The Impact of Cancer on Family Members and Family Caregivers (original) (raw)
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Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Несмотря на то, что с сахарным диабетом (СД) 2 типа связан высокий риск развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ) и их осложнений, в т. ч. сердечной недостаточности (СН), применение большинства сахароснижающих препаратов (ССП) не только не улучшает прогноз жизни этих пациентов, но может повышать риск развития СН. Ингибиторы SGLT2 (глифлозины), новая группа ССП с уникальным неинсулинзависимым механизмом действия, в ряде крупных рандомизированных клинических исследований (РКИ) выдержали не только обязательный тест на сердечно-сосудистую безопасность, но и продемонстрировали способность существенно снижать риск развития комбинированной конечной точки (сердечно-сосудистая смерть, нефатальные ИМ и инсульты) и вероятность госпитализации по поводу СН. Выводы РКИ убедительно подтверждены реальной клинической практикой лечения больных с СД 2 типа, проанализированной в крупнейших многоцентровых исследованиях CVD-REAL и CVD-REAL-2. В них впервые назначенные ингибиторы SGLT2 (в Европе в подавляющем большинстве случаев дапаглифлозин) имели достоверные преимущества перед впервые назначенными ССП других классов по отношению рисков госпитализации по поводу СН и смерти от любой причины. Однако, совокупный период применения глифлозинов является непродолжительным, поэтому ответ на вопрос о стабильности их эффектов в более глубокой перспективе ожидается получить по завершении продолжающихся РКИ как у больных с высоким сердечно-сосудистым риском, так и у больных с СН, в т. ч. не имеющих СД.
Importance of psychological support for families of children with cancer
Medicinski pregled, 2012
Sažetak-Postavljeni cilj ispitivanja bio je utvrđivanje oblika psihološke podrške, iz užeg i šireg socijalnog okruženja, koje roditelji dece obolele od malignih bolesti označavaju kao najadekvatnije, nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, kao i u toku prve dve godine lečenja. Rezultati su dobijeni na osnovu metode analize podataka dobijenih primenom upitnika sačinjenog u svrhe ispitivanja roditelja dece obolele od različitih oblika malignih bolesti, na Odeljenju hematoonkologije Instituta za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, u periodu od aprila 2007. do oktobra 2009. godine. Uzorkom su obuhvaćena 72 roditelja, oba pola, čija su deca lečena u Institutu u periodu od 2007. do 2009. Rezultati pokazuju da se roditelji nakon suočavanja s dijagnozom okreću partnerskom odnosu, drugoj deci, porodici kao celini, kao izvorima osnovne podrške (64,05%). Kontakt s drugim roditeljima obolele dece takođe označavaju kao bitan izvor stalne podrške u toku lečenja bolesnog deteta (56,55%). Slaganje s partnerom u pogledu lečenja deteta veoma je bitan faktor stabilnosti porodičnog sistema (87,7%). Povremeno osećaju potrebu za razgovorom sa stručnim licima s odeljenja (71,7%). Individualne kontakte s odeljenjskim psihologom zatražilo je 65,5% roditelja u toku bolničkog tretmana deteta. Rad u grupi roditelja većina smatra adekvatnim oblikom podrške (55,5%). Visok procenat roditelja iz uzorka kontinuirano se dodatno informiše iz raznih raspoloživih izvora o bolesti svoga deteta u toku lečenja (52,5%), a 85% roditelja procenjuje da su kontakti s odeljenjskim psihologom veoma značajni, i za decu i za roditelje, kako u toku tako i nakon hospitalizacije, u periodu rehabilitacije i resocijalizacije. Na osnovu analize rezultata pomenute ankete izdvojeni su oblici podrške koje roditelji dece obolele od malignih bolesti opisuju kao najznačajnije: partnerski odnos, druga deca, porodica kao celina, roditelji sa sličnim ili istim iskustvom, stručna lica s odeljenja na kom se dete leči, kontakti i konsultacije s psihologom, te dodatne informacije o bolesti deteta iz raspoloživih izvora.
Basic principles of communication doctors with the family of cancer patient
Reports of Vinnytsia National Medical University
Annotation. Cancer accompanied by significant impairment of the patient's physical and mental health, which necessitates the involvement of additional resources to help the patient. The most powerful is the psychosocial support provided by the patient’s family. The communication of the doctor with the patient's family should be carried out in accordance with the legal acts, should take into account the practical needs for family involvement in the treatment process and address the specific problems of the patient during therapy, and should be carried out according with the basic principles of effective communication. In cancer practice, typical communication problems are the difference in the awareness of relatives and the patient about the diagnosis, the desire of family members not to disclose the diagnosis to the patient, the imbalance of the activity of the close environment of the patient in the treatment. Interaction with the family of the cancer patient is an importan...
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 2016
A significant minority of patients continue to smoke after a cancer diagnosis. Cancer patients who smoke experience stigma that can negatively impact health outcomes. We explored publicly shared perspectives about cancer patients who continued to smoke post-diagnosis. An online news article, published in January 2012, summarized the findings of smoking prevalence among patients with lung cancer and colorectal cancer enrolled in the Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium trial. In response, written comments were posted on the articles' public discussion board. Applying principles of grounded theory, we conducted a document analysis and established a conceptual framework to develop a model by which to explain factors underlying stigmatic and sympathetic attitudes toward cancer survivors who continue to smoke. Personal experiences with cancer, smoking, and statistical literacy were found to influence beliefs about cancer and smoking, which in turn influenced stig...
Influence of cancer comorbidities on the vital prognosis of geriatric Covid-19 patients
Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 2021
Relevance. Studies of nonlinear phenomena in soils, which began in Russia almost 60 years ago, have stimulated the modern development of studies of seismically anomalous phenomena in the complex of geophysical indicators observed during strong and destructive earthquakes. In addition to scientific interests, the issue of forecasting the behavior of soils and structures from the point of view of adequacy to the expected manifestation of seismic impact is of great interest. An adequate study of nonlinearity, which is an integral characteristic of natural phenomena, will make it possible to bring the corresponding antiseismic measures closer to the real features of the manifestations of the seismic effect during strong earthquakes. Aim. The aim of the work was to build a computational model describing the phenomena observed in a soil medium under strong seismic effects and to compare the computed data with the results of instrumental observations. Methods. The paper analyzes an instrumental record obtained on soft soils using wavelet analysis. With the help of the finite element method pulses of different duration are modeled in a medium with different degrees of nonlinear properties manifestation (steepness of nonlinear stress-strain dependence). Results. As a result, differences in the spectral composition of the modeled pulses were determined. A strong manifestation of nonlinear properties is characterized by sharp changes in the phases of vibrations, in the phases of a high rate of amplitude rise. In nonlinear spectra, the energy is redistributed to a higher frequency region, which is a multiple of the main peak and the stronger the nonlinearity of the stress-strain curve is stronger.
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023
Introduction. The issue of the quality of life of children with life-threatening illnesses is directly related to the emotional trauma experienced by the entire family. In order to overcome the difficulties encountered and to help, a well-coordinated teamwork of specialists: doctors, psychologists, rehabilitation therapists, teachers, social workers, and an understanding of the current picture of the state of the intrafamily situation and the child are needed. The purpose of the study: to identify current needs of psychological and pedagogical support of families with children who have had cancer and hematological diseases in order to understand what corrective, developmental, adaptive measures are necessary to build an effective, harmonious psychological, social and pedagogical support in the post-hospital period. Materials and methods. For gathering of the information we used: the author's questionnaire of definition of the current rehabilitation situation, the technique "Parent's composition" by A.A. Shvedovskaya; family sociogram by E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Justitzkis. We interviewed 110 respondents, 55 of them were parents and 55 children at the age of 6-14 years old, with a history of oncohematological diagnosis, being in remission at the moment of the study. Results. Specific fears and limitations of parents regarding health, learning and communication issues of their children were identified. Most families (75%) understand that successful rehabilitation requires a comprehensive approach. Problems with attention, assiduity and memorization of children (42%) were identified among difficulties. Second place in prevalence – problems in building contacts with children and new adults 34% (shyness, inability to maintain a dialogue, etc.). In third place was low interest in learning (28%). Actual themes for psychological support were the construction of personal boundaries of the relationship with the siblings, the resolution of school difficulties, the development of independence, the improvement of communication skills, and emotional intelligence. No symptoms of hospitalism and destructive relations were revealed. Conclusions. The data obtained can be used by psychologists, social workers, and health care specialists to provide comprehensive support and assistance to children who have suffered from oncohematological diseases and their families during the rehabilitation period.
Cancer is a generic term that groups different types of malignant tumors. Each of them has a specifi c name according to the tissue that gave birth to it. It appears when cells multiply in an uncontrolled manner and take the place of healthy cells. Deaths from cancer are mainly due to damage caused by metastases. This is why it is important to diagnose the disease early, before it spreads in the body. After the diagnosis announcement, cancer management is put in place: it involves several treatments that are articulated throughout the course of care. Cancers have the particularity of reacting differently to treatments. Some types of cancer are best treated with surgery. Others respond better to drugs called chemotherapy. It often happens that several treatments are administered together to ensure the best possible results. Studies have so far focused largely on the tumor cell itself. The new challenge for researchers is now to understand how these cells interact with their immediate...
Risks of Social Exclusion in the Interaction of the State and the Family in the Elderly Care System
Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology), 2020
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