An Accurate Modeling of Photovoltaic System for Uniform and Non-Uniform Irradiance (original) (raw)


— Renewable energy sources became a popular alternative electrical energy source where power generation in conventional ways is not practical. In parallel to developing technology, demand for more energy makes us seek new energy sources. The most important application field of this search is renewable energy resources. Two diode model when compared with a single diode model representation, it is envisaged that the two diode model representation of a PV array provides improved accuracy even at low solar irradiation levels. The reason behind going for this model is that the input parameters have been reduced so as to reduce the computational time. Further the two diode model is useful to find the I-V and P-V curves in standard test condition since it is fast, simple and accurate as well as it leads to showcase P-V and I-V curves in large array simulation and in partial shading condition. The photovoltaic effect refers to photons of light exciting electrrons into higher state of energy, allowing them to act as charge carriers for an electric current. Index Terms: Two diode model, partial shading simulation of power system, STC and fuel cell. • Introduction It is well know that energy is essential for our society to ensure the quality of life and to underpin all other elements of our economy. With advancement in technology sources have increased interest in renewable energy sources. Many societies across the world in which we live have developed a large appetite for electrical energy. This appetite has been stimulated by the relative ease with which electricity can be generated, distributed, and utilized, and by the great variety of its applications. It is arguable whether the consumption of electricity should be allowed to grow unchecked, but the fact is that there is an ever-increasing demand for this energy form. Clearly, if this demand is to be met, then the world's electricity generating capacity will have to continue to grow. Presently almost all the electricity generation takes place at central power station which utilizes coal, oil, gas, water or fissile nuclear material as the primary fuel source. The most important factor that affects the accurateness of a simulation in the PV cell modelling, which basically involves the estimation of the non-linear current-voltage and P-V characteristics curves. The simplest model is the single diode model i.e. a current source in parallel to a diode and a resistance Rs. It require only three parameters which are the short circuit current (Isc), the opens circuit voltage (Voc) and the diode ideality factor a. This model is enhanced by the adding of one series resistance, Rp. Despite its simplicity, it showed various discrepancies at different temperature. Thus it was further improved when a resistance in parallel was connected to it. Here the Rp model was although an improved effort; but when subjected to irradiation variation it was not showing proper results. The single diode models were based on the assumption that the recombination loss in the depletion region is absent. In a real solar cell, the recombination represents a substantial loss, especially at low voltages. This cannot be adequately modelled using a single diode. Hence consideration of this loss leads to a more precise model known as the two-diode model which is the motive of the work done here. Today around 30,000 wind turbines and more than 1, 00,000 off-grid solar PV systems are installed all over the world. Wind and solar hybrid model with proper storage system have been keen interest for the last few years. Fuel Cells (FC) in combination with electrolyser (for hydrogen generation) and hydrogen storage tanks are being considered for energy storage. In this paper a hybrid model of solar /wind & fuel cell is developed and compared with the earlier model of solar/wind/battery system. The simulation circuit will include all realistic components of the system.

Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Arrays

Buletinul AGIR, International Word Energy System Conference (WESC 2012), 2012

This paper presents a method of modeling and simulation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays in MATLAB/ Simulink using solar cell block from SimElectronics library. The method is used to determine the characteristic of a particular PV cell panel and to study the influence of different values of solar radiation at different temperatures concerning performance of PV cells. This model it can be used for build a PV circuit model for any PV array. All modules which form the PV system model are individually modeled and validated in Simulink. Keywords: modeling, solar cell, photovoltaic array, simulation.

Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic cells/modules/arrays


The first purpose of this paper is to present a brief introduction to the behavior and functioning of a PV device and write its basic equation, without the intention of providing an in-depth analysis of the photovoltaic phenomena and the semiconductor physics. The introduction on PV devices is followed by the modeling and simulation of PV cell/PV module/PV array, which is the main subject of this paper. A MATLAB Simulink /PSIM based simulation study of PV cell/PV module/PV array is carried out and presented .The simulation model makes use of basic circuit equations of PV solar cell based on its behaviour as diode, taking the effect of sunlight irradiance and cell temperature into consideration on the output current I-V characteristic and output power P-V characteristic .A particular typical 50W solar panel was used for model evaluation, and results of simulation were compared with points taken directly from the data sheet and curves published by the manufacturers show excellent corr...

A Modified Approach for Modeling and Simulation of PV Array

This paper presents the modeling and simulation of Photovoltaic array to find the performance under low irradiance. The cell temperature is explicitly affected by the sunlight intensity. To understand the expected electrical performance, lifetime, and reliability of photovoltaic cells, it is necessary to find the accurate temperature of the photovoltaic module. The previous literatures considered the total irradiance for electrical energy generation. In this paper PV module is modeled by considering Electrical model and Irradiance model to validate the performance of PV system under varying atmosphere conditions. The irradiance model is considered by taking the affects of direct and diffuse radiation, solar incident and azimuthal angle, orientation and tilt of PV modules. The Electrical model is developed by two diode model to represent the PV cell. This model is known to have better accuracy at low irradiance level that allows for a more accurate prediction of PV system performance...

Mathematical Modeling of different Photovoltaic Modules

— This paper presents a mathematical model for solar Photovoltaic (PV) cells and compares their performance to an existing model in renewable energy research center (RERC) at the University of Anbar-Iraq. The model is able to simulate both the I-V characteristics curves and the P-V characteristics curves and it is used to study different parameters variations that can affect on the PV array performance including operating temperature and solar irradiance level. The results of the PV characteristics curves are compared to the curves provided by Kyocera PV and Solara PV model datasheets. The results are extracted and simulated using the Matlab software. One-diode equivalent circuit is employed in order to investigate I-V and P-V characteristics of a typical 54 W and 100W solar modules. The simulation results will be used as a reference to compare the performance of both models under a dusty weather and also for comparing their performances by using the solar module simulator in our future work.