Comparison Between Chromic Catgut and Vicryl Rapide for Analgesia Requirement in Episiotomy Repair in Primigravidas (original) (raw)
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Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2013
A significant number of women experience perineal trauma following vaginal deliveries and they require stitches. This may result in perineal pain, dyspareunia and faulty healing. The type of suture material which is used, will influence these factors. This study was conducted to compare the impact of two absorbable suture materials which were used for episiotomy repair, namely vicryl rapide and chromic catgut in relation to a short term maternal morbidity, in terms of the perineal pain and the wound healing. This was a prospective, randomized study which was conducted in the hospitals which were attached to JJMMC, Davangere. Four hundred women with episiotomies were randomly allocated to repair with either vicrylrapide or chromic catgut (200 each). The outcome measures which were assessed were perineal pain and wound healing at 24-48 hours, 3-5 days and 6 weeks postpartum. The two groups were similar at the trial entry. As compared to the chromic catgut group, the vicryl rapide grou...
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, 2019
Background: Doing and repairing episiotomy in a natural vaginal delivery is a painful phenomenon and various methods have been used to reduce its pain. Nowadays, topical ointments are being increasingly used due to low systemic absorption and ease of use. Objectives: The present study aimed to compare the effects of lidocaine-prilocaine cream (XYLA cream) and lidocaine injection on the reduction of pain while doing and repairing episiotomy. Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 98 pregnant women with the gestational age of > 37 weeks. In the intervention group that contained 50 women, 5 gr XYLA cream was applied to the episiotomy area one hour prior to delivery. It was also applied to healthy wound edges to numb the area while repairing episiotomy. In the control group, lidocaine 2% injection was used at the time of delivery. The two groups were compared regarding demographic characteristics, delivery characteristics, pain intensity based on visual analogue scale (VAS), and satisfaction with the applied technique. Results: The results showed no significant differences between the two groups with respect to age, occupation, mother's weight and education level, gestational age, parity, number of deliveries, and infant's weight and head circumference (P > 0.05). Also, no significant difference was found between the two groups concerning the length of the active, second, and third phases of labor (P > 0.05). Considering postpartum complications (episiotomy wound infection), the infection was detected in three participants in the XYLA cream group and four individuals in the lidocaine group, but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.376). It should be noted that the application of XYLA cream did not cause eye irritation in any of the infants. The results also revealed no significant differences between the two groups regarding pain intensity and satisfaction with the applied technique after doing and repairing episiotomy (P = 0.288). Conclusions: The results indicated that XYLA cream had no specific complications and had an effect similar to lidocaine injection while doing the episiotomy.
Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl Rapide) for Reducing Pain and Wounds Healing in Postpartum Perineum
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the use of polyglactin 910 (vicryrapide) and chromic catgut to perineal pain and healing wounds on postpartum. Method: This research is true experiment with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and single-blind. The number of respondents pad this study of 40 respondents were divided into 20 respondents to the intervention group (vicrylrapide) and 20 respondents for the control group (chromic catgut). Data analysis using independent t-test. Results: Statistical test results using independent t-test for pain showed p = 0.035 <0.05 and for wound healing showed p = 0.000 <0.05 of a second can mean the results are there differences in the use of threads polyglactin 910 (vicrylrapide) and chromic catgut thread to perineal pain and healing wounds in the mother postpartum perineum. Conclusion: The use rapidevicryl thread to repair perineal perineum or stitches can reduce perineal pain and healing wounds better than the use of the chro...
IP innovative publication pvt. ltd, 2019
Episiotomy is most commonly performed surgery for assisting vaginal delivery in indicated cases. Mediolateral episiotomy is most commonly performed in view of its benefits over other types. Postoperative complications and morbidity of patients is most important which should be given thought. One of the factor that plays a major role is type of suture material used. In our study we are comparing traditionally used chromic catgut with the fast acting polyglactin 910. Materials and Methods: The new prospective study and randomized control study compares long term and short term results of suturing episiotomy with Chromic Catgut 1.0 and polyglactin 910 (2.0). The parameters taken into consideration were pain and analgesia, gaping, dyspareunia etc. Total sample size was 560 consisting of 280 pts in each group. Results: The present study showed that the results of fast acting polyglactin 910 was definitely better than chromic catgut. Also morbidity in relation to pain, wound healing and other complications was found to be lesser in group of polyglactin 910. Conclusion: The present trend of suturing episiotomy with polyglactin is definitely better in terms of results and reduced morbidity.
Pain after episiotomy — a comparison of two methods of repair
The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 1980
Episiotomy is a very common oper¬ ation but little is known of its short-term or long-term morbidity. A prospective study was designed to record postpartum perineal discomfort and to investigate the presence and persistence of dyspareunia following episiotomy in 140 primigravidae. A comparison was made between those whose peri¬ neal skin was sutured with a subcuticular polyglycolic acid ('Dexon') stitch and those sutured with interrupted black silk stitches. Patients sutured with subcuticular 'Dexon' had significantly less perineal discomfort on the third, fourth, and fifth postpartum days. Patients who had epidural analgesia in labour had sig¬ nificantly more pain during the first five post¬ partum days irrespective of the suture material used. The timing of first coitus after delivery did not influence the presence or persistence of dys¬ pareunia. Dyspareunia was commoner and lasted longer in patients sutured with 'Dexon' and it was also commoner in older primigravidae irrespec¬ tive of the suture technique.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2006
Objective: The goal of our study was to compare the impact of 3 suture materials on perineal pain and on resumption of sexual intercourse. Study design: This randomized, controlled trial compared 3 types of suture materials (chromic catgut, polyglactin 910, fast-absorbing polyglactin 910) for second-degree perineal laceration or uncomplicated episiotomy. Patients were enrolled in early labor and assigned randomly to 1 of the 3 suture materials. Pain was evaluated at 48 hours, 6 weeks, and 3 months. The study subjects were questioned about residual perineal pain, resumption of sexual activity, and pain-free sexual intercourse. Logistic regression analyses were undertaken. Results: Of the 192 patients who were assigned randomly to groups, 66 patients had their perineal laceration repaired with chromic catgut; 60 patients had repair with polyglactin 910, and 66 patients had repair with fast-absorbing polyglactin 910. At 48 hours, there was no significant difference according to the pain measurement scores, but the median consumption of analgesics was significantly lower with fast-absorbing polyglactin 910 than with standard polyglactin 910. There was no difference in the resumption of sexual intercourse at 6 weeks after the delivery between chromic catgut (42%) compared with standard polyglactin 910 group (56%; P = .23). However, it was more frequent for women in the fast-absorbing polyglactin 910 group (66%; P = .02). After adjustment for confounding variables, perineal repair with fast-absorbing polyglactin 910 was associated with a higher rate of sexual intercourse (odds ratio, 2.55; 95% CI, 1.07-6.10) and a higher rate of pain-free sexual intercourse (odds ratio, 2.51; 95% CI, 1.03-6.10) at 6 weeks after delivery. Conclusion: Fast-absorbing polyglactin 910 for perineal repair is associated with earlier resumption of sexual intercourse when compared with chromic catgut.
Objective: To compare the morbidity following episiotomy repair by rapidly absorbed polyglactin and chromic catgut. Materials & Methods: This prospective longitudinal study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical College, Kolkata. 100 primigravida with episiotomy were divided into 2 groups Group I:CC (n=50) repaired with no 1,0 chromic catgut and Group II:VR (n=50) repaired with rapidly absorbed polyglactin and they were compared with respect to pain, wound complications, perineal edema and dyspareunia –at 2 hours, 2 days, 6 weeks and 3 months. Results: With regard to postoperative complications like pain, perineal edema and wound healing and resuturing, polyglactin was significantly better than chromic catgut. Moreover, persistent perineal pain and dyspareunia were significantly less in VR group at 6 weeks and 3 months. Conclusion: The shortterm morbidity following episiotomy repair with rapidly absorbed polyglactin is less when compared to chromic ca...
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 2018
Perineal trauma is a common problem that may affect women during vaginal delivery; this trauma can either spontaneous (tear) or intentional (episiotomy). When repair of perineal trauma is required, adequate analgesics must be obtained. Topical products as lidocaine-prilocaine (EMLA) cream is one of the suggested methods, but still there is lack of evidence with regard to its efficacy and safety. The aim of this review is to assess the evidence of utilizing EMLA cream in comparison to local perineal infiltration anaesthesia for pain control during perineal repair after vaginal delivery. Medline, Embase, Dynamed Plus, ScienceDirect, TRIP database, and the Cochrane Library were searched electronically from January 2006 to May 2018 for studies investigating the effect of lidocaine-prilocaine cream in relieving pain during repair of perineal trauma. All randomized controlled trials assessing effect of lidocaine-prilocaine cream versus local infiltration anaesthesia in ...
Episiotomy-Related Perineal Injury During Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease, 2018
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