Ijesrt International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Implementation Paper on College Transportation Management System Based on Android Based GPS System for Efficiently Locate the Buses for Staff & Students (original) (raw)


How often do you find yourself in dilemma that the vehicle you want to catch is missed or where it is so that you can catch it again to have a perfect journey to your destination? So, this application program is designed to help you locate that particular vehicle by just sending a message to the driver and you get an instant message. Of course, those other tasks sometimes need to take priority. Texting while driving can be dangerous, and this task of texting is hard task for the driver to stop everywhere and text to each and every one where he is. Fortunately, the catch fast app for Android makes texting possible even when you're not available for texting. Our project 'FAST-CATCH' is a GPS based android application which helps the user to locate the vehicle by sending just an SMS. The application tracks the current location of the user through the Google maps API and it provides this location to the message sender, sender can use this location to find out where the vehicle is even though he is not using any internet connection. This projects overall gives the easier tool for finding out where is the position of the vehicle if he wants to catch it even if he is not carrying up a phone which is just capable of sending a message (SMS). It saves time and money. Texting has become a common and very popular method of communicating with friends. Shooting off a quick text is much quicker and easier than calling, and it's possible to text while distracted by other tasks.

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Mobile Application for College Bus Tracking

This paper proposes an Android mobile phone application that gives information about buses, bus numbers as well as bus routes both online and offline. Reason for Android platform Android requires an open source development which is probably the most feasible and a present user friendly approach. This paper also deals with Location Based Services, which are used to track the current location of the bus as well as give an estimate remaining time for the tracked bus to reach its destination using the client –server technology. Also It display the required maps with the help of GPS.


Proceedings of GSRD International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2019

GPS (Global Positioning System) based tracking system has many applications in today's world, including vehicle tracking, child tracking, any equipment tracking, etc. These services offer many advantages to the mobile users to retrieve the information about their current location and process that data to get more useful information. The development of a bus tracking system for android based smartphone with the aim of enabling educational institution students, faculties and staffs to locate their buses with ease and in a convenient manner. The system consists of two sides, server side and client side. The client side provides the facility to the user to track buses remotely through the mobile network or WIFI and the server side's main responsibility is to provide the exact location of the bus to the server. Any type of user can see the live location of their desire bus with only 5 seconds of update interval. This will reduce unnecessary hassle and waiting time for the users. It will provide multiple services to the user based on their category.

IJERT-Bus Tracking System using GPS on Smartphones

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2019

https://www.ijert.org/bus-tracking-system-using-gps-on-smartphones https://www.ijert.org/research/bus-tracking-system-using-gps-on-smartphones-IJERTCONV7IS11071.pdf The bus tracking system plays a vital role in current technology due to its various applications. Due to over population, there is a need for efficient public transportation system. There is increased burden on public transportation like bus just because of population. Therefore remote user needs a smart system which provides real time information of bus. So we proposed a new system which solves the drawback of current public transportation system. So our system handle all the data like current location of bus, management of buses. It provides current location of bus on google maps to the remote user. For development purpose technologies like GPS(Global Postioning System),GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)and google maps are used. LOCATION-BASED services are increasingly important for modern mobile devices such as the Smartphone. An important feature of a modern mobile device is that it can position itself. Not only for use on the device but also for remote applications that require tracking of the device. Furthermore, tracking has to robustly deliver position updates when faced with changing conditions such as delays due to positioning and communication, and changing positioning accuracy. The realized system tracks pedestrian targets equipped with GPS-enabled devices.

Predicting Bus Arrival Time with GPS on Android Application

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2016

In order to facilitate the introduction of transmit tracking and arrival time prediction in smaller tranasit agencies, we search an Andriod-based system which we call Tracker. To use tracker, a transit agency should obtain smartphones, install an application, and place a phone or GPS in each transit vehicle. Our goal is to require no other input. This level of automation is possible due to a set of algorithms that use GPS traces collected from instrumented transit vehicles to decide routes served, find stops, and deduce schedules. The primary information to most city transport buses is arrival time. It often dishearten the passengers for excessively waiting long time at bus stops and makes them averse to take the public transport, travellers. To enable the passenger to track the vehicle or bus an electronic device is established in a vehicle is known as Vehicle tracking System. This paper suggest a bus arrival time prediction using GPS,GSM technology. It would work as theft protection system and inexpensive source of vehicle tracking. It is an system using GPS (Global Positioning System), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) and Microcontroller for tracking the travellers. The real time coordinates obtained from the GPS device will continually monitor a moving vehicle and report the position of the vehicle on request to passengers. The GPS/GSM unit is fix on the bus sends the data to the central monitoring system using the GSM module and show bus location name on the LCD. The status i.e Latitude and Longitude of a vehicle from distant place is sent by the GSM module to the Server and then the server calculates the ingress time of the bus and sends to the requested user through GSM module. A real-time vehicle tracking system uses a global positioning system (GPS) technology module to receive the location of the vehicle, to forward into microcontroller and to connect network by a general packet radio service (GPRS) technology for displaying a real time on the website or android map developed by Google Map which allows inspection of vehicles at all times. There are the GPS and GPRS modules, the GPS module will excavate the vehicles via the satellite, and will bring together all data and redirect it to the webapplication on student's device by a contoller. Here the system is handle by a bus in charge. It can notify students for several bus routes, timetables, bus location, etc. It also send notification to the students when data is updated. System also prevent to enter an unauthorized students in bus.

Real Time College Bus Tracking Application for Android Smartphone

This paper proposes a Real-Time College Bus Tracking Application which runs on Android smart phones. This enables students to find out the location of the bus so that they won't get late or won't arrive at the stop too early. The main purpose of this application is to provide exact location of the student's respective buses in Google Maps besides providing information like bus details, driver details, stops, contact number, routes, etc. This application may be widely used by the college students since Android smart phones have become common and affordable for all. It is a real time system as the current location of the bus is updated every moment in the form of latitude and longitude which is received by the students through their application on Google maps. The application also estimates the time required to reach a particular stop on its route. The application uses client-server technology

Advanced Vehicle Tracking System by GPS using Android Application

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are used for various applications. This paper mainly focuses on developing advancement in GPS based vehicle navigation system using Android apps. Now a day management of buses is one of the main problems with college transport. Their management involves a lot of problems to the staff. Moreover, while dealing with the management of college transport, one should also keep in mind the cost of operation. This paper gives a possible, efficient and low cost solution to the above problem. This system is helps to locate the routes of the buses by which they are travelling and displaying the current position of bus on Android apps so that it helps in tracking the bus timely.

Bus Locator via SMS Using Android Application


Abstract—Location based Services offer many advantages to the mobile users to retrieve the information about their current location and process that data to get more useful information near to their location. Now days in this fast life where everyone in is hurry to reach their destination. Waiting for bus is a hectic and even many of us are unaware of the bus timing, hence to overcome this problem we have come up with system “Bus Locator via SMS Using Android Application” which aims to build an Android application that automates all the aspects related to the college bus arrival. At specific pickup point the application sends current location of bus to the server, then server sends SMS to students who are supposed to board at the next pickup point. The complete scenario requires everything to be done manually, & there is no confusion such that bus can arrive early or late since when it leaves from one stop, student waiting at another stop can easily receive a message/SMS. Second mod...

Hybrid Application for College Bus Tracking System


This paper proposes a hybrid application for College Bus Tracking Application, which runs on Android smart phones, ios and web. This enables students to find out the location of the bus so that they will not get late or will not arrive at the stop too early. The main purpose of this application is to provide exact location of the student's respective buses in Google Maps besides providing information like bus details, driver details, stops, contact number, routes, etc. This application may be widely used by the college students since Android smart phones have become common and affordable for all. It is a real time system as the current location of the bus is updated every moment in the form of latitude and longitude, which is received by the students through their application on Google maps. As per point of view of parents, it is really tracking application.