Reading matter: modernist short fiction and things (original) (raw)

meta-writing of the characters in the novel of the French Enlightenment through Modernism

ЗРАДЛИВЕ ПЕРО»: МЕТАПИСЬМО АВТОБІОГРАФІЧНОГО ГЕРОЯ (на матеріалі французького роману від Просвітництва до модернізму) Юлія ПАВЛЕНКО Київський національний лінгвістичний університет В статті представлене дослідження французьких романів, наративною формою яких є письмо героя. У фокусі аналізу перебуває метаписьмо героя як вимір самопізнання суб'єкта. Дослідження пропонує типологію метаписьма, що включає підхід, пов'язаний з визначенням жанрової своєрідності, структури та поетикальних особливостей текступисьма французького роману від Просвітництва до модернізму. Аналіз метарівнів аналізованих творів дозволяє наблизитись до визначення природи письма як естетичної роботи фікціонального суб'єкта.

Mind and Body in English Post-postmodernistic Novels


Проект виступу на Міжнародній науковій конференції «Тіло як текст та текст тіла: тіло / тілесність у художньому та літературознавчому дискурсах» 29 березня, м. Київ ДИХОТОМІЯ ТІЛА Й СВІДОМОСТІ В СУЧАСНОМУ БРИТАНСЬКОМУ РОМАНІ В АСПЕКТІ КОНЦЕПЦІЇ ГЕҐЕЛІВСЬКОГО «ЗНЯТТЯ»

Modern Prose at Literature Lessons and in Independent Reading of Senior Secondary School Students

Philological Class, 2020

The article deals with an actively debated issue of the role and place of modern literature in the reading activity of a senior secondary school student. Should we include it in the school curriculum, or should it be an extracurricular activity performed by students in their free time? If we choose to study it in classroom, how can we include works of modern authors in the real school curriculum? The analysis of research works devoted to the formation of the reading scope of senior schoolchildren shows that, on the one hand, modern teenagers display inadequate knowledge of contemporary literature and poor ability to orient in this realm, and, on the other hand, they express a desire to go beyond the school course of literature (Russian classics) and to read books written by contemporary authors. The need for high quality contemporary literature comes from intelligent and creatively thinking schoolchildren, and the teacher is to meet these demands. Short prose by contemporary authors suitable for senior secondary school students can be suggested for home reading and classroom study. The article outlines possible scenarios of discussion of short stories by D. Novikov (“A Fly in Amber” and “The Truth of the Water”), E. Vodolazkin (“A Completely Different Time”), and M. Shishkin (“The Rumbling Ceased…”). These short stories are accessible to teenagers as the narration focuses on the characters’ (or author’s) childhood or youth. The works of these authors are written in the traditions of the Russian classics (the article gives a detailed description of Bunin’s themes and motives in the prose by Novikov and Vodolazkin and Pasternak’s pretexts in the short story by Shishkin) – and this makes it possible to discuss the syllabus literary material to demonstrate various multilevel relations between texts of different epochs and to bridge the gap between “classics” and “contemporaries” in the minds of senior secondary school students.Статья обращена к рассмотрению активно обсуждающихся в профессиональном учительском сообществе вопросов: какое место в круге чтения современного школьника занимает современная литература? Нужно ли ее изучать на уроках или она должна оставаться досуговым чтением? Если нужно, то как включить произведения современных авторов в реальный учебный процесс? Анализ исследований, посвященных формированию круга чтения старшеклассников, показывает, с одной стороны, недостаточно хорошее знание школьниками современной литературы, не очень уверенную ориентацию в сегодняшнем литературном пространстве, а с другой стороны, их активное стремление выходить за пределы программного изучения литературы и не ограничиваться только хрестоматийными текстами. Запрос от умных, хорошо подготовленных и творчески мыслящих старшеклассников на качественную современную литературу есть, и учителю необходимо на этот запрос ответить. Для рассмотрения на уроках или для домашнего чтения можно предложить короткую прозу современных авторов, которая доступна для восприятия старшеклассников. В статье показаны возможные пути обсуждения рассказов Дмитрия Новикова («Муха в янтаре» и «Правда воды»), Евгения Водолазкина («Совсем другое время») и Михаила Шишкина («Гул затих…»). Произведения этих авторов наследуют классике (подробно рассматриваются бунинские мотивы и элементы поэтики в прозе Д. Новикова и Е. Водолазкина, пастернаковские претексты в рассказе М. Шишкина) – и это позволяет актуализировать в обсуждении программный литературный материал, показать разнообразные и многоплановые связи текстов разных эпох и снять противопоставленность в сознании старшеклассников «классиков» и «современников»

The reader with 'a lamp at the crossroads': Kiš's concepts of the reader and Kiš as the reader

Bastina, 2021

Pictured as an introduction into the study of the same name due to be published in the book Some Real And Possible Worlds, this paper focuses on Kiš as the reader of the works of others and his own works, as well as on the types of readers in his poethics. That is where the writer's concept, i. e. the concepts of readers originate from. (The study consists of the following sections: 1. The reader and narrative metalepsis in the novel Mansarda, 2. The naive and insightful reader in Garden, Ashes, and Early Sorrows, 3. The ideal reader: Hourglass 4. Muromancy. Readers of the marks on the wall in the prose of Danilo Kiš 5. The reader as an interpreter and the interpreter as a reader, 6. Kiš's explicit concept/concepts of the reader.) Although his understanding is not expressed as a firm theoretical system, thus the concept is spoken about in a wider sense, the research confirms that Kiš was one the most curious readers of his time, a writer who intensively reflected on reading,...

The concept of fiction in Soroka’s «Crumbs»

Philological Review

In the article, we analyze the concept of fiction in the short story collection «Crumbs» (2019) by the Ukrainian writer Petro Soroka. In this book, the author directly speaks out about his vision of literature; in some tales, he makes digressions, comments on his writing practice and narration, and outlines his understanding of fiction. All these things create a balance between the author’s intentions and concrete texts. In a broad context, the book is a valuable source for researching short stories in modern Ukrainian literature, the nature of fiction in general, and the understanding of fictionality these days. Soroka considered «Crumbs» the pinnacle of his writing. But the book remains unnoticed. The relevance of the article is grounded on this. The aim of the article is to outline and identify the conception of fiction proposed in «Crumbs». For that, we solve two main tasks – analyzing the author’s reflections and tracing the realized and unrealized intentions in concrete works....

The reader and the narrative metalepsis in the novel 'The Attic' by Danilo Kiš


As a writer who read and followed the contemporary literature and literary theory in several different languages and who intensively contemplated the act of reading and thematised it in his belletristic prose, Kiš had already problematised in his novel The Attic the most important aspects of reading, brought to light and actualised by the classical literature and placed at the centre of research by the post-classical theory of narration: the first person narration and the problem of identity of the author's I, the use of the trompe-l'œil technique, transgression of the narrative levels/narrative worlds and narrative metalepsis, the boundary between life and literature etc. The author of this paper focuses its research on the reader and the narrative metalepsis in Danilo Kiš's first romanesque novel. The first part is dedicated to the definitions of narrative metalepsis in the contemporary theoretical studies (from Gérard Genette to John Pier), the second one to the types...

Игра в читателя: критическая проза модернистов (М. Пруст, В. Вулф, А. Платонов).

Ласкина Н.О. Игра в читателя: критическая проза модернистов (М. Пруст, В. Вулф, А. Платонов). — Новосибирск: Изд. НГПУ, 2012., 2012

В книге исследуется одна из ведущих литературных стратегий литературы первой половины ХХ века – присвоение писателями функций и ролей, связанных с рецептивной стороной литературного процесса. Переосмысление отношений между автором и читателем и между литературой и критикой, характерное для модернистской культуры, воплощается в литературных проектах особого типа, изучение которых необходимо как для понимания важнейших художественных текстов модернизма, так и для систематизации истории литературы. Три таких писательских эксперимента в области литературы и критики рассматриваются в монографии.

Post-postmodern identities in contemporary British novels

In the paper, I investigate the psychology of British post-postmodern novels. On the material of contemporary British novels written by S. Waters, I. McEwan, M.J. Hyland, M. Haddon, D. Mitchell the concept of postmodern identities presented in the researches of F. Shteinbuk has been developed. It is emphasized on the perspective of the presented theory in the literary discourse of post-postmodernism. The models of representation of “role identity” as a component of post-postmodern literary identity have been outlined and conflicts between individual identities and group identity have been analyzed. Intensified detection of psychology in contemporary novels is determined by the development of ego-literature, which involves constructing the experiences of the subject of narration, which, by writing a diary, carries out self-knowledge and, at the same time, explains it to others. The possibilities of expanding the theoretical and methodological field of contemporary literary theory by means of psychological approaches and results of psychological studies on personal identity in the aspect of role theory, transactional analysis, etc. have been discussed in the research. Key words: post-postmodernism, British novel, ego-novel, role identity, autism, post-postmodern identities, literature of fact.