Endocrown: An Alternative Modality to Resort Extensively Damaged Molars: A Case Report (original) (raw)

Endocrown: Conservative Treatment Modality for Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth – A Case Report

Coronal rehabilitation of severely damaged endodontically treated teeth (ETT) is the most challenging task as there is high risk of failure than vital teeth. Advances in adhesive dentistry have made great contributions to cosmetic & restorative dentistry over the past few decades. The endocrown is indicated for the restoration of severely damaged molars, which requires specific restoration techniques to satisfy criteria that are primarily biomechanical in nature. In this paper, restorations of severely damage molar teeth were done by endocrown which represent a conservative and esthetic restorative alternative to full coverage crown. Endocrown type restoration fabricated from injected lithium disilicate ceramic in molars with extensive coronal destruction. This endocrowns can be acid etched, that have aggregate strength and esthetics, that bond to remaining tooth structure. New generation of ceramics &adhesives may lead to view of this endocrown as an alternative to conventional crown-root anchored restoration.

Case Report Post endodontic restoration of grossly attrited tooth using Endocrown: A case report

Endodontically treated teeth with extensive loss of tooth structure is a challenging task for a dentist to restore. Restoration via direct or indirect technique increases the mechanical strength as well as provides a stabilizing effect on the remaining toot h structure. The number of remaining walls, occlusal height, as well as total remaining girth of the walls available have been used as a guide to choose the treatment option after root canal treatment. Extensive loss of tooth structure warrants a full-coverage restoration which can be given over a core supported by a post. Endocrown is a one-piece restoration, usually indicated in cases with decreased crown height. This treatment option maintains the biological health of soft tissue and prevents interferences with periodontal tissues as due to the presence of supragingival position of the margins. Endocrown uses the surface area presented by the internal walls of the pulp chamber to obtain micromechanical bonding to the tooth surface. In this case study, a badly mutilated mandibular molar was rehabilitated using a monolithic ceramic restoration. Endocrown is minimally invasive and a suitable alternative to post and core wherever indicated.

Post Endodontic Restoration with Novel Endocrown Approach: A Case Series

Background: To observe the performance of endocrown in badly carious teeth. Two patients with badly carious tooth in posterior region of mouth came to private clinic for treatment. Both patients were interested in conservative and permanent treatment of posterior teeth. Crown height and occlusion was not permissible to do conventional crown. So decision was taken to do endocrown for both patient, case-1 in tooth no26 and in case-2 tooth no 25. Both crowns were made with high strength pressable ceramic IPS emax and cemented with paracore resin cement. After cementation of endocrown clinical observation was done after one week, one month, three months and six months for retention, color changes, marginal ditching and partial or complete fracture and debonding of endocrown. According to observational parameter of clinical study both crown was intact after every observation, there is no color changes, marginal ditching, partial or complete fracture of both crown. Both crowns retain properly in place and both patients have no complain about its function. Endocrown is alternate treatment plan in clinical dentistry after root canal treatment where badly broken teeth are present.

Restoration of Endodontically Treated Molars Using All Ceramic Endocrowns

Case Reports in Dentistry, 2013

Clinical success of endodontically treated posterior teeth is determined by the postendodontic restoration. Several options have been proposed to restore endodontically treated teeth. Endocrowns represent a conservative and esthetic restorative alternative to full coverage crowns. The preparation consists of a circular equigingival butt-joint margin and central retention cavity into the entire pulp chamber constructing both the crown and the core as a single unit. The case reports discussed here are moderately damaged endodontically treated molars restored using all ceramic endocrowns fabricated using two different systems, namely, CAD/CAM and pressed ceramic.

Endocrown Restorations: A Conservative Approach to Restore Extensively Damaged Endodontically Treated Teeth

EAS journal of dentistry and oral medicine, 2023

Rehabilitation of endodontically treated molar still remains a controversial issue. Over the years, the use of post-retained restorations has been questioned because of potential tooth weakening. Nowadays, endocrowns are considered as a reliable alternative technique to restore endodontically treated teeth with extensive coronal damage. This partial restoration requires specific preparation design and rigorous adhesion protocol. The present paper aimed to describe the preparation technique for endocrowns, indications, contraindications, and best material adapted for fabrication. This was illustrated through a clinical case to restore the first right mandibular molar by an endocrown fabricated from lithium disilicate-ceramic (IPS e-max CAD).

Endocrown: An Alternative Approach for Restoring Endodontically Treated Molars with Large Coronal Destruction

Case Reports in Dentistry

Rehabilitation of endodontically treated molar still remains a challenge. After endodontic treatment, molars lost their mechanical characteristics. In fact, they became fragile and that is in relation with the removal of pulp and surrounding dentin tissues. Endocrown which is a single partial restoration could be considered as a good alternative for restoring molars having large coronal destruction and presenting endodontic treatment difficulties. Through this work, we discuss the indication and use of endocrown to replace single crowns with intraradicular retention and to present a clinical case report of an endocrown-type restoration, fabricated from lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS e.Max CAD) in a mandibular first molar with extensive coronal destruction.

Endocrown: An Approach Towards Management of Endodontically Treated Teeth - A Case Report

International Journal of Current Research and Review, 2021

Introduction: Endocrowns are considered a viable option for the restoration of posterior endodontically treated and badly destructed teeth. When compared with conventional post & core crowns, the procedure involving the endocrown fabrication is considered more practical, less complex & easy to perform. Aims: To manage extensively damaged posterior teeth with a PFM based endocrown type of restoration. Methodology: This case report describes the management of extensively damaged endodontically treated posterior teeth, with endocrown-type restorations fabricated with metal ceramic-based prostheses with a 6-month follow-up period. Result: The porcelain-fused-to-metal prosthesis [PFM] based endocrown luted with GIC under proper isolation adheres perfectly with the bio integration concept and also had a success rate. Conclusions: Endocrowns has been considered as a promising treatment alternative for posterior endodontically treated teeth having excessive loss of coronal tooth structure associated with limited interocclusal space based on the patient's affordability and esthetic demands. The endocrown adheres perfectly with the bio integration concept & it should be used in restorative dentistry & should be more widely known.

“Conservative Bonded Restoration (An Alternative to Full Coverage Crown): A Case Report on Endocrown

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal

Background The restoration of endodontically treated tooth (ETT) with substantial loss of the tooth structure is challenging as it carries a higher chance of biomechanical failure than vital tooth in restorative dentistry. Post combined with complete coverage restoration is a well-established technique to save such teeth from fracture, but it does not follow the minimal invasive principles of adhesive dentistry. Case description This case report describes the management of endodontically treated mandibular premolar with lithium disilicate glass-ceramic endocrown (Emax). Conclusion Endocrown is a feasible option for the restoration of extensively damaged posterior tooth after endodontic treatment. Since posterior teeth are vulnerable to tooth loss, endocrown, which is a single partial restoration, can be regarded as replacing a single crown with intraradicular retention. How to cite this article Bejoy BM, Anitha S, George L. Conservative Bonded Restoration (An Alternative to Full Cov...

A Comparative In Vitro Study to Evaluate Two Designs of Endocrowns in Restoring Endodontically Treated Premolars

SciDoc Publishers, 2021

Our study's objective was to compare resistance to fracture and failure types betweena new design of endocrown and a conventional endocrownwhen subjected to shear force. Materials and Methods: Twenty human maxillary first premolars without cracks or caries that had been extracted for orthodontic purposes were collected.The crown portion of the specimens was removedup to 2 mm above the cementoenamel junction (CEJ). Afterward, these were endodontically treatedand then randomly divided into two groups and restored using two different methodsas follows: Group H: (n = 10)-teeth were restored with H-shaped endocrowns; Group EC: (n = 10)-teeth were restored with conventional endocrowns. All crowns were made from IPS e.max ceramic. Shear forces were applied to these restorations using a test machine until breakage. Results: No significant difference was observed in resistance to fracture between the two groups. However, a greater number of favorable fractures were observed in the conventional endocrowns'group, whereas most of those in the H-shaped endocrowns were unfavorable. Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, it can be concluded that the new endocrown design shows a higher fracture resistance than conventional endocrowns. but it causes more unfavorable fracture types than the latter.

Endocrown: A Substitute Approach to Post and Core for Rehabilitation of Endodontically Treated Tooth

Journal of Chitwan Medical College

Restoration of endodontically treated teeth (ETT) is distinct from root canal treatment although they are mutually dependent in planning, treatment and prognosis. The fabrication of full coverage crowns with or without the use of posts remains the long-established means of restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Despite all the clinical success achieved with intraradicular posts, they have been criticized for removal of sound tissue and risk of root perforation. With the amelioration of adhesive techniques and invention of newer materials, the concept of endocrown has been considered as an alternative and viable method for restoration of root canal treated molars. It is an indirect monoblock restoration aimed to achieve a bonded biomimetic reconstruction. The preparation is simple following minimally invasive principles of adhesive dentistry compared to conventional crowns with post and core. They have the advantage of removing lower amounts of sound tissue compared to other te...