Filipino Prehistory: Rediscovering Pre-colonial Heritage

In the history of nations, it is vital to understand the underlying pulse that beats in the course of its experience and narrative. Such is the story of the Filipino nation and its people-their aspiration and quest for identity and consciousness. For many centuries, the forces of the so-called "benevolent imperialism" and "pedagogical imperialism" had swept through the Philippine landscape. With the coming of the Spaniards and the Americans, the Filipino was subjugated and oppressed into a docile and lethargic ignoramus. One recurrent issue in the study and interpretation of Philippine history is the presentation of the viewpoint of the historians' narrative: Euro-centric versus Asian-centric historiography, colonial history versus anti-colonial/nationalist history. Aside from the problematic dichotomy of viewpoints, the Filipino historian realizes that he is facing a daunting task of sifting through a plethora of primary sources written by the colonial Other. Is it possible then to write a history of the Filipino people from his own viewpoint? This paper looks into the seminal book of F. Landa Jocano Filipino Prehistory: Rediscovering Pre-colonial Heritage (1998).

Cultural encounters and transformation of early historical polities on Lubang Island, the Philippines, ca. A.D. 1200--1800


Location of the site in Lubang Municipality…………………………….. 4.4 Floodplain and lowland areas in Lubang Island……………………. 4.5 Wall Ruins on the North side of the fortification……………………. 6.1 Wall ruins on the northwest side of the fortification…………….. 6.2 MV Conchita at the Port of Tilik……………………………………………………. 6.3 Local Farmers at work………………………………………………………………………. 6.4 Local informant and his Ming Dynasty Jarlet………………………….. 6.5 Local informant and his Ming Dynasty plate and brownware jarlet ………………………………………………………….



From pre-Hispanic until the early 18th century period, Laguna de Bay had been a significant geographic area for collective identity building as evidenced by the archaeological discoveries and historical records. This paper takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying the site by discussing the recovered artifacts and tracing significant literary works penned since the Spanish occupation up to the contemporary period. The findings, which demonstrated vast settlements, widespread production capacities, sustained trade relations with China and Indochina, and uniform burial styles were indications of environmental, cultural, political, industrial, and philosophical realities and activities that existed around the area.

The Archaeology of Pericolonialism: Responses of the “Unconquered” to Spanish Conquest and Colonialism in Ifugao, Philippines

International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2016

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Archaeology and Genealogy in the Discourses on Faith and Colonization

This article provides a philosophical analysis using Foucault's concepts of archaeology and genealogy to the Spanish colonization of the Filipinos. As a philosophical treatise, this article focused its discussion on the plurality of discourses that emerged and prevailed during the colonization. It illustrated the techniques and strategies used to propagate the discourses of the colonizers and to transform the Filipino natives into colonial subjects and in particular, the techniques and strategies utilized by Spanish missionaries. Lastly, it also presented the discourses of Filipino propagandists to enlighten the Filipinos about their colonial situation as well as to deconstruct the discourses inculcated by the colonizers in the Filipino consciousness. Read online Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online ArChAEOlOgy ANd gENEAlOgy iN ThE diSCOurSES ON FAiTh ANd COlONizATiON In dit artikel wordt een filosofische analyse gegeven van de begrippen archeologie en genealogie van Foucault ten opzichte van de Spaanse kolonisatie van de Filippijnen. Als filosofische verhandeling richtte dit artikel zijn discussie op de pluraliteit van de verleidingen die tijdens de kolonisatie naar voren kwamen en voorkwamen. In het verslag wordt een overzicht gegeven van de technieken en strategieën die worden gebruikt om de verkleuring van de kolonisatoren te verspreiden en de Filipijnse onderdanen om te vormen tot koloniale proefpersonen, met name de technieken en strategieën die door de Spaanse missionarissen worden gebruikt. Tot slot heeft zij ook de onverschilligheid van Filipijnse propagandisten gepresenteerd om de Filippijnen te informeren over hun koloniale situatie en om de misstanden die de kolonisten in het Filipijnse bewustzijn hebben veroorzaakt, te deconstrueren. Dieser Artikel enthält eine philosophische Analyse unter Verwendung von Foucaults Konzepten der Archäologie und Genealogie zur spanischen Kolonisierung der Philippinen. Als philosophische Abhandlung konzentrierte sich dieser Artikel auf die Pluralität der Diskurse, die während der Kolonialisierung entstanden und vorherrschten. Er veranschaulichte die Techniken und Strategien zur Verbreitung der Diskurse der Kolonisatoren und zur Umwandlung der philippinischen Eingeborenen in koloniale Subjekte, insbesondere die Techniken und Strategien, die von den spanischen Missionaren angewandt wurden. Schließlich wurden auch die Diskurse philippinischer Propagandisten vorgestellt, um die Filipinos über ihre Kolonialsituation aufzuklären und die von den Kolonisatoren im philippinischen Bewusstsein verkündeten Diskurse zu dekonstruieren.