Management Analysis Development Interests and Talents of Students Man Insan Cendekia Serpong – South Tangerang (original) (raw)
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The Purpose in this study was to determine the planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation of learning in MTsN Bandar Lampung City.This study uses an interpretive (a perspective that relies on the goal of understanding and explaining the social world from the point of view of the actors involved in it) paradigm with qualitative-descriptive methods. The approach used is naturalistic phenomenology.Findings from the results of the study about planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation in MTsN Bandar Lampung City are Planning starting with the establishment of the School Curriculum Development Team (TPKS) which is determined based on the school decree and is chaired by Headmaster. Organizingthe curriculum development team ranges from 7 people to 16 members. Meet the number of teacher qualifications.The teacher monitoring, evaluating the suitability of the SKL and evaluating the types of tests in the cognitive, effective, and practical fields.Implementation learning bu...
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020
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The researcher saw the management of talent development and interest in students of the Islamic Boarding School An Najah Purwokerto very representative for review. Good management has touched the development of students' talents and interests. The management can be seen from the existence of the Student Santri Organization (Osma) which is included in the education curriculum of Pesma An Najah Purwokerto. Through Osma, students are directed to develop their talents and interests. The aim is to shape the mentality of students who are competitive by being able to show their skills or talents of interest when they are involved in society. Santri is expected not only to wrestle in the world of religion but also in other aspects of life. Pesma An-Najah Purwokerto is unique compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the Banyumas area. An-Najah Pesma has a diverse student body of student organizations compared to other pesantren. There are several santri organizations that other pesa...
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
This study aims to describe and analyze the management of students covering aspects of recruitment, coaching, development, special services, and evaluation. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The researchers conducted the study at the Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Putra and Putri Islamic Boarding School in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. The researchers collected the data by observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed by snowball sampling technique. The results showed: Recruitment of new students at Islamic Boarding Schools by distributing registration information brochures through websites, social and electronic media and alumni channels. There are two ways to register, namely online and manual. The selection goes through two sections, namely: the ability to religious knowledge and general knowledge and the ability to read the Qur'an. The criteria for being a santri can read the Qur'an, have a formal education certificate; Coaching is done through formal learning and extracurricular learning; Development includes interests, talents, abilities and achievements of students; Special services such as Mosques, Dormitory, Libraries, Guidance and Counseling, Laboratory, Canteen, PUSKESTREN, UKS, NM/OSIS,) Extracurricular Transportation; Evaluation includes evaluation of types, tools and forms. Islamic boarding schools should integrate technology in learning activities because technology is essential as a provision for students after graduation.
Private Madrasah Aliyah Development Strategy of the South Lampung Regency, Indonesia
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021
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International Journal of Advanced Research, 2021
This research aims to describe the managerial competencies of Madrasah Tsanawiyah principals, which cover the conceptual roles, human relations, teaching competencies, technical competencies, and cognitive competencies at South Lampung Regency. The researchers applied the descriptive qualitative approach. The data was collected using three techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed within two stages: individual case data analysis and cross-case data analysis. The sources of data for this research were the principals, vice-principals, teachers, and employees. The results of this study indicate that, first, in conceptual competencies, madrasah principals can develop various levels of planning, develop madrasah organizations according to the needs, lead the madrasah to optimize resource utilization, have the right strategy to improve the performance of education personnel and create a conducive madrasah climate. Second, the human relations comp...
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
The curriculum serves as a learning program to accomplish institutional goals in educational institutions, making it crucial in developing high-quality schools. Meanwhile, People are constantly condescending toward madrasah. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the planning and implementation of the curriculum at MI Al Mukhlisin, Bandung Regency. In this study, methods like documentation, interviews, and observation were used. In an effort to examine the data, data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusions are then used. According to the study's findings, students at MI Al Mukhlisin had to actively participate in their learning, and the curriculum there gave practical knowledge precedence over theoretical. The research suggestion in the study is the implementation of Kurrikulum Merdeka for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ( Islamic Elementary School) in the future
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial, 2016
School based management determines eff ectiveness, effi ciency and productivity of school organization. It constitutes a new paradigm on educational system that gives wide autonomy to manage human and fi nance resources depending on priority. Its implementation is based on UU No.20 in 2003 regarding national education system article 51. MI Nurul Islam is one of the basic educational institutions that have successfully implemented school-based management. is is proved by academic and non-academic outcomes, supported by competitive quality, especially on religious discipline; good implementation stage of school based management (MBS); decentralization of educational implementation and successful character of headmaster of MI Nurul Islam. By using descriptive-qualitative approach, this study tries to explore the implementation strategy of school based management (MBS) in MI Nurul Islam Ngaliyan Semarang.
This paper aims to explain the principal of the madrasa's leadership in implementing the curriculum program at Madrasa Tsanawiyah Al Ittihadiyah Pangkalan Masyhur Medan. This study used a qualitative method because it revealed madrasa principals' behavior, vice-principal of the madrasa, education staff, and teachers in implementing madrasa curriculum management. For data collection, this study used interview techniques, observation, and document review. The data were collected then analyzed using data reduction steps, data exposure, and concluding. Triangulation techniques were used to ensure the validity of the data, both among participants and between methods. This findings indicated that the madrasa principal's leadership in implementing the curriculum program at MTs Al Ittihadiyah Pkl. Mahsyur is performed effectively. It was indicated by (1) the communication carried out by the principal of the madrasa in socializing the vision, mission, goals, and development of t...