using the Kalman filter. In DCE-imaging, the contrast agent injected in vein arrives in plasma with an unknown time delay. The delay parameter induces a change-point in the drift of the SDE and ODE models, which is estimated also. Estimations based on the SDE and ODE pharmacokinetic models are compared to real DCE-MRI data. They show that the use of SDE provides robustness in the estimation results. A simulation study confirms these results.

Statistical model for diffusion attenuated MR signal

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2003

A general statistical model that can describe a rather large number of experimental results related to the structure of the diffusion-attenuated MR signal in biological systems is introduced. The theoretical framework relies on a phenomenological model that introduces a distribution function for tissue apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC). It is shown that at least two parameters-the position of distribution maxima (ADC) and the distribution width ()-are needed to describe the MR signal in most regions of a human brain. A substantial distribution width, on the order of 36% of the ADC, was found for practically all brain regions examined. This method of modeling the MR diffusion measurement allows determination of an intrinsic tissuespecific ADC for a given diffusion time independent of the strength of diffusion sensitizing gradients. The model accounts for the previously found biexponential behavior of the diffusion-attenuated MR signal in CNS. Magn Reson Med 50:664 -669, 2003.

Maximum-Entropy Density Estimation for MRI Stochastic Surrogate Models

Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014

Stochastic spectral methods can generate accurate compact stochastic models for electromagnetic problems with material and geometric uncertainties. This letter presents an improved implementation of the maximum-entropy algorithm to compute the density function of an obtained generalized polynomial chaos expansion in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications. Instead of using statistical moments, we show that the expectations of some orthonormal polynomials can be better constraints for the optimization flow. The proposed algorithm is coupled with a finite element-boundary element method (FEM-BEM) domain decomposition field solver to obtain a robust computational prototyping for MRI problems with low and high dimensional uncertainties.

Parameter estimation from magnitude MR images

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 1999

This article deals with the estimation of model-based parameters, such as the noise variance and signal components, from magnitude magnetic resonance (MR) images. Special attention has been paid to the estimation of T 1 -and T 2 -relaxation parameters. It is shown that most of the conventional estimation methods, when applied to magnitude MR images, yield biased results. Also, it is shown how the knowledge of the proper probability density function of magnitude MR data (i.e., the Rice distribution) can be exploited so as to avoid (or at least reduce) such systematic errors. The proposed method is based on maximum likelihood (ML) estimation.

Robust variational estimation of PDF functions from Diffusion MR signal


We address the problem of robust estimation of tissue microstructure from Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI). On one hand, recent hardware improvements enable the acquisition of more detailed images, on the other hand, this comes along with a low Signal to Noise (SNR) ratio. In such a context, the approximation of the Rician acquisition noise as Gaussian is not accurate. We propose to estimate the volume of PDF-based characteristics from data samples by minimizing a nonlinear energy functional which considers Rician MR acquisition noise as well as additional spatial regularity constraints. This approach relies on the approximation of the MR signal by a series expansion based on Spherical Harmonics and Laguerre-Gaussian functions. Results are presented to depict the performance of this PDE-based approach on synthetic data and human brain data sets respectively.

About the background distribution in MR data: a local variance study

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2010

A model for the distribution of the sample local variance (SLV) of magnetic resonance data is proposed. It is based on a bimodal Gamma distribution, whose maxima are related to the signal and background areas of the image. The model is valid for single-and multiple-coil systems. The proposed distribution allows us to characterize some signal/background properties in MR data. As an example, the model is used to study the effect of the background size over noise estimation techniques and a method to test the validity of background-based noise estimators is presented.