Quale neoruralismo? (original) (raw)

Che cos'è il Nuovo Realismo?

The aim of this article is to illustrate new realism and its position with regard to modern and contemporary philosophy and its transcendental turn. I will posit that new realism, while being very well aware of this turn (followed in particular by postmodern thinkers), rejects it: in fact, from a realist perspective, the existence of ancestral beings, existing long before humans, proves that reality cannot be regarded as a correlate of human thought. I will therefore refute the theory of the dependency of reality on thought, positing that thought emerges from reality itself and arguing that the main problem with anti-realism stems from a twofold confusion: between ontology and epistemology on one side, and between natural objects and social objects on the other. I will also provide the main features of the new realist theory through the key concepts of unamendability (for which, negatively, reality resists our conceptual schemes) and affordance (for which reality also tells us, positively, something about itself). Finally, I will sketch the most important outlines of my theory of documentality, according to which inscribed acts are the basis of social reality.

Critica del nuovismo

Critics to newness Even in the field of Education, where it is necessary to evaluate the goodness of systemic choices on the long run, a market-driven logic nowadays prevails. Research in Education appears not to be focused on finding the reasons for a widespread uneasiness, whereas false needs are induced before showing how to satisfy them with innovative interventions. A continuous reference to novelty in the proposals produces a halo effect that supports their general validity (and if it should not be the case, the missing results are attributed to an incorrect application of the proposals). This allows avoiding an in-depth and real consideration of the new interventions, probably because conclusions would be highly uncertain.

Tornare alla terra. Forme di neoruralismo come strategia di resistenza ed esercizio di sovranità alimentare

L'UOMO, 2022

L’orticoltura urbana è una pratica che nel corso del tempo ha acquisito una rilevanza e uno spazio sempre maggiori in vari luoghi del mondo contemporaneo. L’articolo esplora le ragio- ni, i percorsi e i significati che tale pratica ha assunto in alcuni specifici contesti, sofferman- dosi in particolare sull’analisi dell’orticoltura urbana intesa nella sua dimensione di forma di protesta e resistenza e strumento di riappropriazione, di spazi e di relazioni. Il caso preso in esame è la città metropolitana di Napoli, luogo segnato da storie relativamente recenti di espropriazione, degrado e devastazione dei suoli e che oggi si fa protagonista di movimenti collettivi che operano in direzione di un ritorno a quella che un tempo era una terra felix.