Maximal muscular power: lessons from sprint cycling (original) (raw)
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Human muscle power generating capability during cycling at different pedalling rates
Experimental physiology, 2000
Human locomotory performance is dependent upon the ability of skeletal muscle to generate mechanical power, and sustain that power -that is, resist fatigue. Not surprisingly the factors influencing this capability have attracted the attention of many investigators dating back to and beyond the beginning of this century (see e.g.
The Importance of Isometric Maximum Strength and Peak Rate-of-Force Development in Sprint Cycling
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2004
Stone, M.H., W.A. Sands, J. Carlock, S. Callan, D. Dickie, K. Daigle, J. Cotton, S.L. Smith, and M. Hartman. The importance of isometric maximum strength and peak rate-offorce development in sprint cycling. J. Strength Cond. Res. 18 : 000-000. 2004.-This study was designed to investigate the relationship of whole-body maximum strength to variables potentially associated with track sprint-cycling success. These variables included body composition, power measures, coach's rank, and sprint-cycling times. The study was carried out in 2 parts. The first part (n ϭ 30) served as a pilot for the second part (n ϭ 20). Subjects for both parts ranged from international-caliber sprint cyclists to local-level cyclists. Maximum strength was measured using an isometric midthigh pull (IPF). Explosive strength was measured as the peak rate-of-force development (IPRFD) from the isometric force-time curve. Peak power was estimated from countermovement (CMJPP) and static vertical jumps (SJPP) and measured by modified Wingate tests. Athletes were ranked by the U.S. national cycling coach (part 1). Sprint times (from a standing start) were measured using timing gates placed at 25, 82.5, 165, 247.5, and 330 m of an outdoor velodrome (part 2). Maximum strength (both absolute and bodymass corrected) and explosive strength were shown to be strongly correlated with jump and Wingate power. Additionally, maximum strength was strongly correlated with both coach's rank (parts 1 and 2) and sprint cycling times (part 2). The results suggest that larger, stronger sprint cyclists have an advantage in producing power and are generally faster sprint cyclists.
This study investigates associations between power at several durations to show inter- relationships of power across a range of durations in sprint track cyclists. The currently-accepted hypothesis peak power holds a near perfect relationship with sprint performance, and thus a near 1:1 slope with power at sprint durations up to 30-s, is tested. The equally well-accepted and complementary hypothesis there is no strong association with power over longer durations is also tested. 56 data sets from 27 cyclists (21 male, 6 female) provided maximal power for durations from 1-s to 20-min. Peak power values are compared to assess strength of correlation (R2), and any relationship (slope) across every level. R2between 15-s – 30-s power and durations from 1-s to 20-min remained high (R2≥ 0.83). Despite current assumptions around 1-s power, our data shows this relationship is stronger around competition durations, and 1-s power also still shared strong relationships with longer durations out ...
AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2006
For both different individuals and modes of locomotion, the external forces determining all-out sprinting performances fall predictably with effort duration from the burst maximums attained for 3 s to those that can be supported aerobically as trial durations extend to roughly 300 s. The common time course of this relationship suggests a metabolic basis for the decrements in the force applied to the environment. However, the mechanical and neuromuscular responses to impaired force production (i.e., muscle fatigue) are generally considered in relation to fractions of the maximum force available, or the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). We hypothesized that these duration-dependent decrements in external force application result from a reliance on anaerobic metabolism for force production rather than the absolute force produced. We tested this idea by examining neuromuscular activity during two modes of sprint cycling with similar external force requirements but differing aerobic a...
Assessment of the upper body contribution to multiple-sprint cycling in men and women
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of repeated cycling sprints on power profiles while assessing upper body muscle contraction. Eighteen physically active participants performed 8 9 10 s repeated sprints while muscle activity was recorded via surface electromyography (sEMG) from the brachioradialis (BR), biceps brachii (BB), triceps brachii (TB) and upper trapezius (UT). Measurements were obtained at rest, during a functional maximum contraction (FMC) while participants were positioned in a seated position on the cycle ergometer and during the repeated sprint protocol. Results suggest that mainly type I muscle fibres (MFs) are being recruited within the upper body musculature due to the submaximal and intermittent nature of the contractions. Subsequently, there is no evidence of upper body fatigue across the sprints, which is reflected in the lack of changes in the median frequency of the power spectrum (P<0Á05).
Mechanical Effectiveness and Coordination: New Insights into Sprint Cycling Performance
Biomechanics of Training and Testing, 2018
The pedaling task remains a multijoint task with biomechanical constraints (e.g., circular trajectory of the pedal) requiring specific coordination of the lower-limb muscles. This chapter attempts to provide an overview of how aspects related to pedaling technique and muscle coordination partly account for maximal cycling power capability (i.e., sprint exercise). Our aim in this chapter is (i) to define the typical concepts involved, (ii) discuss the practical information provided (with some examples) and (iii) highlight the main messages for optimizing coordination and sprint performance. Provided that the dynamometer used is capable of dissociating the force produced by each leg with sufficient temporal resolution and measuring the orientation of force, it is possible to analyze the pedal force profile throughout the cycle and the capacity of the athlete to effectively orientate this force. Using inverse dynamics (including calculation of both muscular and nonmuscular components) and measuring EMG activity our interpretation can clearly be taken to a new level by better characterizing the involvement of each muscle group. Despite their inherent limitations, these data represent useful information about the force-generating capacity of big muscle groups (extensors and flexors) as well as about pedaling technique, especially for exercise performed at low and intermediate pedaling rates around which maximal power output is produced. It is possible in practice to identify any potential weakness in the contribution of specific muscle groups (extensor and flexors of the hip, knee and ankle) and finally to characterize muscle coordination and its key role as a limiting factor of maximal power.
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 2007
Cycling was performed to test the following two hypotheses: (1) muscular efficiency is unrelated to pedal rate (61, 88, and 115 r.p.m.) for a group of subjects with a wide range of slow twitch (ST) fibers in spite of decreasing whole-body efficiency and (2) muscular efficiency correlates positively with % ST muscle fibers, and this correlation is more pronounced at low pedal rates than at high pedal rates. Whole-body gross efficiency decreased from 20-22% at 61 r.p.m. to 15-18% at 115 r.p.m. Mean muscular efficiency for all subjects (n=16) was approximately 26%, with delta efficiency being constant and muscular efficiency (taking internal power into account) slightly increasing with pedal rate. Muscular efficiency correlated positively (R(2)=0.25) with % ST fibers (21-97% ST in m. vastus lateralis) at 115 r.p.m. while not at 61 and 88 r.p.m. In conclusion, the decrease in whole-body gross efficiency with increasing pedal rate was not explained by a decrease in muscular efficiency, a...
Effects of previous dynamic arm exercise on power output during repeated maximal sprint cycling
Journal of Sports Sciences, 1994
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Current convention place peak power as the main determinant of sprint cycling performance. This study challenges that notion and compares two common durations of sprint cycling performance with not only peak power, but power out to 20-min. There is also a belief where maximal efforts of longer durations will be detrimental to sprint cycling performance. 56 data sets from 27 cyclists (21 male, 6 female) provided maximal power for durations from 1-s to 20-min. Peak power values are compared to assess the strength of correlation (R2), and any relationship (slope) across every level. R2 between 15-s– 30-s power and durations from 1-s to 20-min remained high (R2 ≥ 0.83). Despite current assumptions around 1-s power, our data shows this relationship is stronger around competition durations, and 1-s power also still shared strong relationships with longer durations out to 20-min. Slopes for relationships at shorter durations were closer to a 1:1 relationship than longer durations, but clos...