Voxeldose: A Computer Program for 3-D Dose Calculation in Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (original) (raw)

Accuracy in dosimetry of diagnostic agents: impact of the number of source tissues used in whole organ S value-based calculations

EJNMMI Research

Background Dosimetry for diagnostic agents is performed to assess the risk of radiation detriment (e.g., cancer) associated with the imaging agent and the risk is assessed by computing the effective dose coefficient, e. Stylized phantoms created by the MIRD Committee and updated by work performed by Cristy-Eckerman (CE) have been the standard in diagnostic dosimetry. Recently, the ICRP developed voxelized phantoms, which are described in ICRP Publication 110. These voxelized phantoms are more realistic and detailed in describing human anatomy compared with the CE stylized phantoms. Ideally, all tissues should be represented and their pharmacokinetics collected for an as accurate a dosimetric calculation as possible. As the number of source tissues included increases, the calculated e becomes more accurate. There is, however, a trade-off between the number of source tissues considered, and the time and effort required to measure the time-activity curve for each tissue needed for the ...

MIRD Pamphlet No. 23: Quantitative SPECT for Patient-Specific 3-Dimensional Dosimetry in Internal Radionuclide Therapy

Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2012

In internal radionuclide therapy, a growing interest in voxel-level estimates of tissue-absorbed dose has been driven by the desire to report radiobiologic quantities that account for the biologic consequences of both spatial and temporal nonuniformities in these dose estimates. This report presents an overview of 3-dimensional SPECT methods and requirements for internal dosimetry at both regional and voxel levels. Combined SPECT/CT image-based methods are emphasized, because the CT-derived anatomic information allows one to address multiple technical factors that affect SPECT quantification while facilitating the patient-specific voxel-level dosimetry calculation itself. SPECT imaging and reconstruction techniques for quantification in radionuclide therapy are not necessarily the same as those designed to optimize diagnostic imaging quality. The current overview is intended as an introduction to an upcoming series of MIRD pamphlets with detailed radionuclide-specific recommendations intended to provide best-practice SPECT quantification-based guidance for radionuclide dosimetry.

An automated voxelized dosimetry tool for radionuclide therapy based on serial quantitative SPECT∕CT imaging

Medical Physics, 2013

To create an accurate map of the distribution of radiation dose deposition in healthy and target tissues during radionuclide therapy. Methods: Serial quantitative SPECT/CT images were acquired at 4, 24, and 72 h for 28 177 Luoctreotate peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) administrations in 17 patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors. Deformable image registration was combined with an in-house programming algorithm to interpolate pharmacokinetic uptake and clearance at a voxel level. The resultant cumulated activity image series are comprised of values representing the total number of decays within each voxel's volume. For PRRT, cumulated activity was translated to absorbed dose based on Monte Carlo-determined voxel S-values at a combination of long and short ranges. These dosimetric image sets were compared for mean radiation absorbed dose to at-risk organs using a conventional MIRD protocol (OLINDA 1.1). Results: Absorbed dose values to solid organs (liver, kidneys, and spleen) were within 10% using both techniques. Dose estimates to marrow were greater using the voxelized protocol, attributed to the software incorporating crossfire effect from nearby tumor volumes. Conclusions: The technique presented offers an efficient, automated tool for PRRT dosimetry based on serial post-therapy imaging. Following retrospective analysis, this method of high-resolution dosimetry may allow physicians to prescribe activity based on required dose to tumor volume or radiation limits to healthy tissue in individual patients.

VIDA: A Voxel-Based Dosimetry Method for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Using Geant4

Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 2015

We have developed the Voxel-Based Internal Dosimetry Application (VIDA) to provide patient-specific dosimetry in targeted radionuclide therapy performing Monte Carlo simulations of radiation transport with the Geant4 toolkit. The code generates voxel-level dose rate maps using anatomical and physiological data taken from individual patients. Voxel level dose rate curves are then fit and integrated to yield a spatial map of radiation absorbed dose. In this article, we present validation studies using established dosimetry results, including self-dose factors (DFs) from the OLINDA/EXM program for uniform activity in unit density spheres and organ self-and cross-organ DFs in the Radiation Dose Assessment Resource (RADAR) reference adult phantom. The comparison with reference data demonstrated agreement within 5% for self-DFs to spheres and reference phantom source organs for four common radionuclides used in targeted therapy (131 I, 90 Y, 111 In, 177 Lu). Agreement within 9% was achieved for cross-organ DFs. We also present dose estimates to normal tissues and tumors from studies of two non-Hodgkin Lymphoma patients treated by 131 I radioimmunotherapy, with comparison to results generated independently with another dosimetry code. A relative difference of 12% or less was found between methods for mean absorbed tumor doses accounting for tumor regression.

An International Study of Factors Affecting Variability of Dosimetry Calculations, Part 2: Overall Variabilities in Absorbed Dose

The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2023

Dosimetry for personalized radiopharmaceutical therapy has gained considerable attention. Many methods, tools, and workflows have been developed to estimate absorbed dose (AD). However, standardization is still required to reduce variability of AD estimates across centers. One effort for standardization is the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 177 Lu Dosimetry Challenge, which comprised 5 tasks (T1-T5) designed to assess dose estimate variability associated with the imaging protocol (T1 vs. T2 vs. T3), segmentation (T1 vs. T4), time integration (T4 vs. T5), and dose calculation (T5) steps of the dosimetry workflow. The aim of this work was to assess the overall variability in AD calculations for the different tasks. Methods: Anonymized datasets consisting of serial planar and quantitative SPECT/CT scans, organ and lesion contours, and time-integrated activity maps of 2 patients treated with 177 Lu-DOTATATE were made available globally for participants to perform dosimetry calculations and submit their results in standardized submission spreadsheets. The data were carefully curated for formal mistakes and methodologic errors. General descriptive statistics for ADs were calculated, and statistical analysis was performed to compare the results of different tasks. Variability in ADs was measured using the quartile coefficient of dispersion. Results: ADs to organs estimated from planar imaging protocols (T2) were lower by about 60% than those from pure SPECT/CT (T1), and the differences were statistically significant. Importantly, the average differences in dose estimates when at least 1 SPECT/CT acquisition was available (T1, T3, T4, T5) were within 610%, and the differences with respect to T1 were not statistically significant for most organs and lesions. When serial SPECT/CT images were used, the quartile coefficients of dispersion of ADs for organs and lesions were on average less than 20% and 26%, respectively, for T1; 20% and 18%, respectively, for T4 (segmentations provided); and 10% and 5%, respectively, for T5 (segmentation and time-integrated activity images provided). Conclusion: Variability in ADs was reduced as segmentation and time-integration data were provided to participants. Our results suggest that SPECT/CT-based imaging protocols generate more consistent and less variable results than planar imaging methods. Effort at standardizing segmentation and fitting should be made, as this may substantially reduce variability in ADs.

Three-Dimensional Radiobiologic Dosimetry: Application of Radiobiologic Modeling to Patient-Specific 3-Dimensional Imaging-Based Internal Dosimetry

Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2007

Phantom-based and patient-specific imaging-based dosimetry methodologies have traditionally yielded mean organ-absorbed doses or spatial dose distributions over tumors and normal organs. In this work, radiobiologic modeling is introduced to convert the spatial distribution of absorbed dose into biologically effective dose and equivalent uniform dose parameters. The methodology is illustrated using data from a thyroid cancer patient treated with radioiodine. Methods: Three registered SPECT/CT scans were used to generate 3-dimensional images of radionuclide kinetics (clearance rate) and cumulated activity. The cumulated activity image and corresponding CT scan were provided as input into an EGSnrc-based Monte Carlo calculation: The cumulated activity image was used to define the distribution of decays, and an attenuation image derived from CT was used to define the corresponding spatial tissue density and composition distribution. The rate images were used to convert the spatial absorbed dose distribution to a biologically effective dose distribution, which was then used to estimate a single equivalent uniform dose for segmented volumes of interest. Equivalent uniform dose was also calculated from the absorbed dose distribution directly. Results: We validate the method using simple models; compare the dose-volume histogram with a previously analyzed clinical case; and give the mean absorbed dose, mean biologically effective dose, and equivalent uniform dose for an illustrative case of a pediatric thyroid cancer patient with diffuse lung metastases. The mean absorbed dose, mean biologically effective dose, and equivalent uniform dose for the tumor were 57.7, 58.5, and 25.0 Gy, respectively. Corresponding values for normal lung tissue were 9.5, 9.8, and 8.3 Gy, respectively. Conclusion: The analysis demonstrates the impact of radiobiologic modeling on response prediction. The 57% reduction in the equivalent dose value for the tumor reflects a high level of dose nonuniformity in the tumor and a corresponding reduced likelihood of achieving a tumor response. Such analyses are expected to be useful in treatment planning for radionuclide therapy.

Patient-specific dosimetry using quantitative SPECT imaging and three-dimensional discrete Fourier transform convolution


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MIRD Pamphlet No. 17: The Dosimetry of Nonuniform Activity Distributionsā€” Radionuclide S Values at the Voxel Level


tions to voxel dosimetry: the voxel S value approach based on the MIRD schema. Examples are provided wherein voxel S values are applied to nonuniform activity distributions to assess isodose contours and dose-volume histograms (DVHs) within treated tissue regions. Extensions of the approach are applied to autoradiographic data on radiopharmaceutical localization. The potential of these techniques to attain improved correlations with biologic response is also discussed.

MIRD pamphlet No. 17: The dosimetry of nonuniform activity distributions - Radionuclide S values at the voxel level


tions to voxel dosimetry: the voxel S value approach based on the MIRD schema. Examples are provided wherein voxel S values are applied to nonuniform activity distributions to assess isodose contours and dose-volume histograms (DVHs) within treated tissue regions. Extensions of the approach are applied to autoradiographic data on radiopharmaceutical localization. The potential of these techniques to attain improved correlations with biologic response is also discussed.