On the Repose of Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra (1934-2019) (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Life and Teachings of Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra, part 2
The Orthodox Word 296 (2014): 114-51
This is the second and final part of my brief biography of Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra. The Elder reposed in the Lord on 9 May 2019. May his memory be eternal! My apologies for the garbled Greek in some of the footnotes, apparently the result of the formatting, though this does not appear in the version that was printed.
Le Mort dans la Ville. Deuxièmes Rencontres d'Archéologie de l'IFEA, Istanbul 8-9 Novembre 2012
Le développement de rites mortuaires complexes dans l’histoire de l’Homme a résulté dans un rôle croissant joué par les pratiques funéraires utilisées comme moyen de resserrer les liens à l’intérieur d’une même communauté. À cet égard, le singulier usage d'inhumer un individu au coeur de la communauté révèle avec acuité la force de cette relation que pouvaient entretenir les vivants et les morts. Les découvertes archéologiques récentes ont souligné l’importance de telles pratiques liées aux inhumations intra-muros en Anatolie. Bien qu’il semble possible de tisser un lien continu entre ces coutumes, les contextes dans lesquels s’inscrivent la pratique d’inhumer une personne au coeur même de la communauté, depuis l’enfant du Néolithique à Çatalhöyük à la libraire de Celsius à Ephèse, en passant par le Mausolée d'Halicarnasse, ont néanmoins radicalement changés en fonction des époques et des lieux. L’objectif de ce volume, en rassemblant des spécialistes de périodes et d’horizons différents, est d’offrir non seulement un point général de nos connaissances sur ces questions, mais aussi un éclairage concernant le mécanisme de ces pratiques, leur contexte et leur impact en Anatolie, du début de l’Âge du Bronze à l’époque romaine.
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 25/2 (December 2019)
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2020
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 25/1 (August 2019) http://saa.uaic.ro/issues/xxv-1/ CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE PAPERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Genealogies in the Ancient World Tartu (Estonia) 2016 —Sebastian FINK & Vladimir SAZONOV ——Introduction —Sebastian FINK & Vladimir SAZONOV ——Complex Genealogies in Mesopotamia: From Mesilim to Tukultī-Ninurta I —Siim MÕTTUS ——On the Lineage of King Telepinu —Mait KÕIV ——Manipulating Genealogies: Pheidon of Argos and the Stemmas of the Argive, Macedonian, Spartan and Median Kings —Jakub KUCIAK ——Der Mythos im Dienst der Politik: das Beispiel der euripideischen Tragödie Ion —Stephan SCHARINGER ——A Genealogy of Pythagoras —Tarmo KULMAR ——The Origin Myths as a Possible Basis for Genealogy of the Inca Imperial Dynasty in Ancient Peru ARTICLES —Radu-Ștefan BALAUR ——Community Structure, Economy and Sharing Strategies in the Chalcolithic Settlement of Hăbășești, Romania —Casandra BRAȘOVEANU ——Settlement Spatial Distribution from Late Chalcolithic to Early Hallstatt. Case Study: Cracău-Bistrița Depression —Anna LAZAROU ——Prehistoric Gorgoneia: a Critical Reassessment —Alexandr LOGINOV & Vladimir SHELESTIN ——La perception du sceptre en Grèce de l’époque d’Homère et de Mycènes à la lumière des parallèles de l’Orient Antique —Larisa PECHATNOVA ——Die Hypomeiones in Sparta —Elena NIKITYUK ——Kalokagathia: to a Question on Formation of an Image of the Ideal Person in Antiquity and During Modern Time —Maxim M. KHOLOD ——On the Representation and Self-representation of the Argead Rulers (before Alexander the Great): the Title Basileus —Dragana NIKOLIĆ ——Stoneworkers’ Hercules. A Comment on an Upper Moesian Inscription —José María ZAMORA CALVO ——Remarks on the so-called Plotinus’ Sarcophagus (‘Vatican Museums’, inv. 9504) —Cornel BALLA ——Some Considerations on the Praefectus ripae legionis primae Ioviae cohortis et secundae Herculiae musculorum Scythicorum et classis in plateypegiis —Felix-Adrian TENCARIU & Andrei ASĂNDULESEI ——‘Rock Salt Around the Clock’. Ethnoarchaeological Research Concerning Traditional Extraction of Salt for Animal Consumption
A recently discovered mausoleum and the issue of their existance at Apulum
Arheovest, V/1, 2017
Editor: Sorin FORȚIU (cu mulțumiri pentru ajutorul punctual acordat lui Andrei STAVILĂ, Cristian OPREAN, Adrian CÎNTAR și Simona REGEP) Coordonator: Dorel MICLE DVD-ROM: Adrian CÎNTAR WEB: Sorin FORȚIU și Claudiu TOMA Coperta: Alice DUMITRAȘCU Foto copertă: Tudor VREME-MOSER, http://ideatm.ro/wordpress/ Această lucrarea a apărut sub egida: © ArheoVest, Timișoara, 2017 Președinte Lorena SMADU www.arheovest.com ISBN 978-963-315-358-1 (Összes/General) ISBN 978-963-315-359-8 (I. kötet/volumul) Avertisment: Acest volum digital este o imagine cât se poate de fidelă a celui tipărit.
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23/2 (December 2017)
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23/2 (December 2017) http://saa.uaic.ro/issues/xxiii-2/ CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Felix Adrian TENCARIU, Măriuca VORNICU, Andrei ASĂNDULESEI, Loredana SOLCAN, George BODI, Casandra BRAȘOVEANU Investigating a Chalcolithic dwelling at Isaiia, Iași County, Romania — Policarp HORTOLÀ From antiquities to memorabilia: a standardised terminology for ancestral artefacts according to manufacture date — Florica MĂȚĂU, Ana-Lavinia MATRICALĂ, Adrian BELE, Ioana RUSU, Dragoș Lucian GORGAN, Neculai BOLOHAN Diagenetic analysis and historical interpretations. Case studies from eastern Romania — Sergey M. ZHESTOKANOV The mysterious expedition of Thrasybulus of Miletus — E. Deniz OĞUZ-KIRCA, Ioannis LIRITZIS Chasing Hygassos (Anatolia): Settlement under epigraphic evidence — Oleg KLIMOV The Greek culture of dialogue and of political decision-making process at Hellenistic Kings’ court — Arina BRAGOVA Cicero on the gods and Roman religious practices — Iulian MOGA Jewish society and family tradition in funerary inscriptions — Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA La population dans les villages situés entre Sacidava et Axiopolis — Eugene AFONASIN Neoplatonic Asclepius: Science and religion at the crossroads of Aristotelian biology, Hippocratic medicine and Platonic theurgy — Valerii KAVRUK, Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ A new exploratory project: The ethnoarchaeology of salt in the Inner Carpathian area of Romania REVIEWS — Victor Sava, Neolithic and Eneolithic in the Lower Mureș Basin (Ana DROB) — Blas Román Castellón Huerta, Cuando la sal era una joya. Antropología, arqueología y tecnología de la sal durante el Posclásico en Zapotitlán Salinas, Puebla (Mihaela ASĂNDULESEI)
E. Bresciani et al., Medinet Madi. Venti anni di esplorazione archeologica, 1984–2005
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists , 2007
The editors invite submissions not only from north-American and other members of the Society but also from non-members throughout the world; contributions may be written in english, french, german, or italian. manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to the editor at the address above. Submissions can be sent as an e-mail attachment (.doc and .pdf) with little or no formatting. A double-spaced paper version should also be sent to make sure "we see what you see. " We also ask contributors to provide a brief abstract of their article for inclusion in L' Année philologique, and to secure permission for any illustration they submit for publication.