Tindakan Pencegahan Malaria DI Desa Sudorogo Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo (original) (raw)

Faktor Praktik Pencegahan Dan Lingkungan Rumah Dengan Kejadian Malaria DI Desa Jatirejo Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2015

Malaria is a disease that is very widely spread in most parts of the world, both the tropical and sub-tropics. The purpose of this research is to know the relation factors of prevention practices and environmental conditions with incidence of malaria in the Jatirejo village Kaligesing district Purworejo Regency. This study used a case control approach using purposive sampling. Sample research consists of 36 cases and 36 controls. The instruments used in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of statistical analysis shows the variables that are associated with the malaria cases

Efektifitas Pembentukan Kader Malaria Desa Untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi Kepala Keluarga Dalam Upaya Pengendalian Malaria DI RW I Dan RW III Desa Hargorojo Kabupaten Purworejo

Unnes Journal of Public Health, 2016

Pengendalian malaria akan berhasil apabila disertai partisipasi dari masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pembentukan kader malaria untuk meningkatkan partisipasi kepala keluarga dalam upaya pengendalian malaria di RW I dan RW III Desa Hargorojo Kabupaten Purworejo. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan non equivalent control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kepala keluarga di RW I dan RW III Desa Hargorojo. Pada penelitian ini digunakan purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel kelompok eksperimen adalah 20 dan kelompok kontrol 20. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat (uji Mann Whitney). Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara posttest kelompok yang diberi intervensi pembentukan kader malaria dengan kelompok yang diberi intervensi hanya penyuluhan (p=0,000). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan kader malaria desa efektif meningkatkan partisipasi kepala keluarg...

Skrining Malaria DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Banyuasin Kecamatan Loano Kabupaten Purworejo Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health), 2014

Province, includes in endemic area which still has high rate of malaria disease and increased in this last three years. In 2005 it was founded four persons which positively suffered malaria; in 2006 it was founded 66 persons which positively suffered malaria (API 5,4 per 1000 populations) and increase the case in 2007 by 202 persons which positively suffered malaria. Screening test was necessary as initial filtering test of malaria diseases in operational area of

Pengendalian Vektor Malaria di Daerah Endemis Kabupaten Purworejo, Indonesia


Purworejo is the endemic area of ​​malaria with the highest case increase occurring in 2015 amounted to 1411 cases. Appropriate control can be performed effectively based on vector bionomics. The aims of study were to determine species, behavior, resistance, and control methods of malaria vectors. Methods were larva andmosquitoes collection, breeding place of mosquitoes surveys, resistance of mosquito and evaluation of the effectiveness of vector control. The research was conducted in Sendangsari Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency The result of the research showed that An. barbirostris sucked blood indoor, outdoor, and cage. An. balabacensis sucked blood indoor and cage. An. maculatus, An. aconitus, An. kochi, An. Indifinitus, and An. fagus were found to suck blood in the cage. An. maculatus showed resistance to insecticide permetrin 0,75% Indoor Residual spraying (IRS) and the use of insecticide treated bed nets were the vector control perfomed in the area of study. The bre...

Kerjasama Pemerintah Kabupaten Purworejo dan Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata Kaligono Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo

Journal of Politic and Government Studies, 2018

The success of the development of the national tourism sector is strongly supported by the role of regional tourism development potential. Since the policy on tourism, tourism village development in Indonesia began to emerge one of them is Kaligono Tourism Village. The development of a tourist village demands coordination and cooperation and a balanced role between the government, the private sector and the community. This study aims to describe the cooperation implemented by the Government of Purworejo Regency and the community in the development of Kaligono Tourism Village. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. Sources / subjects of this research include Head of Promotion and Cooperation of Tourism and Culture Office of Purworejo Regency, Kaligono Village Government, Pokdarwis Dewi Kano manager, Pokdarwis Nuansa Alam, Pokdarwis Joko Kendhil , visitors and community. The data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation study. The resu...

Deskripsi Kasus Malaria DI Kabupaten Purworejo Tahun 2009 – 2013

Buletin Keslingmas, 2015

Malaria is an infectious disease of the blood parasite plasmodium which is transmitted by mosquito Anopheles sp. Malaria cases in Purworejo in 2000 as many as 33 543 cases or API (Annual Parasite Incidence) 43.7 ‰, to 2009 cases continue to decrease the number of cases or API 359 ‰ 0:47.

Gambaran Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan Masyarakat pada Peningkatan Kasus Malaria di Kabupaten Purworejo Tahun 2015

ASPIRATOR - Journal of Vector-borne Disease Studies, 2018

There has been increased of malaria cases in Purworejo District, especially in Sendangsari Village, Bener District in 2015. The one influence factors of malaria transmission was behavior, it consist of knowledge, attitude and practice domains. The aims this study was described of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the community and conduct interventions related to survey results. The research method were cross-sectional to collect data of the knowledge, attitudes and practices and one group pretest posttest design to measure the intervention. The number of samples obtained as many as 90 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between education and knowledge, as well as knowledge with attitude (p < 0.05). While variables relationship of knowledge with practice/action and attitude with practice/action showed an insignificant (p > 0,05). The result of the intervention by direct information showed that knowledge of the respondents between b...

Pengaruh Lingkungan Dan Perilaku Terhadap Kejadian Malaria DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sanggau Kecamatan Kapuas Kabupaten Sanggau

Jurnal Mahasiswa Pspd Fk Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013

Background. Malaria is one of the infectious disease which have been being the public health problem in Indonesia. Puskesmas Sanggau, one of the 13 puskesmas in Kapuas District, where have most clinical case of malaria, that are about 1648 case in 2009. Malaria are affected by outdoor and indoor environment and behaviour of people's living. Objective. Get the informations about the environment and behaviour that are influenced malaria at work-line area of Puskesmas Sanggau in Kapuas District, Sanggau Region. Method. This research is the analytical studies with case control design. Cases are the people who registered as the clinical malaria patients at Puskesmas Sanggau. The data were taken by interviews and observation from the respondent houses. Analysis have done as bivariate with Chi-Square test and multivariate with logistic regression. Result. The number of the sample in this research are 70 that divide into 35 cases and 35 controls. The independent variable which not influence to malaria are the canals or gutter on there, the density of the house wall, mosquito repellent using and the outdoor activity on the night. The canals or gutter have the significant relationship to malaria case (p=0,000) but they don't influence to the malaria cases directly. The other independent variable that influence malaria is cases are the bushes presenting (OR=5,129), using wire gauze on the ventilation (OR=3,917) and the habit to use mosquito net (OR=3,515). That about 89% to whom has three risk factors than they have not the risk. Conclusion. The variable which influence malaria infected are the presence of bushes, using wire gauze on the ventilation and the habit to use mosquito net. Thus it should be suggested to increase of Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS), to use wire gauze at every ventilation and habitually to use mosquito net to avoid mosquito bites.

Studi Bionomik Vektor Malaria DI Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kulonprogo

Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan, 2018

The increasing of malaria cases in recent years at Kecamatan Kalibawang has been suspected correspond with the conversion of farming land-use which initiated in 1993. Four years after the natural vegetation in this area were changed become cocoa and coffee commercial farming estates, the number of malaria cases in 1997 rose more than six times, and in 2000 it reached 6085. This study were aimed to observe whether there were any differences in density and diversity of Anopheles as malaria vector between the cocoa and mix farming during dry and rainy seasons. The results of the study are useful for considering the appropriate methods, times and places for mosquito vector controlling. The study activities comprised of collecting Anopheles as well as identifying the species to determine the density and diversity of the malaria vector. Both activities were held four weeks in dry season and four weeks in rainy season. The mea-surement of physical factors such as temperature, humidity and ...


Health Sciences Journal, 2022

The increasing number of cases of Covid-19 causes anxiety for everyone who does not worry about the elderly. Family support is very important in increasing anxiety. This research aims to. knowing the relationship between family support and elderly anxiety in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in Kepolorejo Village, Magetan District, Magetan Regency. Design that uses deep correlation with cross-sectional method. The elderly population is 1615 people. Purposive sampling was used to select 94 respondents as samples.The questionnaire was used as a research tool. Chi square test was used to evaluate the data, with a significance threshold of 0.05. The results of the study of 94 respondents showed that respondents received positive support as many as 49 respondents (52.1%) and negative support as many as 45 respondents (47.9%). Meanwhile 38 respondents (40.4%) had mild anxiety, 23 respondents (24.5%) had moderate anxiety, and 33 respondents (35.1%) had severe anxiety. Based on statistical tests obtained p value 0.003 <0.05, with cc 0.331 this matter that there is a relationship between family support and anxiety. In the study, a small proportion of 10 respondents (20.4%) received positive family support with severe anxiety and 11 respondents (24.4%) received negative family support with mild anxiety. This happens not only because of the aspect of family support, but also because of the age factor, because the older you get, the easier it is to experience anxiety. The findings of this study are expected to provide positive family support for the elderly in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, thereby reducing the elderly.