Students’ Character in Social Interaction at SDI-Qu Al Bahjah Boarding School (original) (raw)
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Pattern of Character Building for Students in Middle School and Islamic Boarding Schools
Jurnal Ad'ministrare, 2020
This study aims to describe the pattern of character formation of students in Schools and Islamic Boarding Schools (studies on MTs Ma'Had Hadith Al-Junadiyah Biru with Watampone 3 Middle School. The subjects in this study are the Principal of Watampone 3 Middle School, Principal of Madrasah Tsanawiah Ma'Had Al-Junadiyah Blue Hadith, Religious Teachers, PPKn Teachers, Social Studies Teachers from Both Educational Institutions studied and students and students.The data collection was used by means of observation, interviews, documentation.The research instruments were supported through interview guidelines, observation guidelines and documentation documentation. The research shows that the two educational units, among others, namely SMP Negeri 3 Watampone and Madrasah Tsanawiah Ma'Had Al-Junadiyah Blue have similar character formation patterns in terms of methods while in terms of strategy formation patterns are carried out with different approaches. Watampone in terms of ...
Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan
Education is an effort to shape students' characters, one of which is to develop students who are independent, cooperative, tolerant, and critical thinkers. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to collect data on the process and application of character education, as well as data about the difficulties that teachers face when implementing character education in Islamic boarding schools. This study included several respondents, including Islamic boarding school supervisors, school principals, teachers, and eighth grade students. Interviews, observation, and documentation were used to obtain and collect data on character education in Islamic boarding schools. The results of this research demonstrate that character education at the Islamic Boarding School Tarbiyatul Banin Dukuntang Cirebon is consistent with national education goals, namely character formation. According to the data, the character education implemented at Tarbiyatul Banin Integrated Islamic Junior H...
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International journal of health sciences, 2022
This study aimed to analyze the teacher's role in developing the character of Islamic Junior High School students and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors in developing the character of Islamic Junior High School students. This research uses field research with qualitative research type. Using methodological (phenomenological) and scientific (psychology, sociology, and religious) approach. Sources of data come from primary and secondary data. Methods of collecting data through interviews, observation, and documentation. And the data management and analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and verification and conclusion. The results showed that the character development of Islamic Junior High School students is carried out through the head of the madrasa and the teacher. The role of the madrasah principal focuses on the control function, supervisory function, and management function. In contrast, the role of the teacher focuses on the role that is appli...
Strategic Management of Islamic Boarding School In Building Student Character
Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
This article aims to describe the implementation strategy of the MA CI Islamic Boarding School Management to build the morals of students and its relation to the morals of students who are in the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School Pacet Mojokerto. The study of this research by the researcher's view of the morals of students now as experienced by this nation, the moral decline has hit almost all life in Indonesia or other words, not only an economic crisis and a crisis of trust but also a moral crisis. This article includes qualitative research using a descriptive qualitative approach. The consideration of using this method is to reveal the reality and actuality of the students' morality from the strategies used at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School. In collecting data, the researcher used three methods, namely the interview method, the observation method, and the documentation method. The results of the study obtained an overview of the morals of students and the...
Design of Character Building for Learners in Boarding Schools in West Sumatera
Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 2019
This study aims to see how the school management in developing the character of students in one of the boarding school in West Sumatera. This study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken to 38 informants consisting of 8 elements of the school namely the principal, teacher, boarding supervisor, security and cleaning service, canteen keeper, students and parents. All data obtained by in-depth interviews with all informants, the authors also took data through direct observation at the research site. Overall the results of the study show that there are seven character values instilled by the school, namely religious character, curiosity, discipline, confidence, responsibility, independence and honesty. The seven character values are instilled through twelve activities such as tahsin and tahfidzd Al-Quran, worship services, prayers in congregation, learning clinics, training and guidance, Arabic and English communication programs in the dormitory, motivation, joint sports, mutual cooperation and daily activities. Character building design as implemented by the school, it turns out that it is able to change the behavior of students in a more positive direction such as manners, discipline, obedience to worship, obedient to the rules, clean and tidy life, daring to appear, regular life, and honest behavior. This means that the school has succeeded in fostering the character education of students through various activities and all these activities are well planned by the cooperation of all elements of the school. The author considers the design to be emulated by other schools as a guide in fostering the character of students.
This research was aimed at describing how is the model of educational character in High School Al-Istiqamah Simpang Empat, West Pasaman, West Sumatera and what strategy that was used by High School Al-Istiqamah to keep the quality outputs which have character, then this research became a model in organizing educational character related to the sustainable development and capacity human building. To get the aim of the research, the researcher used qualitative ethnography methodology. This study carried out on the condition of natural and cultural nature, it is more descriptive, it emphasis on the process rather than the product or outcome, data analysis conducted inductively, and further emphasize the significance (data behind the observed). The techniques of collecting data consisted of interviewing, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The model of educational character was (1) religious; (2) moderate; (3) smart; and (4) independent. The Strategy which was done to keep the output was forming the school’s culture such behavior, tradition, daily life, and symbols which were applied by all members of school and society around school.
Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
In Era Society 5.0, Indonesia is faced with the swift currents of globalization, a process of order owned by the global community that knows no boundaries. This is also happening in the field of education in Indonesia which is the cause of the nation's downturn on the grounds that our education does not produce good human resources. National character is something that is important to advance a nation. To overcome this, changes are needed in the learning of the Islamic boarding school program for students' religious learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the application of character education in religious learning through a short Islamic boarding school program. The method used is descriptive qualitative by collecting data through observation and interviews. These observations and interviews were conducted with teachers and students at MAN 3 Palembang. Data analysis uses the theory of Milles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and v...
Islamic Boarding School as a Role Model for Character Education
KnE Social Sciences
Islamic boarding schools aim to promote the character, behavior and morals of students. For this reason, this education system deserves to be a role model for character education at other educational institutions. This study examined the implementation of the character education system at the Islamic boarding school Al-Mawaddah Warrahmah, Kolaka. Qualitative methods were used with a phenomenological approach. Data were obtained through observations, documentation analysis and interviews. Based on the results, it was found that several character education methods were integrated with one another. The character education system involved learning activities, routines, spontaneous activity, habituation and conditioning. Keywords: Islamic boarding school, character education, role model
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
Islamic boarding schools are one of the educational institutions that are expected to be able to build Islamic character for all students who produce graduates who have various competencies to face various changes in today's era. legality is very much needed by both the world of work or the world of education for pesantren graduates. who have combined religious learning in pesantren with formal education and the quality of pesantren graduates is strongly influenced by the learning process in the pesantren.Therefore, Character Education in Islamic Boarding Schools is very important to balance the existing knowledge in Islamic boarding schools and schools. It is very necessary to research with a focus on character education issues, the objectives are: 1) Knowing the character education and materials developed by the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School. 2) Knowing the implementation used in the character education process developed by Cipasung and...
Antroposen Journal of Social Studies and Humaniora, 2023
This research is focused on examining sociocultural-based character education through observing the cultural backgrounds of the different students at the Riyadlul 'Ulum Integrated High School-Tasikmalaya. The research method used is the descriptive qualitative type with the determination of informants using a purposive sampling technique. Research data were obtained from observations, interviews, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and analyzed using data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. Sociocultural-based character education emphasizes the formation of characters that are in accordance with the social values prevailing in society. This is done by introducing these values from an early age through various activities at school or in the community. In sociocultural-based character education, the formation of individual character is not something that is separate from the social and cultural environment in which the individual is located. Therefore, this approach emphasizes the importance of integrating the formation of individual character with social and cultural values that exist in society. Thus, individuals can have strong character, be rooted in a positive culture and social values, and be able to contribute to improving the quality of social life in society.