Effect of height of stem on the productivity of winter common wheat (original) (raw)

Estimation of Yield and Stability of Varieties of Common Winter Wheat Grown Under Organic and Conventional Agriculture


In the period 2012-2015 IPGR - Sadovo examined the yields and stability of 24 varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The experiments were carried out on the experimental field of the IPGR - Sadovo under the conditions of organic and conventional agriculture. The purpose of the study is to assess the yield and stability of varieties of common winter wheat grown under the conditions of organic and conventional farming. The results of this test give us the right to recommend varieties of common winter wheat as suitable for organic farming. The influence of the climatic differences of the years on the yield of grain from winter wheat varieties is the strongest – 46,7% of the total variation. The effect of the type of farming is (organic and conventional) is 27,9% and the varieties – 5,5%. In the conditions of organic farming, the varieties of Sadovo 1, Momchil, Ioana, Niki, Prelom, Diamant, Boryana, Yunak, Petya, Guinness, Geya 1, Lucyl, Tsarevets and Enola received positive ...

Influence of winter sowing terms on productivity of Valerian medicinal

Agroecological journal, 2018

Дослідна станція лікарських рослин ІАП НААН Проведено аналіз температурного режиму та тривалості вегетації валеріани лікарської в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу. Визначено оптимальні строки сівби валеріани лікарської в осінній період та встановлено їх вплив на ріст, розвиток та продуктивність культури. Обґрунтовано, що для успішної перезимівлі посівів рослини повинні сформувати розетку з 3-5 справжніх листків до настання стабільно низьких температур. За накопичення суми активних температур (вище 5 °С) упродовж осіннього періоду понад 1126 °С частина рослин валеріани після перезимівлі вступає в генеративну фазу, що негативно впливає на формування врожайності кореневищ з коренями. Встановлено, що із збільшенням періоду вегетації продуктивність валеріани лікарської підвищується, а період вегетації в 266 діб забезпечує максимальну врожайність сухих кореневищ з коренями.

Role of a grade in technologies of cultivation of a winter wheat

RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries, 2014

На основании проведенного анализа литературных источников и собственных наблюдений показано, что сорта играют заметную роль в снижении развития вредителей и болезней. Доля влияния сортов на урожайность в технологиях возделывания достигает 15-20 и более процентов. Улучшаются потребительские качества зерна. Содержание клейковины в зерне достигало 39%, колебание от 25% у сорта Немчиновская 24 до 39% у сорта Московская 40. По качеству клейковины все испытанные сорта отнесены ко II группе.

The regeneration potential of promising winter common wheat lines in shoot apical meristem culture

Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv, 2019

Aim. To investigate the regenerative ability of promising winter common wheat lines in shoot apical meristem culture. Methods. Plant tissue culture methods, statistical evaluation of data. Results. The processes of morphogenesis in culture of apical meristem of 3-days seedlings of lines of winter common wheat were investigated and it was established that the frequency of callusogenesis and shoot regeneration in the studied forms is determined by the genotype of explant. Two types of callus with morphophysiological properties were identified: morphogenic and nonmorphogenic callus. The formation of regenerated plants from wheat calli took place through both gemmorizogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Conclusions. The line Erytrospermum 60068 was characterized the highest regeneration potential and it can be recommended for further biotechnology of wheat. Obtained technology of vigorous regenerated plant production of winter common wheat lines in shoot apical meristem culture can be us...

Comparative Study of Common Winter Wheat Lines

New knowledge Journal of science, 2015

The study was carried out in the experimental field of IPGR-Sadovo during the period 2009-2012. The aim of investigation was to establish the productive capacity of 18 common winter wheat lines and found their resistance to the fusarium head blight - Fusarium culmorum. It was determined that with the shortest length of vegetation period is BGR 824, with the shortest stem are: 284-1-1-2, 521-10, 557-3-1, with the longest spike is 97ВМ0080, with the biggest number of spikelets per spike are BGR 1115, BGR823, with largest thousand grain weight are BGR36339, BGR 36397, BGR 36398. The relatively highest yields were obtained from the lines: BGR 36398, BGR36339, 284-11-1-2. All these lines certainly of interest to plant breeding and could be included in selection program. Resistant lines to the agent of the fusarium head blight ( Fusarium culmorum ) in the studied wheat genotypes are not found.


The exploration is held in the period-2006-2007 with experienced Dobroudja Agricultural Institute-General Toshevo. Investigate winter common wheat is the type to inheriting the indication of length of the spike of hybrids. The nine hybrids from one topcross schema outline for engagement to six parental components are being analyzed. In the study two meat lines, one chinese and three bulgarian sorts are included. Lines in 167/96-113-49, 179/98-3 and chinese sort V8164 are exploited as maternal component, for the patronymic -sorts as well the Kristal, Todora and Enola. The analyzed matters are antithetic in the explored indication. At one the spike is long and sleazy, at others as well short and compact . The middlelevel arithmetical (х) and they are intended mistakes (Se), the variation coefficient (VC,%), the degree to the dominating (d/a), and the coefficients to the inheritance. On the ground to the changing and inheriting in F1 crossed generations the deductions are led, for the costliness of the used sorts and the type to inheriting the analyzed character. It is discovered that the head explorations spike distance-piece of lines and sorts of common wheat is from intermediary a super-dominance at handiness of dominance gene with actions in different direction. The coefficients to the inheritance in the narrow and baggy meaning establish changeless genetic control and determine on environments of his medium relatively ill, that it is security for a good candidate in the excerpt in the character.